
Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences

SIGPLAN Student Travel Grants

Are you a student who is a presenter or co-author of a paper, but need money to attend the conference?
The SIGPLAN Professional Activities Committee (PAC) provides support to help advance professional goals such as these.
Even if you are not a SIGPLAN member, you can apply—as long as the event you are participating in is sponsored by SIGPLAN and you are a member of ACM.
Please see for full details on eligibility and application process for these SIGPLAN grants.

SIGPLAN Travel Grants

Are you a SIGPLAN member who would like to attend SPLASH, but cannot because of prohibitive costs associated with:

  • child care
  • companion care-provider travel
  • long distance international travel

If so, then SIGPLAN (the sponsor of SPLASH) may be willing to provide financial support for you to attend the conference.
Please see for full details on eligibility and application process for these and other grants for SIGPLAN members.