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A Quick Introduction to SDF

by Joost Visser and Jeroen Scheerder


This paper is intended for first time users. It contains motivation for using SDF with Generalized LR parsing and a step-by-step guided tour along the main features. The paper answers some some basic questions about SDF and gives a step-by-step recipe for developing SDF grammars. It even touches on the issue of writing Island Grammars in SDF.

Source tar.gz

Source RPM

  • aterm-2.3.1?
  • sdf2-bundle-2.3?

Redhat Linux RPM

Redhat 9.0:

  • aterm-2.3.1?
  • sdf2-bundle-2.3?

SuSE Linux RPM

SuSE 9.0:

  • aterm-2.3.1?
  • sdf2-bundle-2.3?

Fedora Core RPM

Fedora Core 2:

  • aterm-2.3.1?
  • sdf2-bundle-2.3?

Fedora Core 3:

  • aterm-2.3.1?
  • sdf2-bundle-2.3?

Microsoft Windows Cygwin binaries

  • aterm-2.3.1?
  • sdf2-bundle-2.3?

  • The *-cygwin.tar.gz files contain a file readme.txt with installation instructions.

Mac OS X binaries

  • aterm-2.3.1?
  • sdf2-bundle-2.3?

  • The *-macosx.tar.gz files contain a file readme.txt with installation instructions.


The SDF2 Bundle is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details


SDF2 Bundle 2.3 consists of:

SDF2 Bundle 2.3 requires:

  • ATerm Library 2.3.1


This is mainly a maintenance release, fixing a number of bugs. However, a number of important features have been added.

  • Fixed a bug in obtaining a parse table when restoring brackets with a grammar without start symbols.

  • Fixed implosion of alternative literals. "-" | "+" becomes alt(1,[]) or alt(2,[]) because a literal does not have a representation in an imploded tree. This fixes a core dump

  • The efficiency of the syntax checker was improved drastically. This reduces parsetable generation times.

  • A new commandline tool: filterPT. It filters parse forests based on some command line arguments. Currently, we have one filter to find trees with a maximum or minumum number of occurrences of a certain non-terminal. It is used to implement filters for island grammars.

  • A new small package: tide-support. Contains a library for developing new TIDE debugging adapters.

(News selected from Meta-Environment 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 news)

Source tar.gz

Source RPM

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Redhat Linux RPM

Redhat 9.0:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

SuSE Linux RPM

SuSE 9.0:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Fedora Core RPM

Fedora Core 2:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Fedora Core 3:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Microsoft Windows Cygwin binaries

This release of the SDF2 Bundle did not install correctly on Cygwin. These issues have been fixed in the next release: sdf2-bundle-2.3.2.

Mac OS X binaries

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

  • The *-macosx.tar.gz files contain a file README with installation instructions.


The SDF2 Bundle is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details


SDF2 Bundle 2.3.1 consists of:

SDF2 Bundle 2.3.1 requires:

  • ATerm Library 2.4


This is a minor update of the SDF2 Bundle 2.3. It solves an compatibility problem with the latest release of the ATerm Library (2.4). Also, this release adds support for pkg-config.

Source tar.gz

Source RPM

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Redhat Linux RPM

Redhat 9.0:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

SuSE Linux RPM

SuSE 9.0:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Fedora Core RPM

Fedora Core 2:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Fedora Core 3:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Microsoft Windows Cygwin binaries

The *-cygwin.tar.gz files contain a file README with installation instructions.

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Mac OS X binaries

The *-macosx.tar.gz files contain a file README with installation instructions.

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Nix Packages

Open nixpkg files with nix-install-package. Installation of a Nix package is a one-click installation of package and all its dependencies.




The SDF2 Bundle is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details


SDF2 Bundle %SDFVERSION% consists of:

SDF2 Bundle %SDFVERSION% requires:

  • ATerm Library 2.4


This is a minor update of the SDF2 Bundle 2.3. It solves an compatibility problem with the latest release of the ATerm Library (2.4). Also, this release adds support for pkg-config.

Released November 4th, 2005.


See the installation instructions if you are not familiar with the standard installation procedure of tarballs or RPMs.

Source tar.gz

Source RPM

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Redhat Linux RPM

Redhat 9.0:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

SuSE Linux RPM

SuSE 9.0:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Fedora Core RPM

Fedora Core 2:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Fedora Core 3:

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Microsoft Windows Cygwin binaries

The *-cygwin.tar.gz files contain a file README with installation instructions.

