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Workshop Managing Variability Consistently In Design And Code

*Software Variability Management*
The workshop was held on October 24, 2004 as part of the OOSPL 2004 in Vancouver.

The Call for Papers contains links to the submitted position papers and information about the workshop organisers etc.

The workshop participants agreed to document (some of) the workshop results using this wiki.

After a discussion of the Position Papers several topics were selected and grouped together. For each topic group a seperate group discussed the questions in detail and presented the results in a plenary session afterwards.

Discussion Topics

  1. Feature Mining?
    1. bottom up identification of variability
    2. feature mining
    3. notions of "feature"

  1. Evolution
    1. Refactoring; impact on previous variants
    2. traceability of variation points
    3. consistent mapping between model and implementation -> #number of steps/levels
    4. Core changing -> smaller, ->not at all -> bigger
    5. mechanisms for managing intra lifecycle vaiability

  1. Adoption
    1. adoption criteria ->new projects, ->legacy projects
    2. pointcut language for procedural languages
    3. imperfect/partial/incomplete "framework" for managing varibailiy in the real world
    4. modeling/ensuring QoS? for different variants
    5. testing of product lines

  1. Mapping of Domain Space to Solution Space
    1. type and mechanism of variation
    2. semantic interfaces
    3. on demand variation
    4. crosscutting feature models
    5. valid variations in problem/solution space