Type Inference Using TXL

Software Transformation Systems
TXL solution to TIL Chairmarks #4.4: Type inference. This example implements type inference for untyped variables in a TIL program and flags all type conflicts and ambiguous types as errors.

-- JamesCordy - 03 Mar 2007

File "TILtypeinf.Txl"

% TXL transformation to infer types for TIL variables and expressions
% Jim Cordy, March 2007

% This program annotates all expressions and variables in a TIL program
% with their inferred type, adds inferred types to variable declarations 
% and flags all type conflicts as errors.

% Based on the TIL base grammar
include "TIL.Grm"

% Preserve comments, we're probably going to maintain the result
include "TILCommentOverrides.Grm"

% Grammar overrides to allow for type specs on TIL variable declarations.
% The input TIL program may have either typed or untyped declarations.
% This transformation will infer the types of all untyped variables.

redefine declaration
   'var [primary] [opt colon_type_spec] ';   [NL]
end redefine

define colon_type_spec
   ': [type_spec]
end define

define type_spec
   'int | 'string | 'UNKNOWN
end define

% Grammar overrides to allow for type attributes on primary expressions.
% The TXL form [attr X] means that the [X] is an attribute - that is, 
% it cannot appear in input and is not printed in output.

redefine primary 
   [subprimary] [attr type_attr]
end redefine

define subprimary
   [id] | [literal] | '( [expression] ') 
end define

define type_attr
   '{ [opt type_spec] '}
end define

% Grammar overrides to conflate all [id] references to the more 
% general [primary], to make attribution rules simpler.

redefine assignment_statement
   [primary] ':= [expression] ';   [NL]
end redefine

redefine for_statement
    'for [primary] := [expression] 'to [expression] 'do   [IN][NL]
       [statement*]                                 [EX]
    'end                                             [NL]
end redefine

redefine read_statement
   'read [primary] ';   [NL]
end redefine

% Our main function carries out the typing process in several steps:

%    1. introduce complete parenthesization (to allow for detailed 
%        attribution),
%    2. enter default empty type attributes for everything,
%    3. attribute literal expressions,
%    4. infer attributes from context until a fixed point is reached,
%    5. set type attribute of uninferred items to UNKNOWN,
%    6. add declaration types from variables' inferred type attribute,
%    7. report errors (i.e., any statement with an UNKNOWN in it),
%    8. undo complete parenthesization.

function main
    replace [program]
        P [program]
        P [bracketExpressions]
end function

% Rules to introduce and undo complete parenthesization to allow 
% for detailed unambiguous type attribution

rule bracketExpressions
    skipping [expression]
    replace [expression]
        E1 [expression] Op [op] E2 [expression]
       '( E1 Op E2 ')
end rule

rule unbracketExpressions
    skipping [expression]
    replace [expression]
        '( E1 [expression] Op [op] E2 [expression] ') 
            {Type [type_spec]}
       E1 Op E2
end rule

% Rule to add empty type attributes to every primary expression 
% and variable

rule enterDefaultAttributes
    replace [attr type_attr]
        { }
end rule

% The meat of the type inference algorithm..  
% Infer types of empty type attributes from the types in the  
% context in which they are used.  Continue until a fixed point 
% is reached, that is, until no more attributes can be inferred.

rule attributeProgramToFixedPoint
    replace [program]
        P [program]
    construct NP [program]
        P [attributeAssignments]
    deconstruct not NP
end rule

rule attributeStringConstants
    replace [primary]
        S [stringlit] { }
        S {string}
end rule

rule attributeIntConstants
    replace [primary]
        I [integernumber] { }
        I {int}
end rule

rule attributeAssignments
    replace [assignment_statement]
        X [id] { } := SP [subprimary] {Type [type_spec]};
        X {Type} := SP {Type};
end rule

rule attributeOperations
    replace [primary]
        ( P1 [subprimary] {Type [type_spec]} 
            Op [op] P2 [subprimary] {Type} ) { }
        ( P1 {Type} Op P2 {Type} ) {Type}
end rule

rule attributeForIds
    replace [for_statement]
       'for Id [id] { } := P1 [subprimary] {Type [type_spec]} 
            'to P2 [subprimary] {Type} 'do
       S [statement*]
       'for Id {Type} := P1 {Type} 'to P2 {Type} 'do
end rule

rule attributeDeclarations
    replace [statement*]
       'var Id [id] { } ;
   S [statement*]
    deconstruct * [primary] S
       Id {Type [type_spec]}
       'var Id {Type};
   S [attributeReferences Id Type]
end rule

rule attributeReferences Id [id] Type [type_spec]
    replace [primary]
        Id { }
        Id {Type}
end rule

% Once a fixed point has been reached, any remaining empty type 
% attributes do not have enough context information to infer a type, 
% or have conflicting context information for the type.  
% Set all such remaining empty type attributes to UNKNOWN.

rule completeWithUnknown
    replace [attr type_attr]
        { }
end rule

% Rule to add an explicit type to every untyped variable 
% declaration.  The appropriate type is set from the variable's 
% inferred type attribute.

rule typeDeclarations
    replace [declaration]
        'var Id [id] {Type [type_spec]} ;
        'var Id {Type} : Type;
end rule

% Report all type errors.  Any statement containing an UNKNOWN 
% attribute has either a type conflict or not enough information 
% to infer a type. 

rule reportErrors
    replace $ [statement]
       S [statement]
    skipping [statement*]
    deconstruct * [type_spec] S

    % Issue an error message to the standard error stream.
    % The [pragma "-attr"] function turns on attribute printing so 
    % that the inferred type attributes of everything in the statement 
    % are printed in the message.
    % [stripBody] makes sure that if the error is in the header of an if, 
    % while or for statement we don't print the whole body in the message.

    construct Message [statement]
        S [pragma "-attr"] 
     [message "*** ERROR: Unable to resolve types in:"]
     [putp "%"]
     [pragma "-noattr"]
end rule

function stripBody
    replace * [repeat statement]
       _ [repeat statement]
        % nothing
end function

Example run:

<linux> cat typeinfeg.til
var s;
var i;
var m;
s := "foo";
i := 2;
s := s + "bar";
i := i + 1;
for i := 1 to 10 do
    s := (s + i) * 2;
m := m + m;
var j;
for j := 1 to m do
    i := m;

<linux> txl typeinfeg.til TILtypeinf.Txl

TXL v10.4d (4.2.07) (c)1988-2007 Queen's University at Kingston
Compiling TILtypeinf.Txl ... 
Parsing typeinfeg.til ...
Transforming ...

*** ERROR: Unable to resolve types in:

*** ERROR: Unable to resolve types in:
s {string} := ((s {string} + i {int}) {UNKNOWN} * 2 {int}) {UNKNOWN};

*** ERROR: Unable to resolve types in:

*** ERROR: Unable to resolve types in:

*** ERROR: Unable to resolve types in:
for j {UNKNOWN} := 1 {int} to m {UNKNOWN} do

*** ERROR: Unable to resolve types in:
i {int} := m {UNKNOWN};

var s : string;
var i : int;
var m : UNKNOWN;
s := "foo";
i := 2;
s := s + "bar";
i := i + 1;
for i := 1 to 10 do
    s := (s + i) * 2;
m := m + m;
var j : UNKNOWN;
for j := 1 to m do
    i := m;


-- JamesCordy - 03 Mar 2007