Term Annotation
Stratego -- Strategies for Program Transformation
Stratego uses terms to represent the abstract syntax of programs or documents. A term consists of a constructor
and a list of argument terms. Sometimes it is useful to record additional information about a term without adapting
its structure, i.e., creating a constructor with additional arguments. For this purpose terms can be annotated.
Support for
TermAnnotations has been available from
In Stratego a term always has a list of annotations. This is the empty list if a term doesn't have any annotations.
term annotation uses the syntax
t1 { a1 }
where term a1 is an annotation of term t1. If you want to add more
annotations to a term you can use the same syntax you would use for the content of a list:
t1 { a1, a2, a3 }
Annotations in match and build
The annotations of a term can be retrieved in a pattern match and set in a build. For example
the following build will create a term
Plus(1, 2)
with the term
as the only annotation.
!Plus(1, 2){Int}
Naturally the annotation syntax can also be used in a match:
?Plus(1, 2){Int}
Note however that this match only accepts
Plus(1, 2)
terms with just one annotation, which
should be the empty contstructor application
. This match will thus not allow other
Because a
RewriteRule is just sugar for a
StrategyDefinition, the usage of annotations in rules
is just as you would expect:
For example, the following rule checks that the two subterms of the Plus have annotation Int
and then attaches the annotation Int to the whole term:
TypeCheck :
Plus(e1{Int}, e2{Int}) -> Plus(e1, e2){Int}
Also congruences over annotations are supported. Thus, if
are strategies,
is also a strategy, which applies s1 to the term and s2 to its annotations.
Notice that s2 is applied to the
. Therefor you have to use a list
if you want to apply s3 to the only annotation of s3. If you want to
apply a strategy to all annotations, you can use a map.
Some examples:
<id{[inc]}> Plus(1, 2){3} => Plus(1, 2){4}
<id{[inc, inc]}> Plus(1, 2){3, 4} => Plus(1, 2){4, 5}
<id{map(inc)}> Plus(1, 2){3, 4, 5} => Plus(1, 2){4, 5, 6}
Frequent problems
Annotation is list
Remember that if you apply a
!Plus(1, 2){x}
, the term x will be the only annotation. This is also
the case if x is a list. Example:
SomeRule: xs -> Plus(5, 6){xs}
<SomeRule> ["a", "b", "c"] => Plus(5, 6){["a", "b", "c"]}
Notice that in this example the result is not
Plus(5, 6){"a", "b", "c"}
. The Plus term
will have just one annotation, which is the list
["a", "b", "c"]
. You can use
ListMatching to solve
this problem:
SomeRule: [xs*] -> Plus(5, 6){xs*}
<SomeRule> ["a", "b", "c"] => Plus(5, 6){"a", "b", "c"}
You can also use
ListMatching inside the annotation part of a match:
Incr: Int(x){as*} -> Int(<inc> x){as*}
<Incr> Int(5){Int} => Int(6){Int}
Preserving annotations
Because annotations are not part of the structure there is a huge risk
of losing them. For example the following
RewriteRule will already
drop the annotations of the Int term.
Incr: Int(x) -> Int(<inc> x)
You can create a strategy into an annotation preserving strategy
in the annotations module of the
GenericTermTraversal operators
CongruenceOperators preserve annotations. If the
rule is implemented
as congruence, the annotations will be preserved:
Incr = Int(inc)
<Incr> Int(5){Int} => Int(6){Int}
MartinBravenboer - 25 Jan 2003