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Mac OS X binaries

The *-macosx.tar.gz files contain a file README with installation instructions.

  • aterm-%ATERMVERSION%?
  • sdf2-bundle-%SDFVERSION%?

Nix Packages

Open nixpkg files with nix-install-package. Installation of a Nix package is a one-click installation of package and all its dependencies.




The SDF2 Bundle is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details


SDF2 Bundle %SDFVERSION% consists of:

SDF2 Bundle %SDFVERSION% requires:

  • ATerm Library 2.4.2


This is minor update of the SDF2 Bundle 2.3.2. It fixes a compilation problem of the SDF2 Bundle on GCC 4.0.x.

The SDF syntax definition formalism is applied in two projects related to meta programming: the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment and Stratego/XT. Companies and researchers are using these environments for implementing various program transformations.

ASF+SDF Meta-Environment

The ASF+SDF Meta-Environment is applied for the description of syntax, semantics, analysis, and transformation of (programming) languages and programs written in such programming languages.


Stratego/XT is the combination of the The Stratego program transformation language for strategic rewriting and the XT bundle of transformation tools.

In Stratego/XT SDF is used to define the syntax of (programming) languages and to generate tools like pretty-printers from these definitions. The power of SDF becomes especially clear in in Meta Programming with Concrete Object Syntax. This technique is applied by many Stratego/XT applications. At the Stratego/XT web you can find a list of applications of Stratego/XT.

Software Improvement Group.

The Software Improvement Group is a spin-off of the Dutch National Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI). The SIG is active in all fields of software renovation: the adaptation, integration and rebuilding of existing software systems. Currently the SIG provides services for documentation heneration, portfolio monitoring, risk assessments and migrations.

First Result

The company First Result applies SDF technology in the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment for the generation of code.

EPITA Research & Development Laboratory

The EPITA Research & Development Laboratory has developed C and C++ grammars in the Transformers Project. Disambiguation of C++ is performed on parse trees. Stratego/XT tools are used to implement parse and abstract syntax tree transformations.

NASA Ames Research Center

The paper Retrofitting the AutoBayes Program Synthesis System with Concrete Syntax explains how concrete syntax is embedded in Prolog by using SDF for application in the AutoBayes system.

The SDF bugzilla system is located here. Use the package 'sglr' and 'pgen' to report bugs in the core SDF system. 'sdf-meta' for IDE bugs and 'unknown' if you just don't know.


The SDF2 Bundle is an easy to install collection of packages related to the SDF2 syntax definition formalism. The packages are developed at the CWI. The main packages of the SDF2 Bundle are:

  • PGEN - parser generator for SDF2
  • SGLR - parser

The bundling related code is maintained by Martin Bravenboer. The packages themselves are maintained by members of SEN1 group at the CWI in the Netherlands.



The current release of the SDF2 Bundle is

Previous releases:

Latest developments

The latest developments are available at:

Language Version Available in View online up
ASF   SDF Library 1.0 browse?
AsFix   SDF Library 1.0 browse?
AspectJ 5.0 AspectJ-front browse
ATerm   SDF Library 1.0 browse?
C ANSI-C (?) SDF Library 1.0 browse?
C Preprocessor   SDF Library 1.0 browse?
HQL   WebDSL browse
Java 1.5 Java-front browse
PHP 4 PHP-front browse
PHP 5 PHP-front browse
SDF   SDF Library 1.0 browse?
Bibtex   Bibtex-tools  
Box   GPP  
C ad-hoc StrategoXT/c-tools  
C C99 EPITA's Transformers Project  
C++   EPITA's Transformers Project  
Dot (GraphViz)   Stratego/XT Utils  
ECMAScript Edition 3 (ECMA-262) Under development in ECMAScript-front  
Java 1.4 Java-front  
JavaScript   See ECMAScript  
Jimple   Under development  
JSP   Under development in StringBorg  
LDAP Search Filters RFC 4515 StringBorg  
Octave   Under development in the Stratego Octave Compiler  
Prolog   Prolog-tools  
Python   python-syntax  
Shell   Under development in StringBorg  
Similix (subset of Scheme)   Similix in Stratego  
SQL 92 SQL-front  
Stratego 0.9 - latest StrategoXT/stratego-front  
Tiger   Tiger in Stratego  
URI RFC 1738 Nix (will be moved to some other location)  
VDM-SL ISO/IEC 13817-1:1996 VooDooMFront  
XML 1.0 StrategoXT/xml-front  
XPath 1.0 Under development in StringBorg  

Please add references to grammars you know about!

