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Results from Stratego web
See StrategyDefinition
patterns is a idiom for checking the format of terms by means of recursion and congruences. This idiom is useful for checking the conformance of terms to some signature ...
Description The design of Stratego specifications can be improved by Transform.ReFactoring. Here is a list of refactorings. Please add to the list if you use missing ...
The data-flow diagram below shows the main tools from the StrategoXT and SDF2 packages. The red edges indicate the standard composition of a transformation system ...
A regular tree grammar defines a regular tree language. Regular tree grammars are widely applied as tools in formal reasoning, but in practice the basic formalism ...
Introduction The RelationalAlgebra package defines an syntax for relational algebra, a presentation of relational algebra in MathML and optimization of relational ...
This page provides the tentative scheduling for future releases of StrategoXT. See PastReleases for an overview of the development of StrategoXT. Note that except ...
JIRA Issue Tracking System In March 2004, we have adopted JIRA as an issue tracking system for StrategoXT and related projects. Where to report issues? Our JIRA installation ...
By representing a strategy as a term, it can be passed around. This requires an EvalStrategy operator that evaluates such a term. This need not be a primitive; Problems ...
B. Fischer and E. Visser. Retrofitting the AutoBayes Program Synthesis System with Concrete Object Syntax. In C. Lengauer et al., editors, Domain-Specific Program ...
Some/many rules can be used both ways. For example, in propositional logic we have A10 : Impl(x, y) Or(Not(x), y) A11 : Or(Not(x), y) Impl(x, y) It would be more ...
A rewrite rule has the form Lab : l r where s where Lab is the label or name of the rule, l is the left-hand side term pattern, r the right-hand side term pattern ...
M. Bravenboer and E. Visser. Rewriting Strategies for Instruction Selection. In S. Tison, editor, Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA'02), volume 2378 of Lecture ...
A rewriting strategy is an algorithm for transforming a term with respect to a set of rules. Some rewriting strategies are normalizing strategies, i.e., rewrite a ...
RhoStratego is a functional language supporting first-class rules and generic traversal. Download The following releases are available: rhostratego-0.1.tar.bz2 The ...
Traversal primitives should have a right-to-left variant. Make threadl variant of thread that threads from right to left Main.EelcoVisser 27 Oct 2001 CategoryToDo ...
In stratego all information is represented as a ATerm. An ATerm can be thought of as a structured tree-like representation of the information that needs to be transformed ...

Number of topics: 18