Program Comprehension Risks And Opportunities In XP

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Program Comprehension Risks and Opportunities in Extreme Programming

ArieVanDeursen , CWI, May 2001.

Proceedings WCRE 2001, IEEE Computer Society.


We investigate the relationship between ReverseEngineering and ProgramUnderstanding on the one hand, and SoftwareProcess on the other. To understand this relationship, we select one particular existing software process, ExtremeProgramming (XP), and study the role played in it by program comprehension and reverse engineering. To that end, we analyze five key XP practices in depth: pair programming, unit testing, ProgramRefactoring, evolutionary design, and collaborative planning.

The contributions of this paper are (1) the identification of promising research areas in the field of program comprehension; (2) the identification of new application perspectives for reverse engineering technology (3) a critical analysis of XP resulting in research questions that could help resolve some of the uncertainties surrounding XP; (4) a process assessment framework for analyzing software processes from the comprehension and reverse engineering point of view.


-- ArieVanDeursen - 10 May 2001

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