This list is maintained mostly by Martin Bravenboer. Please contact me if you cannot find a grammar or one of the links is broken.

Feb 2008 3791 0 0 402 WebHome
388 WebStatistics
259 WebRss
153 SdfGrammars
148 SdfLanguage
132 SdfSoftware
127 WebNews
107 SdfPublications
 89 PGEN
 87 SdfDocumentation
 86 SdfBundle   Jan 2008 14148 0 0 2001 WebRss
1321 WebStatistics
1062 WebHome
708 SdfGrammars
535 SdfLanguage
467 SdfSoftware
363 SdfPublications
354 GeneralizedLR
318 SdfDocumentation
300 WebNews
295 SdfDevelopment   Dec 2007 10227 0 0 1048 WebHome
738 WebStatistics
718 WebRss
438 SdfGrammars
437 SdfSoftware
381 SdfLanguage
273 WebNews
263 SdfDevelopment
262 SdfPublications
261 SdfDocumentation
238 PGEN   Nov 2007 7839 26 0 918 WebHome
597 WebRss
428 WebStatistics
321 SdfGrammars
278 SdfSoftware
253 SdfLanguage
247 GeneralizedLR
219 SdfDocumentation
205 SGLR
181 SdfPublications
171 WebNews  24 JurgenVinju
  2 MartinBravenboer Oct 2007 8011 0 0 1027 WebHome
595 WebStatistics
452 WebRss
329 SdfSoftware
299 SdfGrammars
284 SdfLanguage
229 SdfDocumentation
200 SdfPublications
196 WebNews
177 SdfApplications
176 SdfBundle   Sep 2007 8208 0 0 903 WebStatistics
824 WebHome
583 WebRss
279 SdfGrammars
255 SdfSoftware
254 SdfLanguage
207 SdfPublications
191 SdfDocumentation
180 SdfBundle
177 GeneralizedLR
171 SGLR   Aug 2007 10840 0 0 1477 WebStatistics
835 WebHome
664 WebRss
397 SdfGrammars
343 SdfLanguage
340 SdfSoftware
270 SdfDocumentation
235 SGLR
224 WebChanges
219 SdfBundle
217 WebNews   Jul 2007 13935 0 0 1123 WebStatistics
980 WebHome
655 SdfGrammars
487 WebRss
452 SdfSoftware
420 SdfLanguage
406 WebNews
342 SdfPublications
331 GeneralizedLR
319 SdfDocumentation
300 SGLR   Jun 2007 8904 0 0 842 WebHome
475 WebRss
338 SdfGrammars
319 SdfLanguage
319 SdfSoftware
311 WebStatistics
261 GeneralizedLR
259 SdfDocumentation
253 Sdf2BundleRelease22
227 WebNews
225 SdfBundle   May 2007 6711 0 0 638 WebHome
539 WebRss
441 WebStatistics
303 SdfGrammars
240 SdfSoftware
204 SdfDocumentation
195 SdfLanguage
191 GeneralizedLR
154 SdfBundle
149 SdfPublications
148 SGLR   Apr 2007 7139 0 0 704 WebHome
593 WebStatistics
403 WebRss
304 SdfGrammars
284 SdfSoftware
244 SdfLanguage
214 SdfBundle
190 GeneralizedLR
182 SdfDocumentation
159 WebNotify
143 SdfPublications   Mar 2007 7022 0 0 788 WebHome
503 WebStatistics
447 WebRss
399 SdfGrammars
300 SdfSoftware
197 SdfBundle
178 SdfPublications
177 SdfLanguage
170 SdfDocumentation
165 WebNews
140 GeneralizedLR   Feb 2007 6882 8 0 645 WebHome
495 WebStatistics
421 SdfGrammars
372 WebRss
278 SdfSoftware
233 SdfBundle
183 GeneralizedLR
183 SdfLanguage
156 SdfDocumentation
153 SdfPublications
145 Sdf2BundleRelease23   8 MartinBravenboer Jan 2007 8295 3 0 1231 WebStatistics
753 WebHome
443 WebRss
412 SdfGrammars
325 SdfSoftware
234 SdfBundle
208 SdfLanguage
200 GeneralizedLR
182 SdfDocumentation
162 SGLR
160 SdfPublications   3 MartinBravenboer Dec 2006 5986 7 0 714 WebHome
481 WebRss
221 WebStatistics
220 SdfSoftware
218 SdfGrammars
170 SdfBundle
170 SdfLanguage
170 SdfDocumentation
142 SdfApplications
138 GeneralizedLR
