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Results from Variability web
For now just the posters of this disscussion group are put here.

  • Topic overview

  • Imperfect Frameworks for the Real World

  • Pointcut Language for Procedural Languages

  • Testing

  • QoS?

For now we have only the raw discussion protocol here.

Type and Mechanism of Variation

solution vs. problem space

types of variation in problem space:

offerted by feature models: optional mandatory alternatives set selection

other dimension features that go into code into process into

in general: everything that can be decided on

features lack semantics

types of variation in the solution space = Operations: substitutive variation (replace) additive variation remove

other dimension: functionality and non functional things

mechanisms for variation in solution space: ifdef aspects templates ...

We want to have: Patterns for doing variations

If you have this kind of variation with this kind of feature and are restricted to this set of mechanisms implement it like this.

Semantic Interfaces

exposing variation points

On Demand Variation

runtime variation on demand requirments changed during runtime (for high availability systems) change the code during runtime, not only configurate it

ways to do this: AO : offers runtime weaving/hot deployment flexible component systems: replace, add, remove components patching at runtim ...

what is missing?

same problem as evolution

Crosscutting Feature Models

mapping several feature models on each other? crosscutting feature over one feature model?

Valid Variations in Problem/Solution space

-- DaniloBeuche - 10 Nov 2004

These position papers were the basis for our discussion at the OOPSLA 2004 workshop:

* Alves_Matos_Borba.zip?;

* Arvind_Turkaye_Yilmaz_Schmidt_Gokhale_Memon_Porter.zip?;

* Bader_Armouti_Ren_Elrad.zip?;

* Bray_Yuen_Coady_Fiuczynski.zip?;

* Groher.zip?;

* Klint_Storm.zip?;

* Loughran_Rashid.zip?;

* Wuchner.zip?;

-- ChristaSchwanninger - 11 Nov 2004


MVCDC 2: Second Workshop on Managing Variabilities consistently in Design and Code - OOPSLA 2005


With the introduction of software product line approaches into the practice, variants and variability add a new dimension of complexity to the software development process. The combinatorial explosion of possible variants in systems with a high degree of variability requires improved and changed concepts for specifying, modeling, and implementing these systems to assure quality and functionality.

Current OO technologies and standardized design languages fall short in offering appropriate support for designing and implementing variabilities. Additionally the integration of design tools and implementation technologies concerning variants is still poor.

The main goal is to discuss and identify efficient ways for dealing with highly variable software systems on design and code level by evaluating existing approaches and new ideas from the research community and industrial practice.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • tools and processes for managing variants
  • modeling languages for capturing variants
  • code generation support
  • feature oriented development tools and technologies
  • languages for independent feature development and feature composition
  • AO approaches for independent feature development and feature composition
  • Integration of variant management into model driven software development techniques
  • Support for model to model and model to code transformations


  • Position Papers Due: Friday, August 26, 2005
  • Notification of Acceptance: Friday, September 9, 2005
  • Workshop: Thursday, October 20, 2005


The workshop is laid out as full day workshop. Instead of presenting the papers, each participant will be expected to review everyone else's paper before the workshop and complete the following two sentences for each:

  • What I really liked about this paper is ...
  • The most important question I would like to ask the author is ...

These answers are written down on index cards and will be collected before the workshop. During the workshop, we will spend the morning with questions and answers to gain deeper insight into the problem described in the paper. Before each paper session, the author will be permitted a 4 minute slot to very briefly present his paper/work. The workshop format in the afternoon will be utilizing the "Open Space" format in order to discuss topics of interest that might be, or might not be directly related to the papers presented in the morning.


Every interested person is invited to apply for attendance by sending a position paper to the organizers. The submission should be one to two pages describing the key ideas. Submissions will be reviewed by the organizers. The authors will be notified about acceptance before the early registration deadline.


  • Christa Schwanninger, Siemens AG
  • Danilo Beuche, pure systems
  • Krzysztof Czarnecki, University of Waterloo
  • Mira Mezini, Darmstadt University of Technology
  • Markus Völter, Independent Consultant
  • Rainer Burgstaller, Siemens AG



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Most modern software needs to support increasing amounts of variability, i.e. locations in the software where behaviour can be configured. This trend leads to a situation where the complexity of managing the amount of variability becomes a primary concern that needs to be addressed. Two causes for the increasing amount of variability are the delaying of design decisions to the latest point that is economically feasible and the transfer of variability from mechanics and hardware to the software in embedded systems.

