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Wiki References


References on Wiki and Collaboration

Some useful articles and books around collaboration and the Wiki technology in particular.

Wiki Technology and TWiki

  • Book: The Wiki Way, Quick Collaboration on the Web; by Bo Leuf and Ward Cunningham; Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN:020171499X

Collaboration and Knowledge Management

  • Book: The Knowledge Management Toolkit: Practical Techniques for Building a Knowledge Management System; by Amrit Tiwana; Prentice Hall PTR; ISBN:0130128538

  • Book: The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action; by Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton; Harvard Business School Pr; ISBN:1578511240

Extreme Programming

  • Book: Extreme Programming Examined; by Giancarlo Succi and Michele Marchesi; Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN:0201710404

  • Book: Extreme Programming in Practice; by James W. Newkirk and Robert C. Martin; Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN:0201709376

  • Book: Extreme Programming Explored; by William C. Wake and Bill Wake; Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN:0201733978

-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 15 Aug 2004