126 Sdf2BundleRelease22   7 MartinBravenboer Nov 2006 5591 12 0 585 WebHome
509 WebStatistics
276 SdfGrammars
213 WebRss
207 SdfSoftware
170 SdfLanguage
159 SdfBundle
141 SdfDocumentation
140 GeneralizedLR
112 PGEN
111 SGLR  12 MartinBravenboer Oct 2006 5514 0 0 647 WebHome
479 WebStatistics
266 SdfGrammars
215 SdfSoftware
204 WebRss
153 SdfLanguage
141 SdfDocumentation
140 SdfBundle
139 GeneralizedLR
137 WebNotify
122 SGLR   Sep 2006 5526 1 0 585 WebHome
504 WebStatistics
222 SdfGrammars
184 SdfSoftware
165 WebRss
143 SdfLanguage
138 SdfDocumentation
127 GeneralizedLR
118 SdfBundle
113 WebNews
112 PGEN   1 MartinBravenboer Aug 2006 7832 2 0 770 WebHome
765 WebStatistics
275 GeneralizedLR
263 WebRss
255 SdfGrammars
252 SdfSoftware
214 SdfLanguage
199 WebChanges
195 SdfDocumentation
185 SGLR
183 WebNews   2 MartinBravenboer Jul 2006 9437 1 0 1221 WebStatistics
922 WebHome
371 SdfGrammars
324 SdfSoftware
287 SdfLanguage
255 SdfDocumentation
247 WebNews
234 GeneralizedLR
224 PGEN
215 WebNotify
214 SdfBundle   1 ChristianoBraga Jun 2006 9398 0 0 1217 WebStatistics
818 WebHome
368 SdfGrammars
350 SdfSoftware
251 GeneralizedLR
231 WebNotify
225 SdfLanguage
224 SdfDocumentation
216 WebChanges
210 WebNews
202 SdfBundle   May 2006 14645 0 0 2364 WebStatistics
1227 WebHome
611 SdfGrammars
524 SdfSoftware
413 SdfLanguage
397 WebNotify
382 WebNews
368 SdfDocumentation
356 SGLR
350 WebChanges
330 GeneralizedLR   Apr 2006 10797 12 0 1168 WebHome
902 WebStatistics
432 SdfGrammars
384 SdfSoftware
380 WebChanges
344 WebNews
324 WebNotify
307 SdfDocumentation
302 SdfBundle
301 SdfLanguage
259 WebSearch  12 MartinBravenboer Mar 2006 9869 0 0 1455 WebHome
843 WebStatistics
355 SdfSoftware
338 SdfGrammars
317 SdfLanguage
282 WebNews
270 SdfDocumentation
264 SdfBundle
235 SGLR
233 WebChanges
220 WebSearch   Feb 2006 6493 0 0 1037 WebHome
535 WebStatistics
240 SdfSoftware
231 SdfGrammars
198 WebNews
181 GeneralizedLR
174 SdfDocumentation
162 SdfLanguage
154 Sdf2BundleRelease23
145 SdfApplications
143 PGEN   Jan 2006 7291 0 0 1073 WebHome
498 WebStatistics
299 SdfSoftware
243 SdfGrammars
223 SdfLanguage
198 GeneralizedLR
183 WebNews
179 WebRss
173 SdfDocumentation
158 SGLR
156 SdfApplications   Dec 2005 8222 0 0 1116 WebHome
573 WebStatistics
334 SdfSoftware
318 SdfGrammars
264 WebNews
228 GeneralizedLR
226 SdfDocumentation
225 SdfLanguage
206 WebRss
203 WebChanges
189 WebNotify   Nov 2005 7030 4 0 1027 WebHome
399 WebStatistics
299 SdfSoftware
249 SdfGrammars
236 SdfLanguage
233 WebNews
203 WebIndex
198 SdfDocumentation
193 WebChanges
186 GeneralizedLR
178 WebNotify   4 MartinBravenboer Oct 2005 6078 1 0 746 WebHome
280 SdfSoftware
264 SdfGrammars
220 SdfDocumentation
209 SdfLanguage
182 GeneralizedLR
177 WebStatistics
175 WebNews
168 Sdf2BundleRelease23
157 WebIndex
156 WebChanges   1 MartinBravenboer Sep 2005 4628 0 0 519 WebHome
373 WebStatistics
204 SdfGrammars
189 SdfSoftware
173 SdfDocumentation
142 SdfLanguage
137 GeneralizedLR
121 WebChanges
119 WebNews
109 Sdf2BundleRelease23
107 WebNotify   Aug 2005 4476 12 0 627 WebHome
426 WebRss
244 SdfSoftware
205 SdfGrammars
189 SdfLanguage
