Tiger Trans

Tiger in Stratego -- Compilation by Program Transformation

Translating: Tiger to IR and IR to ASM

The TigerTrans package provides the IntermediateRepresentation used in the TigerCompiler, the translation from TigerAbstractSyntax to IntermediateRepresentation, and the implementation of InstructionSelection, translating IntermediateRepresentation to MIPS.

Directory ir

Directory tas2ir

Directory ir2asm

The CompilerArchitecture (OptimizerArchitecture) depicts the dataflow between the components.


For true reusability it would probably be better to split this package up into three packages:

Download & Installation



> gtar zxf tiger-trans-0.2.tar.gz
> cd tiger-trans-0.2
> ./configure --prefix=/tiger/install --with-xt=/projects/stratego/xt
> gmake

Note: in this configuration it is assumed that the other CompilerPackages are configured with the same prefix /tiger/install.


The components of this package can be tested using the example Tiger programs in the TigerXmpl package. See HowToTestTheTigerCompiler.