Statistics for SdfBackup? Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Feb 2008 3791 0 0 402 WebHome
388 WebStatistics
259 WebRss
153 SdfGrammars
148 SdfLanguage
132 SdfSoftware
127 WebNews
107 SdfPublications
 89 PGEN
 87 SdfDocumentation
 86 SdfBundle
Jan 2008 14148 0 0 2001 WebRss
1321 WebStatistics
1062 WebHome
708 SdfGrammars
535 SdfLanguage
467 SdfSoftware
363 SdfPublications
354 GeneralizedLR
318 SdfDocumentation
300 WebNews
295 SdfDevelopment
Dec 2007 10227 0 0 1048 WebHome
738 WebStatistics
718 WebRss
438 SdfGrammars
437 SdfSoftware
381 SdfLanguage
273 WebNews
263 SdfDevelopment
262 SdfPublications
261 SdfDocumentation
238 PGEN
Nov 2007 7839 26 0 918 WebHome
597 WebRss
428 WebStatistics
321 SdfGrammars
278 SdfSoftware
253 SdfLanguage
247 GeneralizedLR
219 SdfDocumentation
205 SGLR
181 SdfPublications
171 WebNews
 24 JurgenVinju
  2 MartinBravenboer
Oct 2007 8011 0 0 1027 WebHome
595 WebStatistics
452 WebRss
329 SdfSoftware
299 SdfGrammars
284 SdfLanguage
229 SdfDocumentation
200 SdfPublications
196 WebNews
177 SdfApplications
176 SdfBundle
Sep 2007 8208 0 0 903 WebStatistics
824 WebHome
583 WebRss
279 SdfGrammars
255 SdfSoftware
254 SdfLanguage
207 SdfPublications
191 SdfDocumentation
180 SdfBundle
177 GeneralizedLR
171 SGLR
Aug 2007 10840 0 0 1477 WebStatistics
835 WebHome
664 WebRss
397 SdfGrammars
343 SdfLanguage
340 SdfSoftware
270 SdfDocumentation
235 SGLR
224 WebChanges
219 SdfBundle
217 WebNews
Jul 2007 13935 0 0 1123 WebStatistics
980 WebHome
655 SdfGrammars
487 WebRss
452 SdfSoftware
420 SdfLanguage
406 WebNews
342 SdfPublications
331 GeneralizedLR
319 SdfDocumentation
300 SGLR
Jun 2007 8904 0 0 842 WebHome
475 WebRss
338 SdfGrammars
319 SdfLanguage
319 SdfSoftware
311 WebStatistics
261 GeneralizedLR
259 SdfDocumentation
253 Sdf2BundleRelease22
227 WebNews
225 SdfBundle
May 2007 6711 0 0 638 WebHome
539 WebRss
441 WebStatistics
303 SdfGrammars
240 SdfSoftware
204 SdfDocumentation
195 SdfLanguage
191 GeneralizedLR
154 SdfBundle
149 SdfPublications
148 SGLR
Apr 2007 7139 0 0 704 WebHome
593 WebStatistics
403 WebRss
304 SdfGrammars
284 SdfSoftware
244 SdfLanguage
214 SdfBundle
190 GeneralizedLR
182 SdfDocumentation
159 WebNotify
143 SdfPublications
Mar 2007 7022 0 0 788 WebHome
503 WebStatistics
447 WebRss
399 SdfGrammars
300 SdfSoftware
197 SdfBundle
178 SdfPublications
177 SdfLanguage
170 SdfDocumentation
165 WebNews
140 GeneralizedLR
Feb 2007 6882 8 0 645 WebHome
495 WebStatistics
421 SdfGrammars
372 WebRss
278 SdfSoftware
233 SdfBundle
183 GeneralizedLR
183 SdfLanguage
156 SdfDocumentation
153 SdfPublications
145 Sdf2BundleRelease23
  8 MartinBravenboer
Jan 2007 8295 3 0 1231 WebStatistics
753 WebHome
443 WebRss
412 SdfGrammars
325 SdfSoftware
234 SdfBundle
208 SdfLanguage
200 GeneralizedLR
182 SdfDocumentation
162 SGLR
160 SdfPublications
  3 MartinBravenboer
Dec 2006 5986 7 0 714 WebHome
481 WebRss
221 WebStatistics
220 SdfSoftware
218 SdfGrammars
170 SdfBundle
170 SdfLanguage
170 SdfDocumentation
142 SdfApplications
138 GeneralizedLR
126 Sdf2BundleRelease22
  7 MartinBravenboer
Nov 2006 5591 12 0 585 WebHome
509 WebStatistics
276 SdfGrammars
213 WebRss
207 SdfSoftware
170 SdfLanguage
159 SdfBundle
141 SdfDocumentation
140 GeneralizedLR
112 PGEN
111 SGLR
 12 MartinBravenboer
Oct 2006 5514 0 0 647 WebHome
479 WebStatistics
266 SdfGrammars
215 SdfSoftware
204 WebRss
153 SdfLanguage
141 SdfDocumentation
140 SdfBundle
139 GeneralizedLR
137 WebNotify
122 SGLR
Sep 2006 5526 1 0 585 WebHome