161 WebIndex
156 SdfDocumentation
137 WebStatistics
129 WebChanges
122 SGLR
118 Sdf2BundleRelease23  12 MartinBravenboer Jul 2005 4281 0 0 587 WebHome
271 SdfSoftware
174 SdfDocumentation
165 SdfLanguage
154 SdfGrammars
150 WebIndex
129 WebNotify
122 SGLR
120 Sdf2BundleRelease23
114 WebChanges
106 PGEN   Jun 2005 2829 1 0 443 WebHome
173 SdfDocumentation
146 SdfSoftware
132 SdfLanguage
114 SdfGrammars
111 SGLR
 84 PGEN
 82 WebNews
 78 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 77 SdfBundle
 76 WebNotify   1 MartinBravenboer May 2005 3025 0 0 551 WebHome
166 SdfDocumentation
145 SdfLanguage
129 SdfSoftware
116 SdfGrammars
108 WebChanges
102 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 92 WebNotify
 83 SdfPublications
 80 SGLR
 76 Sdf2BundleRelease23   Apr 2005 2958 0 0 424 WebHome
156 SdfDocumentation
154 SdfGrammars
141 SdfLanguage
128 SdfSoftware
109 Sdf2BundleRelease23
 98 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 86 GrammarBase
 85 SdfPublications
 79 PGEN
 78 WebNews   Mar 2005 2333 3 0 353 WebHome
148 SdfGrammars
144 SdfDocumentation
113 SdfLanguage
104 SdfSoftware
 80 GrammarBase
 77 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 74 WebChanges
 71 Sdf2BundleRelease23
 63 SGLR
 59 SdfApplications   3 MartinBravenboer Feb 2005 2613 10 0 374 WebHome
191 SdfDocumentation
152 SdfGrammars
144 SdfLanguage
116 SdfSoftware
105 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 88 Sdf2BundleRelease23
 85 GrammarBase
 79 SdfApplications
 68 SdfBundle
 66 SGLR  10 MartinBravenboer Jan 2005 2169 8 0 401 WebHome
172 SdfDocumentation
130 SdfGrammars
120 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
115 SdfLanguage
 95 SdfSoftware
 88 GrammarBase
 54 Sdf2BundleRelease23
 53 SdfPublications
 52 SdfBundle
 52 WebChanges   8 MartinBravenboer Dec 2004 2368 86 0 480 WebHome
157 SdfDocumentation
146 SdfLanguage
122 SdfSoftware
119 SdfGrammars
 88 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 70 SGLR
 70 SdfPublications
 68 SdfApplications
 65 GrammarBase
 57 WebChanges  86 MartinBravenboer Nov 2004 2258 1 0 348 WebHome
252 WebRss
126 SdfLanguage
122 SdfDocumentation
 94 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 90 SdfGrammars
 85 SGLR
 70 SdfSoftware
 68 GrammarBase
 67 SdfApplications
 61 SdfPublications   1 MartinBravenboer Oct 2004 1526 0 0 352 WebHome
103 SdfLanguage
 94 SdfDocumentation
 74 SdfGrammars
 68 WebRss
 66 GrammarBase
 66 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 56 robots.txt
 48 SdfSoftware
 46 SdfApplications
 43 SGLR   Sep 2004 2072 5 0 697 WebHome
 94 SdfLanguage
 89 GrammarBase
 81 robots.txt
 80 SdfDocumentation
 67 SdfGrammars
 62 SdfSoftware
 62 GeneralizedLR
 54 SdfApplications
 51 SGLR
 46 SdfPublications   5 MartinBravenboer Aug 2004 1358 1 0 283 WebHome
 87 SdfDocumentation
 82 SdfLanguage
 59 SdfGrammars
 57 GrammarBase
 55 robots.txt
 48 SGLR
 46 GeneralizedLR
 42 SdfSoftware
 42 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 41 SdfApplications   1 MartinBravenboer Jul 2004 1660 7 0 318 WebHome
125 SdfLanguage
111 SdfDocumentation
 88 GrammarBase
