How To Pretty Print AGrammar

XT -- A Bundle of Program Transformation Tools

How to pretty-print a grammar.


A grammar can be pretty-printed (to plain text, html, or latex) using the GPP package in the following way:

  1. Parse the grammar.
  2. Feed the resulting parse tree to the pretty-print front-end asfix2abox.
  3. Feed the resulting Box expression to one of the pretty-print back-ends: abox2text?, abox2html, or abox2latex.

Alternatively, a grammar can be pretty-printed using the ast2abox? tool:

  1. Parse the grammar.
  2. Implode the resulting parse tree to an AST.
  3. Feed the AST to the pretty-print front-end ast2abox?
  4. Feed the resulting BOX expression to one of the pretty-print back-ends: abox2text?, abox2html, or abox2latex.


Assuming sdf.cons.def is the grammar of Sdf and Sdf.cons.pp is a pretty-print table for Sdf, a grammar L.sdf can be pretty-printed to text, html and latex in the following way:

  # sdf2table -i sdf.cons.def -o sdf.cons.tbl
  # sglr -2 -p sdf.cons.tbl -i L.sdf -o L.asfix
  # implode-asfix -i L.asfix -o
  # ast2abox -p sdf.cons.pp -i -o L.sdf.abox
  # abox2text -i L.sdf.abox -o L.sdf.text
  # abox2html -i L.sdf.abox -o L.sdf.html
  # abox2latex -i L.sdf.abox -o L.sdf.tex

The files sdf.cons.tbl and sdf.cons.pp are installed in share/sdf-tools/ under your XT installation.

The file L.sdf.tex can be included in a latex document, which has the following package statement in its preamble:

In the file L.sdf.tex you can read where to find the file boxenv.sty (See HowToUseGPPWithLaTeX).

See also

GenericPrettyPrinter, HowToUseGPPWithLaTeX