Dynamic Rules Rethought
Stratego -- Strategies for Program Transformation
We're currently rethinking the concept of dynamic rules; quite some changes are at stake. This topic collects some of our reasoning on behaviour and implementation of dynamic rules.
Dynamic scoping for dynamic rules
New ideas for scoping
- A scope has a scope-name, which is some sort of meta-identifier for one
or more scopes.
For dynamic rules this is the name of the rule.
- Secondly, a scope also has a label, to identify it from other (parent-)
scopes with the same name.
=> For dynamic rules this is currently undefined, but could be some user-
specified label.
- Items within a scope should bind themselves to a named scope, and
optionally specify a label to define which scope the item is placed in.
If unspecified, the most recent (inner) scope shall automatically be taken.
=> For dynamic rules, this currently is the rulename, and no label is
- The idea is that a scope-label should be defined and used at
runtime. This allows for context-based scoping.
- Note that the combination of scope-name and scope-label is not unique.
For example consider this fragment:
let x := 3
in let y := 5
in let x := 4
in x + y
+ x
// (result is (4+5)+3)
- If the runtime-determined label for some dynamic rule is taken to be the
of the Decl
of a Let
, then, during transformation of the above
fragment, we will have at 'x+y' the following scope-list:
[("MyRule", "x"), ("MyRule", "y"), ("MyRule", "x")]
(Just FYI, this non-uniqueness is no problem at all)
Possible new syntax for dynamic rules
{| RuleName1@lblA, ..., RuleNameN@lblN :
Rule(as1|as2)@lblP : t1 -> t2 where s
More efficient scope-handling using multiple hash-tables
- Put each new scope in its own hashtable.
- Maintain a list of nested scopes.
- One list for each scope name (i.e rulename)
- Each list-element is a small tuple containing the label of the scope
and a pointer to the hashtable for that specific scope.
- Lookup of scoped items (i.e. rule-bindings) just comes down to take
the table-list for the desired scope-name, and just perform a lookup in
the tables -- starting with the frontmost table (i.e. innermost scope) --
until the item with the requested key is found.
- Multiple values for same key within one scope. Should still be possible
extend rules
!), so for each key we keep one (key, value) pair in the scope
table, but the value is itself a stack (-like list).
- As Martin suggested: get rid of the table-table. Instead of a static
ATermTable SSL_table_table
in tables.c, let the compiler generate a
hashtable variable where needed.
- In the case of dynamic rules: one compile-time hashtable becomes
available. This table contains for each rulename (which serves as
the key) a list of scope-tables.
- Another option: for each rulename generate a separate (list-)
Maintaining Scopes stack as a list of changesets
- Easier intersection of scoped rulesets.
- Cheaper forking (e.g. during dataflow analysis) of traversals that involve
generation and intersection of dynamic rulesets.
- A scope specification with items (here: context-bindings) in it, could be represented as a
change set on top of any previous scope specifications (which are change sets themselves).
- A changeset is not specific for one scope at all! It can cover all previous scopes
and may introduce new ones.
- Forking during dataflow analysis becomes easy now: start two new changesets
with the same parent set.
Note: Lookup will also use the parent sets, but changing/adding only happens
in the current change set of course.
- Maintaining change sets is probably useful during subtraversals. After the
required info has been computed (e.g. intersected ruleset), the resulting change
set may be 'committed' to toplevel rulesets (to avoid unnecessary chained lookup)
Open Issues
- If within a certain scope, rewriting with a dynrule fails, do we want
to try higher scopes as well? (inheritance)
I know this is contradictory to the current semantics: generating a new
rule 'hides' all previous rules for the same LHS. Still, it's something
we should consider.
Update: The best is to lookup the most recent scope in which a rule was
generated and then stick to that scope.
- If we do so: a special rule should be available that does undefine/
hide previously generated rules.
An extra flexibility would be to specify: undefine in current scope, or
undefine in all scopes up into the first scope that it was introduced in.
