SDF2 Bundle 2.2
SDF: Modular Syntax Definition Formalism
Released July 04, 2004.
SDF2 Bundle is an easy to install collection of packages that
implement the modular
SDF syntax
definition formalism.
SDF2 Bundle 2.2 consists of:
SDF2 Bundle 2.2 requires:
See the
installation instructions if
you are not familiar with the standard installation procedure of
tarballs or RPMs.

Source tar.gz

Source RPM

Redhat Linux RPM
Redhat 8.0:
Redhat 9.0:

SuSE Linux RPM
SuSE 8.2:
SuSE 9.0:

Fedora Core RPM
Fedora Core 2:
Fedora Core 3:

Mac OS X binaries
- The *-macosx.tar.gz files contain a file
with installation instructions.

Microsoft Windows Cygwin binaries
- The *-cygwin.tar.gz files contain a file
with installation instructions.
Sdf.Sdf2BundleRelease22 moved from Stratego.Sdf2BundleRelease22 on 23 Dec 2004 - 15:50 by MartinBravenboer