Third International Conference on
Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'04)
Vancouver, October 24-28, 2004
co-located with OOPSLA 2004
and ISMM 2004
Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN,
in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT and Microsoft
Demonstrations Committee
- Simon Helsen (Chair), University of Waterloo, Canada
- William Cook, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Frédéric Jouault, Université de Nantes, France
Important Dates
- Demonstration proposal submission: July 2, 2004
- Notification of acceptance: August 2, 2004
- Conference: October 24-28, 2004
The conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering
offers practitioners and tool-developers an opportunity to give an
in-depth technical demonstration of products, tools, techniques or
approaches supporting program generation, domain-specific modeling,
generative programming, template meta-programming,
aspect-oriented software development, model-driven architecture,
component generation, and other related topics.
GPCE tool demonstrations typically show how tools are applied in real
world scenarios, for example, by considering a small case-study. We
explicitely invite proposals from both industry as well as academia.
Demonstrations will be selected on their technical content, practical
or academic relevance, and feasibility of the proposed demonstration.
While we encourage proposals for the demonstration of commercial
tools, we expect the presentation to address technical issues.
Product marketing is inappropriate for this forum. If there are
concerns with regard to the applicability of a demonstration or tool,
feel free to contact the demonstrations chair (
OOPSLA 2004 Co-location
Because GPCE 2004 is co-located with OOPSLA 2004 and because there is
possibly some conceptual overlap, GPCE demonstrations will
be held together with OOPSLA demonstrations. In practice, this means
that GPCE demonstrations will run as a parallel track next to OOPSLA
demonstrations in the same exhibition space. We expect that this integration
benefits both GPCE and OOPSLA conference attendants.
Organizational Issues
A demonstration session will be 45 minutes in length and will be held twice
over the course of the conference. It is centered
around a technical exposition of the tool, but the demonstrators
should provide time for questions from the public, either
during the session or at the end. Depending on resource availability,
there will be time and room for additional informal presentations and
Demonstration proposals, written according to the guidelines
outlined below, should be sent by e-mail to the demonstrations chair
( The deadline
for proposals is July 2, 2004. Due to the OOPSLA co-location,
the GPCE and OOPSLA demonstrations chairs reserve the right to transfer
incoming proposals between the two conferences whenever appropriate.
Presenters of accepted demonstrations will also be expected to provide a
two-page summary description to be published on the website and handed out
at the conference.
Proposal Guidelines
A proposal for demonstration has to be sent via e-mail to the demonstration chair in
either text, PDF
or MS Word format and should contain the following information:
- A demonstration title
- Name, organization, email, address, and phone number of the contact person
- Names and affiliations of the other presenters
- A description (max 250 words) addressing the following issues:
- Problems addressed
- Relevance to Generative Programming or Component Engineering
- Uniqueness of design and implementation,
- Underlying implementation techniques and technologies used
- A description of what the audience will see and how the
demonstration will be run
- A URL of a web site with additional information, if available
- Hardware and presentation requirements
Proposals may be resent up to the submission deadline (please, indicate clearly
that your proposal is an update of a previous submission).
More Information
For additional information, clarification, or questions, please feel
free to contact the demonstrations chair (