Call for Participation Fifth Stratego User Days (SUD'04) with a special session on CodeBoost March 1 3, 2004 Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands TOC Scope ...
Monday Stratego Development 9:00 Eelco Visser Stratego/XT in 2003 Program Overview StrategoCompiler Announcement: C transformation system 10:00 Martin Bravenboer ...
Call for Participation FIFTH STRATEGO USER DAYS with a special session on CodeBoost March 1 3, 2004 Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands http://www.stratego ...
( this overview is under construction, please contribute! ) .def Foo.def is an SDF definition . An SDF definition is stored in a .def file and is just a bundle of ...
final module/definition Marks a definition or all definitions in a module as final. This means that modules importing this definition cannot extend it. For separate ...
First Stratego Users Day March 24, 2000 CWI, Amsterdam On Friday, March 24, 2000, Merijn de Jonge and Joost Visser of CWI, Amsterdam will host the first Stratego ...
The first Stratego Users Day was held on March 24, 2000 at CWI. The subject of the meeting was for StrategoUsers to share experiences with StrategoLanguage and get ...
A tuple is a term of the form (t1,...,tn) . In pre- StrategoRelease07 versions of Stratego this was syntactic sugar for TCons(t1,...,TCons(tn,TNil)) . The idea behind ...
A format checker is a strategy that checks the well-formedness of an term. Format checkers can check more properties than can just be described using signatures. For ...
Fourth Users Day (SUD'03) June 5, 2003 Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands TOC Achievements The last year was again a productive year for the Stratego/XT ...
Program of the Fourth Users Day (SUD'03) June 5, 2003 Utrecht University Utrecht, The Netherlands Venue The meeting will be held at the Uithof campus of Utrecht University ...
TOC Installation Q: I get errors when compiling Stratego programs or when running compiled Stratego programs. A: If you've carefully followed the instructions and ...
Brad Alexander from the School of Computer Science at the University of Adelaide visits Utrecht University, where he will give a talk in the Software Technology Colloquium ...
Stratego is a modular language for the specification of fully automatic program transformation systems based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies. The construction ...
Transform.PatriciaJohann and Main.EelcoVisser. Strategies for Fusing Logic and Control via Local, Application-Specific Transformations. Technical Report UU-CS-2003 ...
In StrategoRelease08 an extension of Stratego with syntax is provided. This extension requires a tighter integration with SDF and several of the XT tools. In effect ...