504 WebStatistics
222 SdfGrammars
184 SdfSoftware
165 WebRss
143 SdfLanguage
138 SdfDocumentation
127 GeneralizedLR
118 SdfBundle
113 WebNews
112 PGEN
  1 MartinBravenboer
Aug 2006 7832 2 0 770 WebHome
765 WebStatistics
275 GeneralizedLR
263 WebRss
255 SdfGrammars
252 SdfSoftware
214 SdfLanguage
199 WebChanges
195 SdfDocumentation
185 SGLR
183 WebNews
  2 MartinBravenboer
Jul 2006 9437 1 0 1221 WebStatistics
922 WebHome
371 SdfGrammars
324 SdfSoftware
287 SdfLanguage
255 SdfDocumentation
247 WebNews
234 GeneralizedLR
224 PGEN
215 WebNotify
214 SdfBundle
  1 ChristianoBraga
Jun 2006 9398 0 0 1217 WebStatistics
818 WebHome
368 SdfGrammars
350 SdfSoftware
251 GeneralizedLR
231 WebNotify
225 SdfLanguage
224 SdfDocumentation
216 WebChanges
210 WebNews
202 SdfBundle
May 2006 14645 0 0 2364 WebStatistics
1227 WebHome
611 SdfGrammars
524 SdfSoftware
413 SdfLanguage
397 WebNotify
382 WebNews
368 SdfDocumentation
356 SGLR
350 WebChanges
330 GeneralizedLR
Apr 2006 10797 12 0 1168 WebHome
902 WebStatistics
432 SdfGrammars
384 SdfSoftware
380 WebChanges
344 WebNews
324 WebNotify
307 SdfDocumentation
302 SdfBundle
301 SdfLanguage
259 WebSearch
 12 MartinBravenboer
Mar 2006 9869 0 0 1455 WebHome
843 WebStatistics
355 SdfSoftware
338 SdfGrammars
317 SdfLanguage
282 WebNews
270 SdfDocumentation
264 SdfBundle
235 SGLR
233 WebChanges
220 WebSearch
Feb 2006 6493 0 0 1037 WebHome
535 WebStatistics
240 SdfSoftware
231 SdfGrammars
198 WebNews
181 GeneralizedLR
174 SdfDocumentation
162 SdfLanguage
154 Sdf2BundleRelease23
145 SdfApplications
143 PGEN
Jan 2006 7291 0 0 1073 WebHome
498 WebStatistics
299 SdfSoftware
243 SdfGrammars
223 SdfLanguage
198 GeneralizedLR
183 WebNews
179 WebRss
173 SdfDocumentation
158 SGLR
156 SdfApplications
Dec 2005 8222 0 0 1116 WebHome
573 WebStatistics
334 SdfSoftware
318 SdfGrammars
264 WebNews
228 GeneralizedLR
226 SdfDocumentation
225 SdfLanguage
206 WebRss
203 WebChanges
189 WebNotify
Nov 2005 7030 4 0 1027 WebHome
399 WebStatistics
299 SdfSoftware
249 SdfGrammars
236 SdfLanguage
233 WebNews
203 WebIndex
198 SdfDocumentation
193 WebChanges
186 GeneralizedLR
178 WebNotify
  4 MartinBravenboer
Oct 2005 6078 1 0 746 WebHome
280 SdfSoftware
264 SdfGrammars
220 SdfDocumentation
209 SdfLanguage
182 GeneralizedLR
177 WebStatistics
175 WebNews
168 Sdf2BundleRelease23
157 WebIndex
156 WebChanges
  1 MartinBravenboer
Sep 2005 4628 0 0 519 WebHome
373 WebStatistics
204 SdfGrammars
189 SdfSoftware
173 SdfDocumentation
142 SdfLanguage
137 GeneralizedLR
121 WebChanges
119 WebNews
109 Sdf2BundleRelease23
107 WebNotify
Aug 2005 4476 12 0 627 WebHome
426 WebRss
244 SdfSoftware
205 SdfGrammars
189 SdfLanguage
161 WebIndex
156 SdfDocumentation
137 WebStatistics
129 WebChanges
122 SGLR
118 Sdf2BundleRelease23
 12 MartinBravenboer
Jul 2005 4281 0 0 587 WebHome
271 SdfSoftware
174 SdfDocumentation
165 SdfLanguage
154 SdfGrammars
150 WebIndex
129 WebNotify
122 SGLR
120 Sdf2BundleRelease23
114 WebChanges
106 PGEN
Jun 2005 2829 1 0 443 WebHome
173 SdfDocumentation
146 SdfSoftware
132 SdfLanguage
114 SdfGrammars
111 SGLR
 84 PGEN
 82 WebNews
 78 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 77 SdfBundle
 76 WebNotify
  1 MartinBravenboer
May 2005 3025 0 0 551 WebHome
166 SdfDocumentation
145 SdfLanguage
129 SdfSoftware
116 SdfGrammars
108 WebChanges
102 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 92 WebNotify
 83 SdfPublications
 80 SGLR
 76 Sdf2BundleRelease23
Apr 2005 2958 0 0 424 WebHome
