Swarm Dagstuhl
Program-Transformation.Org: The Program Transformation Wiki
Dagstuhl Seminar 3061
Software Architecture: Recovery and Modelling
More information on this seminar:
Joint Reconstruction
The seminar will include a joint architecture reconstruction
effort, in which teams of participants will study the
architecture of actual web servers.
This page is intended to be used to share reconstruction results,
such as facts extracted from the sources or particular visualizations.
You can upload files using the "Attach" button below, and add an
explanation by pressing the "Edit" button, and adding text at the
end of the page.
SwarmDagstuhl as user name and password if you
don't have a wiki account yet.
If you've a lot to say, consider creating a page of your own --
see also
OneMinuteWiki, the top level page of the
ReengineeringWiki, and the
RigiSystem pages as an example.
ArieVanDeursen, 24 Jan 2003.
Example Entry
My explanation
Another Entry
Another explanation.