Software product families and populations make a convincing case for the increasing importance of software variability management. Although the notion of software product families dates back to the 1970’s, broad industrial adoption started at the end of the 1990s. Early industrial adopters, such as Philips, started their work on software product families in 1994.

The reason for identifying software variability management as a core topic is twofold. First, within the software engineering research community, we have come to realize that the fundamental issue in a range of reuse approaches, including object-oriented frameworks, component-based software engineering and software product families, is the management of the provided variability in the context of the commonality. Basically, the reusability of any software artefact is determined by its ability to support the variability required from it. Second, in several industrial organizations, the complexity of variability management is becoming such that more systematic approaches are required as the limitations of ad-hoc approaches experienced daily. For instance, the number of variation points for industrial software product families may range in the thousands.

Stolen from CfP of the 2nd Groningen Workshop on Software Variability Management

-- DaniloBeuche - 10 Nov 2004

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WorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode? 10 Nov 2004 - 13:31 DaniloBeuche
SoftwareVariabilityManagement? 10 Nov 2004 - 13:14 DaniloBeuche
MVCDC2004Papers? 11 Nov 2004 - 07:49 ChristaSchwanninger

See also

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MVCDC2004Papers? 11 Nov 2004 - 07:49 ChristaSchwanninger
MVCDC2004MappingOfDomainSpaceToSolutionSpace? 10 Nov 2004 - 13:38 DaniloBeuche
WorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode? 10 Nov 2004 - 13:31 DaniloBeuche
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MVCDC2004Papers? 11 Nov 2004 - 07:49 ChristaSchwanninger
MVCDC2004MappingOfDomainSpaceToSolutionSpace? 10 Nov 2004 - 13:38 DaniloBeuche
WorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode? 10 Nov 2004 - 13:31 DaniloBeuche
SoftwareVariabilityManagement? 10 Nov 2004 - 13:14 DaniloBeuche
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MVCDC2CallForPaper? 20 Oct 2005 - 21:32 DaniloBeuche
WebHome 05 Jun 2005 - 20:02 DaniloBeuche
MVCDC2004Evolution? 23 Nov 2004 - 01:25 JohnAnvik
WebLeftBar 11 Nov 2004 - 16:57 DaniloBeuche
MVCDC2004Adoption? 11 Nov 2004 - 10:56 DaniloBeuche
MVCDC2004Papers? 11 Nov 2004 - 07:49 ChristaSchwanninger
MVCDC2004MappingOfDomainSpaceToSolutionSpace? 10 Nov 2004 - 13:38 DaniloBeuche
WorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode? 10 Nov 2004 - 13:31 DaniloBeuche
SoftwareVariabilityManagement? 10 Nov 2004 - 13:14 DaniloBeuche
WebPreferences 10 Nov 2004 - 12:19 EelcoVisser
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 42 2ndWorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode
 40 WebChanges500
 35 WebNotify
Aug 2005 1175 0 0 248 WebStatistics
154 WebHome
115 WebIndex
 63 WebChanges
 60 MVCDC2004Papers
 56 MVCDC2004Evolution
 48 WorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode
 41 2ndWorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode
 34 MVCDC2004MappingOfDomainSpaceToSolutionSpace
 32 WebPreferences
 31 WebNotify
Jul 2005 1066 0 0 165 WebHome
124 WebStatistics
103 WebIndex
 62 WebChanges
 47 WebPreferences
 42 WebNotify
 41 WebSearch
 41 MVCDC2004Evolution
 40 MVCDC2004MappingOfDomainSpaceToSolutionSpace
 38 WebChanges500
 37 WorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode
Jun 2005 784 9 0 161 WebHome
104 WebStatistics
 55 WebChanges
