Searched: Eelco *Visser[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web

Homepage: APTS is a the Abstract Program Transformation System developed by RobertPaige. CategorySystem Contributions by Main ...
A tool suite to support the development of specifications written in the ASFandSDF formalism. It includes parser and parser generator a structure editor an interpreter ...
A new revision of this paper is available under the title Survey of Strategies in Rule Based Program Transformation Systems. Main.EelcoVisser 12 Mar 2004 Main.EelcoVisser ...
E. Visser. A Survey of Strategies in Rule-Based Program Transformation Systems. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 40(1):831--873, 2005. Special issue on Reduction Strategies ...
Homepage: which has tools for post-pass optimizations, e.g. code compression. CategoryCompany ...
Homepage: MAPTransformationSystem CategoryPeople
T. B. Dinesh, MagneHaveraaen, and JanHeering, An algebraic programming style for numerical software and its optimization, Scientific Programming , 8(4), 2000. 247 ...
Homepage: Author of PancitoLibrary (among other things). CategoryPeople
Homepage: FreshML CategoryPeople
Homepage: Stratego.BuildingProgramOptimizersWithRewritingStrategies by the Rules CategoryPeople
ATerm (short for Annotated Term) is an abstract data type designed for the exchange of tree-like data structures between distributed applications. See Tools.ATerm ...
Homepage: Arne de Bruijn is a student at Universiteit Utrecht and works on InliningStrategies in general and the interaction ...
Homepage: Hardware synthesis via term rewriting Transform.CategoryPeople
Attribute grammars were introduced by DonaldKnuth in 1968 for the definition of the semantics of (programming) languages. An attribute grammar is a specification that ...
BURG is a system for CodeGeneration from IntermediateRepresentation expression trees developed by ChristopherFraser, ToddProebsting and others in the early 90's. Papers ...
Homepage: Stratego.SpecificationOfRewritingStrategies CategoryPeople
The idea is to position the basic blocks of a procedure in such a way that most executions of the code will fall through branches (forward branches are typically predicted ...
Homepage: Provides CAPE tools for engineering communication protocols and other cooperating processes. (Provides documentation ...
Homepage: WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming CategoryPeople
BibTeX is a DataFormat for bibliographical information that is used in conjunction with LaTeX. The Stratego.BibtexTools package provides a syntax definition for BibTeX ...
Branch Coverage For Arbitrary Languages Made Easy: Transformation Systems To The Rescue! by IraBaxter of SemanticDesigns, Inc. Abstract ...
CIAO is a customizable and extensible navigator developed by AT T . It allows users to query, analyze, visualize, and track structures of various software and document ...
ckit is a C front end written in SML that translates CProgrammingLanguage source code (after preprocessing) into abstract syntax represented as a set of SML datatypes ...
About the language The C Programming Language, Second Edition Brian Kernighan Dennis M. Ritchie Compilers Tools for transformation of C programs ...
The category of all categories. Categories are a way to organize Wiki pages: see Wiki:CategoryCategory SEARCH{search "Category" nosummary "on" scope "topic" header ...
The category of all collections. Click on the title to see them all. SEARCH{search "CategoryCollection" nosummary "on" scope "text" noheader "on" nosearch "on" nototal ...
The category of conferences in the area of ProgramTransformation. TransformationConferences has conferences ordered by submission deadline. SEARCH{search "CategoryConference ...
All EntryPoints into ProgramTransformationOrg. SEARCH{search "CategoryEntryPoint" nosummary "on" scope "text" header "" nosearch "on" nototal "on" format " $web / ...
The category of ProgramOptimizations. SEARCH{search "CategoryOptimization" nosummary "on" scope "text" noheader "on" nosearch "on" format " $topic " } CategoryCategory ...
Editors (TWikiUsers) The following is a list of registered users , i.e., the editors that created the content on this site. All it takes to become an editor is to ...
This is the category of paper reviews. SEARCH{"CategoryReview" format " $topic " nosearch "on"} CategoryCategory TransformationReviews
The category of TransformationSystems. SEARCH{"CategorySystem" format " $topic " nosearch "on" noheader "on"} CategoryCategory
The category of taxonomies SEARCH{search "CategoryTaxonomy" nosummary "on" scope "text" noheader "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" format " $topic " } CategoryCategory ...
