Software Transformation Systems Workshop 2004
STS04 was arranged Sunday, October 24th 2004 as part of Generative Programming and Component Engineering 2004 (GPCE'04), Vancouver, Canada, October 2004. The workshop organisers were
The workshop attracted roughly 30 participants. The day was divided into 4 presentation sessions of 1.5 hours and a 1 hour discussion session at the end, giving room for 22 position papers, which were selected from roughly 30 submissions. Each presentation session had 5-6 presentations of 10 minutes each, and 1/2 hour for discussions. The discussions were based on research questions, one posed by each presenter.
The position papers are collected into a pdf file:
Haveraaen, Cordy, Heering, Sittampalam:
Position papers from Software Transformation Systems Workshop 2004.
Most of the slides from the individual presentations are available:
The day was timetabled as follows:
- 08:30-10:00 session 1: Sittampalam, Borba, Kalleberg, Vinju, Visser
- 10:00-10:30 break
- 10:30-12:00 session 2: Cordy, Boshernitsan, Parr, Sloane, Smith, Varney
- 12:00-13:00 lunch
- 13:00-14:30 session 3: Haveraaen, Baxter, Cleenewerck, Washizaki, Wyk
- 14:30-14:50 break
- 14:50-16:20 session 4: Heering, Hedin, Sant'Anna, Sendall, Wile, Cox
- 16:20-16:30 break
- 16:30-17:30 final discussion