Despite their potential for improving reuse, abstraction mechanisms such as objects, abstract types, polymorphism, and higher-order types are all too often considered to have a prohibitive runtime cost. As a result, many real-world programs are littered with lost opportunities where these abstraction mechanisms could have been used to improve the quality of the code, but where they are considered prohibitively expensive. An important approach to dealing with this problem is program generation, which can be used to reduce or eliminate the runtime overhead of abstraction mechanisms. But writing program generators itself can be hard. Multi-stage programming (MSP) is a light-weight, semantically-motivated approach to making program generators easier to write. MetaOCaml is a programming language that provides special support for MSP by providing:
The half-day tutorial will cover
Slides and other updated information regarding this tutorial can be found at the official MetaOCaml tutorial web page.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has kindly provided a number of stipends to support student travel and participation to attend the MetaOCaml Tutorial and/or the MetaOCaml Workshop:
Awards will be made on the basis of relevance to the students education and research activities. To apply, please send an email to by September 5th. The email should include:
Reimbursements will be made based on submitted expense receipts. Students submitting papers to the MetaOCaml Workshop are eligible for stipends. Amount of stipend will be indicated when you are notified of the result of your application.
Applications should be sent to by September 5th, 2004.
Conf. Ctr. Meeting Room 17
Sunday 1:30 - 5:00 (half-day)
Walid Taha, Rice University, taha (at)
Cristiano Calcagno, Imperial College, ccris (at)
Walid Taha and Cristiano Calcagno have been involved in the development of MetaOCaml since 1999. Walid and Cristiano have also been involved in the study of type systems for multi-stage languages since 1997. Walid has a record of organizing a number of successful workshops and conferences, including SAIG'00 (organizer and PC Chair), SAIG'01 (organizer and PC Chair), and GPCE'02 (General Chair).