Homepage: CategoryPeople
Homepage: Construction in Higher Order Logic Programming Order Compilation Project CategoryPeople
Homepage: ELAN RewritingCalculus CategoryPeople
CodeCompaction is a class of ProgramOptimizations that reduce the size of a program. This is especially important for embedded software that is used on devices with ...
Code generation (also called selection) is a transformation performed in the back-ends of compilers. At this state of compilation representation expressions are transformed ...
A code generator is a compiler component that translates intermediate representation expression trees to lists of machine instructions. See CodeGeneration. Main.EelcoVisser ...
In the paradigm of Compilation by Transformation many aspects of compilation are implemented as a series of simple ProgramTransformations on the source code or intermediate ...
by ChuckLiang In S. Krishnamurthi, C.R. Ramakrishnan (Eds.) Aspects of Declarative Languages (LNCS ...
Homepage: Cyclone is a C-like language with built-in support for safety. CategoryLanguage Main.EelcoVisser 20 Nov 2001 ...
A DataFormat is a formal language for the representation of information. Unlike ProgrammingLanguages, DataFormats don't specify computations. Examples of data formats ... CategoryPeople
Deforestation is a ProgramTransformation that eliminates intermediate data-structures (trees). The technique was invented by PhilipWadler for optimization of functional ...
PhilipWadler. Deforestation: Transforming Programs to Eliminate Trees. European Symposium on Programming (ESOP'88) , Nancy, France. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ...
Homepage: CategoryPeople
Homepage: DiSTiL GenVoca CategoryPeople
Homepage: DrScheme is an interactive programming environment for SchemeLanguage. CategorySystem Main.EelcoVisser ...
Draco-PUC is a transformation system based on the original DracoSystem. Main.EelcoVisser 20 Feb 2004
The Draco system was the first to pioneer with DomainSpecificLanguages employing ProgramTransformation for their implementation. The system featured parser and pretty ...
The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) is a loose and open confederation of existing and new conferences and other events that has ...
Homepage: PaulHaley CategorySystem Main.EelcoVisser 20 Nov 2001
Homepage: Stratego.RhoStratego CategoryPeople
Homepages Stratego.EelcoVisser ProgramTransformation interests Taxonomy Systems Strategies Organization on Rule Based Programming ProgramTransformationOrg ...
M. G. J. van den Brand, H. A. de Jong, P. Klint, and P. A. Olivier. Efficient Annotated Terms. Software Practice Experience , 30:259-291, 2000. Abstract How do distributed ...
Elkhound is a parser generator based on the GLR algorithm. See Main.EelcoVisser 03 Jan 2003
This ProgramTransformationOrg Wiki is a collaborative effort to collect and disseminate information on various aspects of ProgramTransformation, ranging from a general ...
A data exchange format provides a formal notation for the linear description of data to be exchanged between tools. See the ExchangeFormatBibliography for an overview ...
Exchange Format Bibliography by HolgerKienle, JoergCzeranski and ThomasEisenbarth This paper gives a bibliographical overview and a classification of ExchangeFormats ...
Federated Logic Conference Copenhagen 2002: Included conferences CADE CAV FME ICLP LICS RTA TABLEAUX Dates Submissions: January Conference ...
Homepage: MAPTransformationSystem CategoryPeople
GCSE`01 Feature Modeling Workshop Motivation and Goals The concept of features is becoming more and more popular in different areas of SoftwareEngineering, such as ...
Homepage: WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming CategoryPeople
Homepage: The ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'02) A ...
Paper: Based Definition of Metaprogramming Systems Main.EelcoVisser 20 Jun 2002
Homepage: MAG IntentionalProgramming GaneshSittampalam 21 Aug 2001 CategoryPeople
Homepage: Gem-Mex is the support environment for the Montages method and stands for "Graphical Editor for Montages and Montages ...
Homepage: Generic Haskell is an extension of HaskellLanguage with PolyTypic functions. CategoryLanguage Main.EelcoVisser 13 May ...
Chapter 6 of GenerativeProgrammingBook defines Generic Programming as: Generic programming is a subdiscipline of computer science that deals with finding abstract ...
Homepage: TeyjusSystem LambdaProlog CategoryPeople
Cameron and Ito. Grammar-Based Definition of Metaprogramming Systems. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1984, Pages 20-54 ...