 82 SdfGrammars
 67 SdfApplications
 58 SdfSoftware
 56 SGLR
 54 SdfPublications
 53 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 50 WebNews   7 MartinBravenboer Jun 2004 1584 5 0 644 WebHome
 78 SdfDocumentation
 70 SdfLanguage
 70 GeneralizedLR
 51 GrammarBase
 50 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 47 SdfGrammars
 44 SdfApplications
 44 SGLR
 43 SdfPublications
 41 SdfSoftware   5 EelcoVisser May 2004 1339 28 0 325 WebHome
107 SdfLanguage
 77 SdfDocumentation
 74 GeneralizedLR
 72 GrammarBase
 58 SdfSoftware
 51 SdfGrammars
 42 SdfPublications
 39 WebNews
 33 robots.txt
 33 SdfDemos  28 MartinBravenboer Apr 2004 1451 0 0 229 WebHome
 93 GrammarBase
 83 SdfLanguage
 56 SdfDocumentation
 53 SdfGrammars
 43 SdfSoftware
 40 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 36 PGEN
 35 SdfBugs
 34 SdfApplications
 34 SDFbyExample   Mar 2004 991 2 0 255 WebHome
 79 GrammarBase
 65 SdfLanguage
 55 SdfDocumentation
 44 SdfSoftware
 44 SdfGrammars
 35 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 31 SdfPublications
 30 SdfApplications
 25 SGLR
 25 GeneralizedLR   2 MartinBravenboer Feb 2004 1108 24 0 259 WebHome
 75 SdfDocumentation
 64 GrammarBase
 63 SdfLanguage
 51 AQuickIntroductionToSDF
 47 SdfSoftware
 47 SdfGrammars
 32 SdfApplications
 31 SdfPublications
 29 SGLR
 26 GeneralizedLR  24 MartinBravenboer Jan 2004 469 86 0 159 WebHome
 68 WebChanges
 25 WebLeftBar
 17 SdfGrammars
 15 SdfApplications
 13 WebPreferences
 10 SdfLanguage
 10 SdfDocumentation
  9 WebStatistics
  9 SdfSoftware
  9 PGEN  84 MartinBravenboer
  1 JurgenVinju
  1 EelcoDolstra Dec 2003 540 0 0 440 WebStatistics
 23 WebHome
 10 WebChanges
  9 WebPreferences
  9 WebNotify
  8 WebIndex
  7 WebSearch
  6 WebLeftBar
  4 WebTools
  4 WebNews
  4 WebChanges500   Nov 2003 48 0 0  13 WebHome
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebStatistics
  2 WebTools
  2 WebNotify
  2 WebNews
  2 WebIndex
  2 WebLeftBar
  2 WebChanges500   Oct 2003 451 1 0 381 WebStatistics
  7 WebNotify
  7 WebHome
  6 WebPreferences
  6 WebIndex
  6 WebLeftBar
  6 WebChanges
  4 WebTools
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebNews
  4 WebChanges500   1 MartinBravenboer Sep 2003 36 0 0   9 WebHome
  7 WebStatistics
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebIndex
  3 WebChanges   Aug 2003 62 0 0   8 WebStatistics
  6 WebPreferences
  6 WebHome
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebChanges
  4 SiteMap
  3 WebNews
  3 WebLeftBar
  3 WebChanges500   Jul 2003 67 0 0   9 WebHome
  7 WebStatistics
  6 WebPreferences
  6 WebChanges
  6 SiteMap
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebLeftBar
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebNotify
  3 WebTools
  3 WebChanges500   Jun 2003 48 0 0   7 WebHome
  5 WebStatistics
  4 WebTools
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebNews
  4 WebIndex
  4 WebChanges
  4 SiteMap
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebPreferences
  2 WebChanges200   May 2003 9 0 0   8 WebHome
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