Fusing Logic And Control

Stratego -- Strategies for Program Transformation
PatriciaJohann and EelcoVisser. Fusing Logic and Control with Local Transformations: An Example Optimization. In Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming (WRS'01), volume 57 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Utrecht, The Netherlands, May 2001. Elsevier Science Publishers.


Abstract programming supports the separation of logical concerns from issues of control in program construction. While this separation of concerns leads to reduced code size and increased reusability of code, its main disadvantage is the computa- tional overhead it incurs. Fusion techniques can be used to combine the reusability of abstract programs with the eciency of specialized programs.

In this paper we illustrate some of the ways in which rewriting strategies can be used to separate the de nition of program transformation rules from the strategies under which they are applied. Doing so supports the generic de nition of program transformation components. Fusion techniques for strategies can then be used to specialize such generic components.

We show how the generic innermost rewriting strategy can be optimized by fusing it with the rules to which it is applied. Both the optimization and the programs to which the optimization applies are speci ed in the strategy language Stratego. The optimization is based on small transformation rules that are applied locally under the control of strategies, using special knowledge about the contexts in which the rules are applied.