Grammar engineering is a form of ProgramTransformation applied to grammars or SyntaxDefinitions to improve tree structure, to adapt the language defined, or to convert ...
You can use this page to give your opinions on this Wiki: tell us what you think! The ReengineeringWiki is rather incomplete and biased towards the current users. ...
The purpose of the Haskell Workshop is to discuss experience with Haskell, and possible future developments for the language. The scope of the workshop includes all ...
One of the implementors of the Tools.ATermLibrary. CategoryPeople
Homepage: ELAN CategoryPeople CategoryPeople
Homepage: System administrator at Utrecht University CategoryPeople
Homepage: WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming CategoryPeople
by MichaelWolfe. Addison-Wesley, 1995. From the author: From the publisher: http: ...
Generation of code for the FastFourierTransform DigitalSignalProcessors OctaveLanguage SAGA, Stratego.CodeBoost TAMPR ...
An ongoing project to use higher order abstract syntax and higher order logic programming for compiler implementation by ChuckLiang ...
Homepage: ELAN RewritingCalculus CategoryPeople
ICON is a high-level programming language Resources Main.EelcoVisser 20 Feb ...
Homepage: CategorySystem Main.EelcoVisser 20 Nov 2001
See CodeGeneration Main.EelcoVisser 08 Jan 2002 CategoryTransformation ProgramOptimization
Description Intentional programming developed at Microsoft Research Ait98 is a method for extending a language with new constructs or intentions . The meaning of ...
Description An island grammar only precisely defines small portions of the syntax of a language. The rest of the syntax is defined imprecisely, for instance as a ...
Homepage: TXL CategoryPeople
Homepage: ASFandSDF Stratego.CodeBoost CategoryPeople
Java is an object-oriented language. Compilers Decompilers Dynamic Compilers Native Compilers Transformation Systems Parser Generators Transformation ...
Homepage: JavaTreeBuilder CategoryPeople
Designer/implementer of TAMPR. CategoryPeople
Homepage: ProgramCalculation CategoryPeople
Homepage: NewJacc CategoryPeople
John Gallagher works in program analysis and transformation of logic programs Homepage: CategoryPeople
Homepage: LPS CategoryPeople
Homepage: Stratego.StrategoLanguage CategoryPeople
Homepage: CategoryPeople
LNCS LectureNotesInComputerScience
Homepage: LOGEN is an offline partial evaluation system for Prolog written using the so called "cogen approach ...
Homepage: LPS is a LanguagePrototyping System based on ModularMonadicSemantics and GenericProgramming A Language Prototyping ...
by JoseLabraGayo and M. C. Luengo Diez and J. M. Cueva Lovelle and A. Cernuda del Rio In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 44 No. 2 (2001) http://www ...
LRR: A Laboratory for Rapid Term Rewriting by RakeshVerma CategorySystem Main.EelcoVisser 20 Nov 2001
Homepage: BirdMeertensFormalism CategoryPeople
Homepage: ATypedPatternCalculus CategoryPeople ...
Lisp stands for LISt Processing and was the first Programming Language. Resources: Lisp programming language at the Wikipedia Articles on Lisp at the site of Paul ...
TWiki.TWikiRegistration is misused as login / authentication. This complicates stuff using htaccess now EelcoVisser 09 Nov 2001) In order to encourage people to ...
Kinds of loop optimizations LoopFusion LoopDistribution Systems and compilers that implement loop optimizations SUIF
Homepage: PatternMatching CategoryPeople
Homepage: Stratego.CodeBoost SAGA CategoryPeople
Homepage: CategoryPeople
Homepage: CategoryPeople
Homepage: WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming CategoryPeople
Homepage: Works on a transformation system for transformation of HaskellLanguage programs, called PATH (Programmer Assistant ...
Homepage: ASFandSDF CategoryPeople
Homepage: ProgramRefactoring RefactoringImprovingTheDesignOfExistingPrograms CategoryPeople
Homepage: Maude is a high-performance reflective language and system supporting both equational and rewriting logic specification and programming ...
Homepage: MAPTransformationSystem CategoryPeople
Contact information Homepage: GenericPrettyPrinter XT GrammarTools GrammarBase XTSoftwareDevelopment ContributionToGB CategoryPeople ...
Homepage: MetaML is an extension of SMLofNJ with MetaProgramming features that support the construction, manipulation ...
