Java Juke

Stratego -- Strategies for Program Transformation

Java-Swul parts

The user interface of JavaJuke is build using Java-Swul. The interface source is a mixture of using Swul to create default Swing components and integrating custom created user interface components as Java expressions.

  • An example how to use Java-Swul in your build proces. Apart from the standard tasks in Ant you can execute the swulc-preprocessor:
<apply executable="swulc" dest="${src}/javajuke/gui" verbose="true">
  <fileset dir="${src}/javajuke/gui" includes="*.javaswul"/>
  <mapper type="glob" from="*.javaswul" to="*.java"/>
  <arg value="-o"/>
  <arg value="-i"/>


The player features:

  • an advanced searching field
  • presorting on artist, title and filesystem
  • dual songselections
  • a queue of songs to play
  • detachable control toolbar
  • shuffling
  • drag-n-drop functionality.
  • playing of entire grouped mp3's

The mp3 capabilities of JavaJuke are provided by the JLayer project.



A runnable jar of this program can be downloaded: /pub/Stratego/JavaJuke/javajuke.jar

This file is generated by the ant build.


The complete source of this program can be found in our Subversion repository on:
svn checkout

-- ReneDeGroot - 08 Dec 2004