StrategoXT-0.9.2 released on July 4, 2003

Source tar.gz

Source RPM

Redhat Linux RPM
Redhat 8.0:
Redhat 9.0:

SuSE Linux RPM
SuSE 8.2:
Development Snapshot
Latest Sources? for information on how to obtain the latest developments (at your own risk).
StrategoXT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
Please report any problems with installation or bugs in the implementation to the
stratego-bugs mailing list. Please check the archive of the list to see if a report about the problem was already submitted.
Besides the dependency on the aterm-2.0 and sdf2-1.6,
StrategoXT has the following dependencies:
The Stratego Compiler depends on
- gcc (the extension of C with nested functions)
The build of the source distribution depends on the following software packages
Developers who need to rebuild Makefiles and the configure scripts will need
- automake 1.6
- autoconf 2.53
StrategoXT distribution consists of the following
Previous Releases
Note that this wiki page is versioned. Pointers to earlier (beta)
releases can be found on earlier versions of this page. Not all beta
distributions are guaranteed to be available though.
From the NEWS file
StrategoXT 0.9.2 -- released 2003-07-04
This is a logistics release. The main purpose of the work done for
this release is to create more and better distributions.
The buildfarm at the UU now creates all the distributions: source
tarballs, source rpms and binary rpms. This will make it much more
easy for the maintainers of StrategoXT to create new releases.
Hopefully this will lead to more frequent releases, which is a good
From now on we will support binary RPMs in every release. Currently
the buildfarm only builds RPMs for SuSE 8.2 and Redhat 8.0, but the
buildfarm will be extended with other versions of Redhat and SuSE in
the near future.
We've finally solved some distribution problems that have been around
for quite some time. StrategoXT and the SDF2 bundle now support a
separate 'make' and 'make install' by a separation of build time,
install time and runtime dependencies. The separate make/make install
was more or less required for creating RPMs, but for user installation
it is very useful as well. Thanks to a suggestion submitted by
Valentin David, StrategoXT and the SDF2 bundle can now be configured
without a prefix, which defaults to the autoconf default (usually
Rob Vermaas refactored the dot-tools package to the standard structure
of a package for a concrete syntax (syn, sig, pp). The graph-tools
packages now uses the dot-tools package instead of its own (copied)
signatures for the dot language.
Rob Vermaas has also compiled the complete StrategoXT distribution on
Cygwin. He encountered some small problems, which he has all been able
to solve. Unfortunately the performance showed to be disappointing.
However, StrategoXT should now support Cygwin, but the support is not
verified in the buildfarm. From one of the next releases we will start
providing binary distributions for Microsoft Windows users.
The release page contains the source distributions, binary RPMs, and
detailed instructions on how to install the distributions:
* StrategoXT (Martin Bravenboer)
- configuration without prefix is now possible.
- several packages are now first installed locally
to allow a separate make/make install:
- xtc: for install time
- srts: for build time
- autoxt for bootstrap time
* asfix-tools (Martin Bravenboer)
- asource is no longer installed. It used to be a symbolic
link to asfix-yield.
* aterm-tools (Merijn de Jonge)
- fixed treeviz: Tool was compiled with incorrect main
* dot-tools (Rob Vermaas)
- changed structure of package to the common structure
of -tools/-front packages.
* graph-tools (Rob Vermaas)
- now using dot-tools
* sc (Merijn de Jonge)
- stratego-warnings: stratego analysis tool
Currently it checks for usage of obsolete strategies and for
missing build operators in calls to the "debug" strategy.
- sc: -W|--warning can be used to apply the stratego-warnings tool.
* ssl (Martin Bravenboer)
- --about and --version are now
standard switches in parse-options.
- posix-signal.str: prefixed signal overlays with
SIG. Reported by Karina.
* stratego-tools (Merijn de Jonge)
- conc-modules has been fixed to deal with .str and .rtree files,
and now uses parse-stratego rather than parse-mod.
All the bugs and known problems for StrategXT distributions have
been solved in this release.
For a more detailed overview of problems and missing features please
* ReleasePlan:
* Todo:
Please report any problems with installation or bugs in the
implementation to the mailing list. Please
check the archive of the list to see if a report about the problem
was already submitted.
* Bug reports and suggestions for improvements where submitted by:
Jozer Kruger, Valentin David.
* The major developments were carried out by:
Martin Bravenboer, Rob Vermaas, Armijn Hemel, Merijn de Jonge.