Homepage: Transformation of Logic Programs LOGEN CategoryPeople
Homepage: PatternMatching aTermPatternMatchCompilerInspiredByFiniteAutomataTheory CategoryPeople
An affordable and easy to use software modelling tool (previously known as minUML). EctoSet offers a range of diagrams in an easy to use interface. Projects are stored ...
Producers of the Mips Architecture Main.EelcoVisser 01 Nov 2001
Textbook on Compiler Construction by AndrewAppel. Used in a course on High-Performance Compilers. See the HPC0102 web. Main.EelcoVisser 29 Oct 2001 I've written ...
Montages form a visual framework for the formal description of syntax and semantics of object-oriented programming languages. It has now been transformed into a framework ...
by PhilippKutter and AlfonsoPierantonio. In Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 3, no. 5 (1997), 416--442 Abstract Montages are a new way of describing all ...
Homepage: Announcement The Mozart Programming System 1.2.0 Available at: Systems supported: many Unix flavors, Windows ...
EelcoVisser. Multi-level specifications. In ArieVanDeursen, JanHeering, and PaulKlint, editors, LanguagePrototyping. An Algebraic Specification Approach , volume 5 ...
NDoc is source code documentation tool for C#, the language of the DotNet framework. Using NDoc: Adding World-Class Documentation to Your .NET Components Main.EelcoVisser ...
Description of the language R++ from : R++ extends the C++ language with a single new programming construct the rule. In ...
Definition Program transformation is the act of changing one program into another. The term program transformation is also used for a program, or any other description ...
MerijnDeJonge EelcoVisser JoostVisser
Homepage: Stratego.CodeBoost CategoryPeople
Principles, Logics, and Implementations of high-level programming languages Submissions: March Conference: October Main conferences: ICFP, PPDP 2002: http://pli2002 ...
Is it true that people find the current layout too full? Main.ArieVanDeursen The new layout only has a sidebar for navigation. Is this satisfactory? Main.EelcoVisser ...
Resources for programming for the PalmOS. Main.EelcoVisser 01 Aug 2002 Brian's Pilot Software Page
Partial evaluation is a ProgramOptimization technique in which a program is specialized to a part of the input that is known statically (at specialization time). Partial ...
Homepage: Stratego.WarmFusionInStratego Stratego.HSX Stratego.FusingLogicAndControl CategoryPeople
Homepage: EclipseLanguage RuleBasedProgramming CategoryPeople
Homepage: ASFandSDF SoftwareImprovementGroup CategoryPeople
Homepage: ActionSemantics CategoryPeople
Homepage: DeForestation CategoryPeople
Homepage: MontagesFramework GemMex CategoryPeople
Homepage: people?ID 147 Tools.ATermLibrary CategoryPeople
Playing by the Rules: Rewriting as an Optimization Technique in GHC by SimonPeytonJones, AndrewTolmach and TonyHoare, In Proceedings of the 2001 Haskell Workshop ...
Practical Reusable UNIX Software Krishnamurthy (editor) John Wiley Sons, 1995. Book about a collection of software from AT T Research Labs including AcaCia / CIAO ...
Homepage: CategoryPeople
Pretty-printing is mapping a structured (tree) representation of a program to a textual representation of that program in such a way that resulting program is readable ...
ProgramAnalysis is the (automated) inspection of a program to infer some property. Program analysis is needed for most kinds of ProgramTransformation and can range ...
A methodology for deriving implementations from specifications. See also synthesis, refinement, Meertens Formalism. Main.EelcoVisser 01 Apr 2002
Compilation is a form of synthesis in which a program in a high-level language is transformed to machine code. This translation is usually achieved in several phases ...
A normalization reduces a program to a program in a sub-language, with the purpose of decreasing its syntactic complexity. Desugaring is a kind of normalization in ...
Obfuscation is a ProgramTransformation that makes a program harder to understand by renaming variables, inserting dead code, etc. Obfuscation is done to hide the business ...
ProgramOptimization is a kind of ProgramTransformation aimed at improving the time or memory performance of a program. CompilationByTransformation makes heavy use ...
TransformationSystems usually work on tree of graph structured ProgramRepresentations. A parser analyzes the syntactic structure of a program text and produces a structured ...
Definition Refactoring is typically applied at the level of programs (i.e., source code). A program refactoring is a program transformation that improves the design ...