156 SdfDocumentation
154 SdfGrammars
141 SdfLanguage
128 SdfSoftware
109 Sdf2BundleRelease23
 98 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 86 GrammarBase
 85 SdfPublications
 79 PGEN
 78 WebNews
Mar 2005 2333 3 0 353 WebHome
148 SdfGrammars
144 SdfDocumentation
113 SdfLanguage
104 SdfSoftware
 80 GrammarBase
 77 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 74 WebChanges
 71 Sdf2BundleRelease23
 63 SGLR
 59 SdfApplications
  3 MartinBravenboer
Feb 2005 2613 10 0 374 WebHome
191 SdfDocumentation
152 SdfGrammars
144 SdfLanguage
116 SdfSoftware
105 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 88 Sdf2BundleRelease23
 85 GrammarBase
 79 SdfApplications
 68 SdfBundle
 66 SGLR
 10 MartinBravenboer
Jan 2005 2169 8 0 401 WebHome
172 SdfDocumentation
130 SdfGrammars
120 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
115 SdfLanguage
 95 SdfSoftware
 88 GrammarBase
 54 Sdf2BundleRelease23
 53 SdfPublications
 52 SdfBundle
 52 WebChanges
  8 MartinBravenboer
Dec 2004 2368 86 0 480 WebHome
157 SdfDocumentation
146 SdfLanguage
122 SdfSoftware
119 SdfGrammars
 88 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 70 SGLR
 70 SdfPublications
 68 SdfApplications
 65 GrammarBase
 57 WebChanges
 86 MartinBravenboer
Nov 2004 2258 1 0 348 WebHome
252 WebRss
126 SdfLanguage
122 SdfDocumentation
 94 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 90 SdfGrammars
 85 SGLR
 70 SdfSoftware
 68 GrammarBase
 67 SdfApplications
 61 SdfPublications
  1 MartinBravenboer
Oct 2004 1526 0 0 352 WebHome
103 SdfLanguage
 94 SdfDocumentation
 74 SdfGrammars
 68 WebRss
 66 GrammarBase
 66 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 56 robots.txt
 48 SdfSoftware
 46 SdfApplications
 43 SGLR
Sep 2004 2072 5 0 697 WebHome
 94 SdfLanguage
 89 GrammarBase
 81 robots.txt
 80 SdfDocumentation
 67 SdfGrammars
 62 SdfSoftware
 62 GeneralizedLR
 54 SdfApplications
 51 SGLR
 46 SdfPublications
  5 MartinBravenboer
Aug 2004 1358 1 0 283 WebHome
 87 SdfDocumentation
 82 SdfLanguage
 59 SdfGrammars
 57 GrammarBase
 55 robots.txt
 48 SGLR
 46 GeneralizedLR
 42 SdfSoftware
 42 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 41 SdfApplications
  1 MartinBravenboer
Jul 2004 1660 7 0 318 WebHome
125 SdfLanguage
111 SdfDocumentation
 88 GrammarBase
 82 SdfGrammars
 67 SdfApplications
 58 SdfSoftware
 56 SGLR
 54 SdfPublications
 53 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 50 WebNews
  7 MartinBravenboer
Jun 2004 1584 5 0 644 WebHome
 78 SdfDocumentation
 70 SdfLanguage
 70 GeneralizedLR
 51 GrammarBase
 50 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 47 SdfGrammars
 44 SdfApplications
 44 SGLR
 43 SdfPublications
 41 SdfSoftware
  5 EelcoVisser
May 2004 1339 28 0 325 WebHome
107 SdfLanguage
 77 SdfDocumentation
 74 GeneralizedLR
 72 GrammarBase
 58 SdfSoftware
 51 SdfGrammars
 42 SdfPublications
 39 WebNews
 33 robots.txt
 33 SdfDemos
 28 MartinBravenboer
Apr 2004 1451 0 0 229 WebHome
 93 GrammarBase
 83 SdfLanguage
 56 SdfDocumentation
 53 SdfGrammars
 43 SdfSoftware
 40 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 36 PGEN
 35 SdfBugs
 34 SdfApplications
 34 SDFbyExample
Mar 2004 991 2 0 255 WebHome
 79 GrammarBase
 65 SdfLanguage
 55 SdfDocumentation
 44 SdfSoftware
 44 SdfGrammars
 35 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 31 SdfPublications
 30 SdfApplications
 25 SGLR
 25 GeneralizedLR
  2 MartinBravenboer
Feb 2004 1108 24 0 259 WebHome
 75 SdfDocumentation