 52 SoftwareVariabilityManagement
 38 WebPreferences
 35 WorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode
 31 WebChanges500
 31 2ndWorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode
 29 WebSearch
 27 MVCDC2004MappingOfDomainSpaceToSolutionSpace
 26 WebNews
  7 DaniloBeuche
  2 ChristaSchwanninger
May 2005 670 0 0 131 WebHome
 66 WebStatistics
 39 WebChanges
 35 WebNotify
 34 WebPreferences
 31 SoftwareVariabilityManagement
 30 WebSearch
 28 WebIndex
 27 WebNews
 26 MVCDC2004MappingOfDomainSpaceToSolutionSpace
 25 WebChanges500
Apr 2005 610 0 0 120 WebStatistics
 95 WebHome
 60 WebChanges
 50 MVCDC2004Evolution
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 22 MVCDC2004Papers
 22 WebChanges500
 19 WebChanges100
 17 WebIndex
 17 WebSearch
Mar 2005 474 0 0  84 WebHome
 72 WebStatistics
 51 MVCDC2004Evolution
 46 WebChanges
 26 WebNotify
 22 MVCDC2004Papers
 17 WebContents?
 16 WebChanges500
 16 WebNews
 15 WebIndex
 14 WebChanges100
Feb 2005 540 0 0  77 WebStatistics
 74 WebHome
 67 MVCDC2004Evolution
 52 WebChanges
 39 MVCDC2004Papers
 23 WebNews
 22 WebNotify
 22 WebChanges500
 21 WebPreferences
 17 SoftwareVariabilityManagement
 16 WebIndex
Jan 2005 379 3 0  92 WebHome
 45 WebStatistics
 35 WebChanges
 28 MVCDC2004Evolution
 22 MVCDC2004Papers
 17 WebContents?
 16 WebNotify
 14 SoftwareVariabilityManagement
 14 WebPreferences
 14 WorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode
 13 WebIndex
  3 DaniloBeuche
Dec 2004 491 2 0 101 WebHome
 57 WebStatistics
 38 WorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode
 34 MVCDC2004Evolution
 32 WebChanges
 30 MVCDC2004Papers
 20 SoftwareVariabilityManagement
 19 MVCDC2004Adoption
 18 WebPreferences
 16 WebNotify
 13 MVCDC2004MappingOfDomainSpaceToSolutionSpace
  2 EelcoVisser
Nov 2004 272 42 15  74 WebHome
 29 WorkshopManagingVariabilityConsistentlyInDesignAndCode
 29 WebContents?
 23 MVCDC2004Papers
 21 MVCDC2004Adoption
 20 SoftwareVariabilityManagement
 15 WebChanges
 13 WebNews
  8 MVCDC2004MappingOfDomainSpaceToSolutionSpace
  7 MVCDC2004Evolution
  6 WebStatistics
 26 DaniloBeuche
 21 ChristaSchwanninger
  5 JohnAnvik
  5 EelcoVisser


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The workshop was held on October 24, 2004 as part of the OOSPL 2004 in Vancouver.

The Call for Papers contains links to the submitted position papers and information about the workshop organisers etc.

The workshop participants agreed to document (some of) the workshop results using this wiki.

After a discussion of the Position Papers several topics were selected and grouped together. For each topic group a seperate group discussed the questions in detail and presented the results in a plenary session afterwards.

Discussion Topics

  1. Feature Mining?
    1. bottom up identification of variability
    2. feature mining
    3. notions of "feature"

  1. Evolution
    1. Refactoring; impact on previous variants
    2. traceability of variation points
    3. consistent mapping between model and implementation -> #number of steps/levels
    4. Core changing -> smaller, ->not at all -> bigger
    5. mechanisms for managing intra lifecycle vaiability

  1. Adoption
    1. adoption criteria ->new projects, ->legacy projects
    2. pointcut language for procedural languages
    3. imperfect/partial/incomplete "framework" for managing varibailiy in the real world
    4. modeling/ensuring QoS? for different variants
    5. testing of product lines

  1. Mapping of Domain Space to Solution Space
    1. type and mechanism of variation
    2. semantic interfaces
    3. on demand variation
    4. crosscutting feature models
    5. valid variations in problem/solution space

Number of topics: 24