ProgramRefinement is a special case of ProgramSynthesis in which an (efficient) implementation is derived from a high-level specification such that the implementation ...
ProgramSpecialization is used where a variable is known to often hold one particular value. In this case, it is possible to generate code taking advantage of this ...
(See also ModelTransformation ) A Definition A program is a structured object with semantics. The structure allows us to transform a program. The semantics gives us ...
ProgramTransformationOrg was set up by EelcoVisser. Contributions are welcome. is dedicated to collecting, organizing and disseminating information about all aspects of ProgramTransformation. The site is completely ... The domain is hosted by Universiteit Utrecht and managed by EelcoVisser. The ...
This is a collection of links to programming environments, either specific to a language or platform, or generic; either integrated or composed of command-line tools ...
This page lists some publications on, or strongly related to, GenerativeProgramming. For a full list of publications discussed on this wiki, have a look at CategoryPaper ...
Homepage: Federated Conference on Rewriting, Deduction and Programming (RDP) to be held in Valencia, Spain, in June 2003 Participating ...
Homepage: International Conference on Metalevel Architectures and Separation of Crosscutting Concerns Deadline: March Conference ...
Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications Deadline: January Conference: July Permanent homepage Event homepages 2002 in Copenhagen ...
Homepage: LRR TermRewriting CategoryPeople
by RichardKelsey and PaulHudak Conference Record of the Sixteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'89) . 281--292, 1989, http://citeseer ...
The Reengineering Wiki ArieVanDeursen and EelcoVisser In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering ( CSMR ), 2002. IEEE ...
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by MartinFowler published by Addison-Wesley in 1999. website: Introduces the concept ...
A parser is an essential component of a TransformationSystem. It is often a considerable investment to develop a good syntax definition for use in a transformation ...
Homepage: BirdMeertensFormalism CategoryPeople
Email: CodeCompaction CategoryPeople
Homepage: Developer of APTS Journal for Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation Special Issue Dedicated to Bob Paige CategoryPeople ...
Homepage: ContinuousCompilers CategoryPeople
The following papers have been accepted for the on Rule Based Programming 2002. A program will be available soon. Ralf Laemmel Towards Generic Refactoring Olivier ...
Definitions Here are some attempts at definitions of rule-based programming. Feel free to comment or add your own. The rule-based programming paradigm is characterized ...
This page collects links to systems supporting RuleBasedProgramming. Feel free to add missing links. TermRewritingSystems TransformationSystems ObjectOrientedRules ...
Program of the 2002 ACM SIGPLAN on Rule Based Programming (RULE'02) October 5, 2002, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania, USA. Time Title Authors 10:30 Design Patterns for Functional ...
Name of the workshop on Rule Based Programming (RULE) Associated with PPDP The goals of the workshop The rule-based programming paradigm is characterized by the repeated ...
International Static Analysis Symposium Description Static Analysis is increasingly recognized as a fundamental tool for high performance implementations and verification ...
SDF is a formalism for the definition of the syntax of ProgrammingLanguages and DataFormats. Its features include: a module system, integration of lexical and context ...
SDFII is successor of the first Syntax Definition Formalism SDF. SDFII features Integration of lexical and context-free syntax Modules with parameters and renaming ...
SORCERER is the tree parser generator of ANTLR. Papers TerenceParr. Language Translation Using PCCTS and CPP. A Reference Guide. Automata Publishing Company, San Jose ...
EelcoVisser. Scannerless Generalized-LR parsing . Technical Report P9707, Programming Research Group, University of Amsterdam, July 1997. Online: http://www.cs.uu ...
This is a page with links to scheduling software. This is not really related to program transformation. Collections overview of tools ...
Scheme is a dialect of LispLanguage, i.e., another FunctionalProgrammingLanguage. DrScheme: a programming environment for Scheme Teach Yourself ...
Homepage: SciComp is specialized in ProgramSynthesis of numerical programs from PartialDifferentialEquations, especially in the domain of financial ...
The ProgramSynthesis system of SciComp CategorySystem Contributions by Main.EelcoVisser
Similix is an autoprojector (self-applicable partial evaluator) for a large higher-order subset of the strict functional language Scheme. Similix treats source programs ...
Software generation is a class of transformations in which software implementations are generated from high-level specifications or (broadly interpreted) of generating ...