 64 GrammarBase
 63 SdfLanguage
 51 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 47 SdfSoftware
 47 SdfGrammars
 32 SdfApplications
 31 SdfPublications
 29 SGLR
 26 GeneralizedLR
 24 MartinBravenboer
Jan 2004 469 86 0 159 WebHome
 68 WebChanges
 25 WebLeftBar
 17 SdfGrammars
 15 SdfApplications
 13 WebPreferences
 10 SdfLanguage
 10 SdfDocumentation
  9 WebStatistics
  9 SdfSoftware
  9 PGEN
 84 MartinBravenboer
  1 JurgenVinju
  1 EelcoDolstra
Dec 2003 540 0 0 440 WebStatistics
 23 WebHome
 10 WebChanges
  9 WebPreferences
  9 WebNotify
  8 WebIndex
  7 WebSearch
  6 WebLeftBar
  4 WebTools
  4 WebNews
  4 WebChanges500
Nov 2003 48 0 0  13 WebHome
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebStatistics
  2 WebTools
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebNews
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebLeftBar
  2 WebChanges500
Oct 2003 451 1 0 381 WebStatistics
  7 WebNotify
  7 WebHome
  6 WebPreferences
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebLeftBar
  6 WebChanges
  4 WebTools
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebNews
  4 WebChanges500
  1 MartinBravenboer
Sep 2003 36 0 0   9 WebHome
  7 WebStatistics
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebIndex
  3 WebChanges
Aug 2003 62 0 0   8 WebStatistics
  6 WebPreferences
  6 WebHome
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebChanges
  4 SiteMap
  3 WebNews
  3 WebLeftBar
  3 WebChanges500
Jul 2003 67 0 0   9 WebHome
  7 WebStatistics
  6 WebPreferences
  6 WebChanges
  6 SiteMap
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebLeftBar
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebNotify
  3 WebTools
  3 WebChanges500
Jun 2003 48 0 0   7 WebHome
  5 WebStatistics
  4 WebTools
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebNews
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebChanges
  4 SiteMap
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebPreferences
  2 WebChanges200
May 2003 9 0 0   8 WebHome
  1 WebChanges
Apr 2003 16 0 0   4 WebHome
  2 WebStatistics
  2 WebPreferences
  2 WebNotify
  1 WebTools
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebNews
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebChanges
  1 SiteMap
Mar 2003 0 0 0    
Feb 2003 14 0 0   6 WebHome
  1 WebTools
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebNews
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebLeftBar
  1 WebChanges500
  1 WebChanges
  1 SiteMap
Jan 2003 5 0 0   1 WebSearch
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebIndex
  1 WebChanges100
  1 WebChanges
Dec 2002 10 0 0   4 WebHome
  1 WebTools
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebNews
  1 WebIndex
  1 SiteMap
Nov 2002 5 0 0   1 WebSearch
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebHome
  1 WebLeftBar
  1 WebChanges
Oct 2002 37 0 0   7 WebHome
  6 WebStatistics
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebPreferences
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebTools
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebNews
  2 WebIndex
  2 SiteMap
  1 WebLeftBar
Sep 2002 7 3 0   3 WebPreferences
  2 WebLeftBar
  1 WebHome
  1 SiteMap
  3 EelcoVisser


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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.

Revision: r1.1182 - 11 Feb 2008 - 01:12 - TWikiGuest
SdfBackup > WebStatistics
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