Installation Instructions 091

Stratego -- Strategies for Program Transformation

Download distribution

First download Stratego XT 0.9.1. The instructions on this page assume that you have downloaded a distribution. See the Latest Sources? topic for instructions on how to prepare the sources you've checked out from the Subversion repository.

Using source tarballs

Use the instructions in this section if you want to install StrategoXT using source tarballs (.tar.gz).

Download and install dependencies

StrategoXT is built using the ATermLibrary, SGLR, PGEN, and optionally the Nancy Choice Point Library? (CPL) (with some adaptations for Stratego). SGLR and PGEN are available as part of the sdf2 bundle of tools for the SDF syntax definition formalism.

Using more recents versions of these packages is at your own risk, but should work.

The following sequence of commands takes care of building and installing the aterm and sdf2 bundle from source:


   tar zxf aterm-1.6.7.tar.gz
   cd aterm-1.6.7
   ./configure --prefix=$DIR --with-gcc
   make install
   cd ..

   tar zxf sdf2-1.5.tar.gz
   cd sdf2-1.5
   ./configure --prefix=$DIR --with-aterm=$DIR
   make install
   cd ..
sdf2-1.5 cannot be build without being installed at the same time. Therefore you must build and install it at the same time (see also a note in the section on the installation of StrategoXT)

Optionally you can install the choice point library:

   tar zxf cpl-stratego-0.4.tar.gz
   cd cpl-stratego-0.4
   ./configure --prefix=$DIR 
   make install
   cd ..

Installation of StrategoXT

Unpack and configure StrategoXT with the following commands:

   tar zxf strategoxt-0.9.1.tar.gz
   cd strategoxt-0.9.1
   ./configure --prefix=$DIR --with-aterm=$DIR --with-sdf=$DIR
If you intend to modify the sources of StrategoXT, you might want to set the prefix (DIR) to the local directory ( `pwd` ) or at least a directory where you have write permissions such that it is easy to re-install the compiler.

To use the Choice Point Library? configure StrategoXT as follows:

   ./configure --prefix=$DIR --with-aterm=$DIR --with-sdf=$DIR --with-cpl=$DIR 

For installation proceed as follows

   make install

Please note that doing a separate make is useless: unfortunately StrategoXT currently cannot be built without being installed at the same time.

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