According to Chapter 9 of GenerativeProgrammingBook: a generator is a program that takes a higher-level specification of piece of software and produces its implementation ...
HomePage: Research Web Page: Main.TWikiGuest 08 Apr 2001 CategoryPeople
Stephen F. Heffner entered the computer field in 1963 as a Customer Engineer for IBM. He has been involved in systems analysis, design, and programming since 1964 ...
Strategic programming is an idiom for generic programming where the concept of a strategy plays a central role. A strategy is a generic, data-processing action. Strategies ...
Ralf Lämmel and Eelco Visser and Joost Visser. Strategic Programming Meets Adaptive Programming . In Proceedings of Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD'03) ...
Homepage: Series of workshops on strategies in automated deductions. The page contains links to systems providing strategies. Copenhagen ...
Strategies play an important role in ProgramTransformation. The purpose of this survey is to get an overview of the styles of strategies used in various TransformationSystems ...
StrategoXT is the combination of the transformation language Stratego with the XT toolset for constructing transformation systems. Capabilities include: rewrite rules ...
A syntax definition is a high-level description of the syntax of a language, usually in the form of a context-free grammar. Languages for syntax definition include ...
EelcoVisser, PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam, 1997. Abstract LanguagePrototyping is the activity of designing and testing definitions of new or existing computer ...
2003-01-31 FrontEndART released Columbus/CAN 3.5 final. (see Apart from the usual bug fixes, this final version contains new features ...
TAMPR (Transformation Assisted Multiple Program Realisation System) is one of the earliest TransformationSystems around. Description TAMPR supports program transformation ...
Homepage: Tcl stands for Tool Command Language. Tcl is really two things: a scripting language, and an interpreter for that language ...
TXL: Tree Transformation Language Homepage: The TreeRewriting language TXL (developed by JamesCordy at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada) ...
A function call as the last action of function body can be optimized by overwriting the stack frame of the caller. The callee returns directly to the caller of its ...
Tail recursion elimination is a special case of call elimination in which the tail call is a call to the function itself. In that case the call can be replaced by ...
Homepage: WarmFusion VarmoVene CategoryPeople
Ingredients of a Course on Transformation What should a good course on transformation offer? Existing Courses about Transformation A list of courses with transformation ...
From : evaluation is a transformation that automates a specialization process. Tempo is a partial evaluator for ...
This page collects links to systems that implement TermRewriting and related paradigms. See also the general list of TransformationSystems. Feel free to add links ...
Laemmel, Visser and Visser. The Essence Of Strategic Programming . Draft paper (October 15, 2002) (pdf,ps) Abstract programming is generic programming with the use ...
ProgramTransformation techniques are used in a many areas of SoftwareEngineering ranging from ProgramSynthesis, via ProgramOptimization and ProgramRefactoring, to ...
The TAMPR Program Transformation System: Simplifying the Development of Numerical Software by J. M. Boyle, T. J. Harmer and V. L. Winter In E. Arge, A.M. Bruaset ...
Homepage: WorkshopOnRuleBasedProgramming CategoryPeople
See Main.ThreadMode Main.EelcoVisser 14 Oct 2001
Things todo for the Tansform wiki! (feel free to do them) (When discussing one of the todo items, please TurnIssuesIntoTopics) Wiki Content Issues PromotingParticipation ...
Homepages PlayingByTheRules CategoryPeople
Topics in the implementation of ProgramTransformation: ProgramRepresentation AbstractSyntax HigherOrderAbstractSyntax ProgramParsing LexicalAnalysis ContextFreeParsing ...
Jonne van Wijngaarden and Visser. Program Transformation Mechanics. A Classification of Mechanisms for Program Transformation with a Survey of Existing Transformation ...
A ProgramTransformation paradigm is an area of application of TransformationTechniques. Paradigms that are employed in compilers and other automatic language processors ...
An overview of various forms of ProgramTransformation. Translation ProgramMigration ProgramSynthesis ProgramRefinement ProgramCompilation ReverseEngineering DeCompilation ...
Tree rewriting is a synonym for rewriting, i.e., the process of transforming trees (structured data) into other trees by applying rewriting rules. tree rewriting is ...
Type-based program analysis is a form of ProgramAnalysis in which type information is used to infer properties of a program. JensPalsberg, Type-Based Analysis and ...
There are many tools for editing UML diagrams. I conducted a little comparison to find a good tool to use in a software engineering course in the Spring of 2000. This ...
