
Generative Programming and Component Engineering
Ralf Lämmel Ralf Lämmel is Professor of Computer Science at University of Koblenz-Landau. In his career, he also served at Microsoft Corp., Free University of Amsterdam, Dutch Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), and University of Rostock. Ralf Lämmel's speciality is "software language engineering" but he is generally interested in themes that combine software engineering and programming languages. Ralf Lämmel is one of the founding fathers of the international summer school series GTTSE-Generative and Transformational Techniques on Software Engineering and the SLE conference (Software Language Engineering).

Invited talk Title to be confirmed.

Martin Erwig

Martin Erwig will present this year's joint GPCE/SLE keynote.

Martin Erwig is Professor of Computer Science at Oregon State University where he has been teaching since 2000. He received his Ph.D. and Habilitation in Computer Science from the University of Hagen in Germany. He is the author or co-author of two books and over 90 peer-reviewed publications, for which he received several best paper awards. His research interests center around the design of domain-specific languages, mainly within the contexts of functional programming and visual languages.

Invited talk A Language for Software Variation Research?