Update : undefining in higher scopes automatically happens when generating
rules in the current scope. Undefining in current scope might need two variants
though : undefine all in scope, or undefine only most recent / a specific instance
bagof fails if LHS is unknown
- bagof fails if LHS is unknown, it succeeds with empty list if LHS is
known but all rewritings failed.
- Easily fixable by catching failure upon binding-lookup and returning empty list.
(Or the other way around: fail if filter produces empty list, but this seems less
intuitive for a bagof)
bagof behaves incorrect for overlapping LHS
- Consider the following fragment:
overlap-test =
{| RuleA :
extend rules(RuleA: Foo(x, y) -> Bar(y, x) where <gt> (x, y))
; extend rules(RuleA: Foo(x, y) -> Bar(x, y) where <leq> (x, y))
; !7 => b
; extend rules(RuleA: Foo(x, b) -> Seven(b, x))
// Below is what currently happens
; <bagof-RuleA> Foo(3, 7) => [Bar(3,7)]
// Below is what one would expect
; <bagof-RuleA> Foo(3, 7) => [Bar(3,7), Seven(7,3)] // (list order may differ)
- Cause of the above:
For each extend rules, a new bagof-RuleA is generated, later wrapped in
one list of choices, see the following (somewhat edited) lifted code:
bagof-RuleA( | ) =
( ?h_13@Foo(f_13, g_13)
; where(!Foo([], []); extend-rewrite(!"RuleA" |)
; filter({e_88 : where(id; ?e_88); !(h_13, e_88)}
; aux-RuleA(|) |)
; ?i_13)
; !i_13
+ ( ?y_12@Foo(w_12, x_12)
; where(!Foo([], []); extend-rewrite(!"RuleA" |)
; filter({k_85 : where(id; ?k_85); !(y_12, k_85)}
; aux-RuleA(|) |)
; ?z_12)
; !z_12
; id
+ ( ?p_12@Foo(n_12, o_12)
; where(!Foo([], o_12); extend-rewrite(!"RuleA" |)
; filter({u_82 : where(id; ?u_82); !(p_12, u_82)}
; aux-RuleA(|) |)
; ?q_12)
; !q_12
+ fail)))
- The LHS of the first two rules overlap the LHS of the third, so
the initial match (e.g.
) succeeds, the rest of
the second rule also succeeds, so its result is returned, and the third
strategy in the choiced-list (?p12@...
) is not tried at all.
Besides : the first two extend rules
are indexed with key
, the third with Foo([],7)
. So, the bindings for the third
are not returned by the call !Foo([], []); extend-rewrite(!"RuleA" |)
So, although normally the third rule would succeed (and may even be the
preferred one), it's never seen as a result.
- Fix for this problem:
In the binding table, maintain an additional list with all
(LHS, binding)
for the rule, for example like:
( "__drbindings__",
[ (Foo([], 7), Defined("z_3")),
(Foo([],[]), Defined("c_2")),
(Foo([],[]), Defined("d_0"))
- the
is a quick-n-dirty approach to get the desired bagof-behaviour:
full-bagof-RuleA :
t_1 ->
where get-scoped-values-current(|"RuleA", "__drbindings__")
; filter({ key, bnds :
?(key, bnds)
; <matchHelper(|key)> t_1 // determines whether current term would match the dummified LHS
; !(t_1, bnds)
; aux-RuleA(|)
; ?s_1
matchHelper(|key) =
?t_1@Foo(x, b)
; where(!key => Foo([], b))
; where(!t_1 => Foo(_, b))
matchHelper(|key) =
?v_1@Foo(x, y)
; where(!key => Foo([], []))
; where(!v_1 => Foo(_, _))
- Also note that although the first two extend rules have the same LHS,
still a separate bagof-RuleA is generated for them. Not incorrect, but
ArthurVanDam - 29 Mar 2004