Edit this page to retire all pages in the cache for this web. Don't do this too often since it degrades performance.
Homepage: CategoryPeople
Homepage: OPTIMIX CompostFramework Transform.CategoryPeople
Russian philosopher-scientist, developer of REFAL language and SuperCompilation, a ProgramOptimization technique. See Main.MaD ...
SoftwareVariability is an important source of complexity in software. Variability management is concerned controlling the versions and configurations of a software ...
Homepage: WarmFusionTransformation CategoryPeople
A visual language is a ProgrammingLanguage that uses pictures to depict the instructions of a program and their relations. ControlFlowDiagram Visual languages can ...
JohnLaunchbury and TimSheard. Warm Fusion: Deriving Build-Catas from Recursive Definitions. Conference Record 7th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGARCH Int.Conf. on Functional Programming ...
SEARCH{". " regex "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" order "modified" reverse "on" limit "50" nosummary "on" header " Topic Changed By " format " $topic $date $wikiusername ...
SEARCH{". " regex "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" order "modified" reverse "on" limit "100" nosummary "on" header " Topic Changed By " format " $topic $date $wikiusername ...
SEARCH{". " regex "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" order "modified" reverse "on" limit "200" nosummary "on" header " Topic Changed By " format " $topic $date $wikiusername ...
SEARCH{". " regex "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" order "modified" reverse "on" limit "500" nosummary "on" header " Topic Changed By " format " $topic $date $wikiusername ...
INCLUDE{WebNews} transformation techniques are used in a many areas of engineering ranging from synthesis, via optimization and refactoring, to engineering and generation ...
SEARCH{"\. " scope "topic" regex "on" nosearch "on" format " $topic " noheader "on"}
Home Surveys Transformation Reengineering DSL Domain Engineering Decompilation Generative Progr. Collections Categories Systems Conferences People Companies Papers ...
See also the announcements about specific systems in SystemNews. STARTINCLUDE STOPINCLUDE 2007-01-08 is back online after absence for a ...
WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Transform web. This is a convenient service, so you do not ...
The following settings are web preferences of the TWiki.Transform web. These preferences overwrite the site-level preferences in TWIKIWEB . WIKIPREFSTOPIC , and can ...
Statistics for TWiki.Transform Web Month: Topic Views: Topic Saves: Attachment Uploads: Most Popular Topic Views: Top Contributors for Topic Save and Uploads: Feb ...
Month: Topic Views: Topic Saves: Attachment Uploads: Most Popular Topic Views: Top Contributors for Topic Save and Uploads: Dec 2001 21983 530 0 2861 1006 WebHome ...
Month: Topic Views: Topic Saves: Attachment Uploads: Most Popular Topic Views: Top Contributors for Topic Save and Uploads: Dec 2002 1978 21 0 580 ReengineeringWikiSiteMap ...
The XTWikiWiki is the common substrate for a number of sites on various aspects of ProgramTransformation, ranging from a general survey of the field in TheOnlineSurveyOfProgramTransformation ...
The software on which this WikiWikiWeb runs is starting to become antiquated. It lacks many features that would be useful in a Wiki. It is also a problem that it does ...
Description (from call for papers) Rule-based formalisms are ubiquitous in computer science, and even more so in constraint reasoning and programming. In constraint ...
2002 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Rule-Based Programming Workshop Program Satellite event of PLI'02 Saturday, October 5, 2002 Pittsburgh, USA http://www.program-transformation ...
Homepage: XML is the Extensible Markup Language, a format for the exchange of structured data. XML, which is a simplified subset of SGML, was ...
The XML Query Algebra is a proposal from the WorldWideWebConsortium as a formal basis for query languages for XML. CategoryLanguage ...
Homepage: XRefactory is a refactoring browser/editor for C and Java based on XEmacs CategorySystem Main.EelcoVisser 03 May 2001
Quoting from : XTRAN is a proprietary expert system for symbolic manipulation of computer languages, including: Assemblers Third ...
Homepage: DiSTiL CategoryPeople
Homepage: MetaML Stratego.StrategoLanguage CategoryPeople
A Term Pattern-Match Compiler Inspired by Finite Automata Theory by MikaelPettersson In International Workshop on Compiler Construction (CC'92) LNCS 641, SpringerVerlag ...

Number of topics: 264