Unbind Variables On Backtracking
Stratego -- Strategies for Program Transformation
After a strategy fails, variables that have been bound in matches should be unbound. This
is not supported by the current compilation scheme.
The following example illustrates the problem. The strategy
should behave the same
as the choice between
module unbind-on-backtrack
f =
(?(x, y); ?(x, x) <+ ?(y, x)); ![y,x]
g =
?(x, y); ?(x, x); ![y,x]
h =
?(y, x); ![y,x]
main =
<g <+ h> ("a", "b") => ["a", "b"]
; <f> ("a", "b") => ["a", "b"]
EelcoVisser - 22 Nov 2001
One way: only bind unbound variables when choice is committed:
?F(x, y); s1 <+ s2
and assume that x is bound before invocation of this strategy and
that y is not (y value is looked for). transform this into
{y: ?F(x, y); s1; split(id,!y)}; ?(_,y); Fst <+ s2
This has the same effect as the earlier expression (can this insight
be made more efficient? turned into primitive operations?)
Note: this assume one can determine statically which variables are
unbound when entering a choice. Although this scheme works when y
is bound, it might turn out very expensive, because a failing match
to y is discovered after doing s1.
EelcoVisser - 2000
Solution: Save (the status of) all variables that are bound in the left branch of
a choice and restore after failure. Shouldn't be too difficult.
EelcoVisser - 22 Nov 2001