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Results from GPCE12 web
  • Sven Efftinge, Moritz Eysholdt, Jan Köhnlein, Sebastian Zarnekow, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Robert von Massow, and Michael Hanus: Xbase: Implementing Domain-Specific Languages for Java

  • Taylor Riche, Rui Goncalves, Bryan Marker, and Don Batory: Pushouts in Software Architecture Design

  • Petr Spacek, Christophe Dony, Chouki Tibermacine, and Luc Fabresse: An Inheritance System for Structural & Behavioral Reuse in Component-based Software Programming

  • Ferruccio Damiani, Luca Padovani, and Ina Schaefer: A Formal Foundation for Dynamic Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines

  • Hamid Bagheri and Kevin Sullivan: Pol: Specification-Driven Synthesis of Architectural Code Frameworks for Platform-Based Applications

  • Uwe Ryssel, Joern Ploennigs, and Klaus Kabitzsch: Reasoning of Feature Models from Derived Features

  • Thomas Thüm, Ina Schaefer, Sven Apel, and Martin Hentschel: Family-Based Deductive Verification of Software Product Lines

  • Jon Rafkind and Matthew Flatt: Honu: Syntactic Extension for Algebraic Notation through Enforestation

  • Derek Rayside, Vajihollah Montaghami, Francesca Leung, Albert Yuen, Kevin Xu, and Daniel Jackson: Synthesizing Iterators from Abstraction Functions

  • Geoffrey Hulette, Matthew Sottile, and Allen Malony: Composing Typemaps in Twig

  • Tim Bauer, Martin Erwig, Alan Fern, and Jervis Pinto: Faster Program Adaptation Through Reward Attribution Inference

  • Eric Walkingshaw and Martin Erwig: A Calculus for Modeling and Implementing Variation

  • Eyvind W. Axelsen and Stein Krogdahl: Package Templates: A Definition by Semantics-Preserving Source-to-Source Transformations to Efficient Java Code

  • John Freeman, Jaakko Järvi, and Gabriel Foust: HotDrink: A Library for Web User Interfaces

  • Huaxi Yulin Zhang, Lei Zhang, Christelle Urtado, Sylvain Vauttier, and Marianne Huchard: A Three-level Component Model in Component Based Software Development
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11th International Conference on

Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'12)

September 26-27, 2012
Dresden, Germany


Important Dates


Generative and component approaches are revolutionizing software development just as automation and componentization revolutionized manufacturing. Key technologies for automating program development are Generative Programming for program synthesis, Component Engineering for modularity, and Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) for compact problem-oriented programming notations.

The International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering is a venue for researchers and practitioners interested in techniques that use program generation and component deployment to increase programmer productivity, improve software quality, and shorten the time-to-market of software products. In addition to exploring cutting-edge techniques of generative and component-based software, our goal is to foster further cross-fertilization between the software engineering and the programming languages research communities.


Research papers

10 pages in SIGPLAN proceedings style with 10 pt. font size (sigplanconf.cls with the [10pt] option, see reporting original and unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual, or experimental research that contribute to scientific knowledge in the areas listed below (the PC chair can advise on appropriateness).

Tool demonstrations

Tool demonstrations should present tools that implement generative and component-based software engineering techniques, and are available for use. Any of the GPCE'12 topics of interest are appropriate areas for tool demonstrations. Purely commercial tool demonstrations will not be accepted. Submissions have to contain a tool description of 4 pages in SIGPLAN proceedings style with 10 pt. font size (sigplanconf.cls with the [10pt] option) and a demonstration outline including screenshots of up to 4 pages. The four page tool description will, if the demonstration is accepted, be published in the proceedings. The four page demonstration outline will only be used by the program committee for evaluating the submission.

Tech talks

Tech talks are about an hour in length and, similarly to tutorials, do not need to present original new research material. Unlike longer tutorials, these talks cannot be very interactive, and should instead aim to be 'keynote' style presentations. Please see the tech talks call for contributions for details.


Please contact the chairs ( if you would like to organize a workshop of interest to the GPCE audience.

Special issue: Science of Computer Programming

After the conference, the authors of distinguished papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to a GPCE special issue of the journal Science of Computer Programming.


GPCE seeks contributions in software engineering and in programming languages related (but not limited) to:

  • Generative programming
    • Reuse, meta-programming, partial evaluation, multi-stage and multi-level languages, step-wise refinement, generic programming, automated code generation
    • Semantics, type systems, symbolic computation, linking and explicit substitution, in-lining and macros, templates, program transformation
    • Runtime code generation, compilation, active libraries, synthesis from specifications, development methods, generation of non-code artifacts, formal methods, reflection

  • Generative techniques for
    • Product-line architectures
    • Distributed, real-time and embedded systems
    • Model-driven development and architecture
    • Resource bounded/safety critical systems.

  • Component-based software engineering
    • Reuse, distributed platforms and middleware, distributed systems, evolution, patterns, development methods, deployment and configuration techniques, formal methods

  • Integration of generative and component-based approaches

  • Domain engineering and domain analysis
    • Domain-specific languages including visual and UML-based DSLs

  • Separation of concerns
    • Aspect-oriented and feature-oriented programming,
    • Intentional programming and multi-dimensional separation of concerns

  • Applications of the above in industrial scenarios or to real-world problems, bridging the gap between theory and practice

  • Empirical studies
    • Original work in any of the areas above where there is a substantial empirical dimension to the work being presented. Such contributions might take the form of a case/field study, comparative analysis, controlled experiment, survey or meta-analysis of previous studies.

Incremental improvements over previously published work should have been evaluated through systematic, comparative, empirical, or experimental evaluation. Submissions must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy ( Please contact the program chair if you have any questions about how this policy applies to your paper (


Chairs (

Program Committee


11th International Conference on

Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'12)

September 26-27, 2012
Dresden, Germany

Important dates


Tech talks will be about an hour in length; longer than a regular conference talk, but shorter than the customary half or full day tutorials at other conferences. In contrast to research talks, tech talks do not have to present original new research material, but should rather focus on putting research into perspective for a broader audience. In contrast to longer tutorials, these talks cannot be very interactive or rely on the audience participating by using tools. Rather, they should aim to be 'keynote' style presentations, emphasizing the essence (but not avoiding depth).

They can be thought of as distilled tutorials that provide a focused and in-depth treatment of specific research results considered relevant to the GPCE community.

Moreover, the tech talks are included in the conference registration and are not charged separately. We hope that this will ensure high impact of the tech talks.


If you are interested in presenting a tech talk at GPCE, please send a short proposal (about two pages) to the conference chairs ( by Monday, June 4, 2012; 23:55 Honolulu time.

The proposal should consist of

  1. title
  2. name of presenter
  3. abstract (max. 250 words)
  4. biography (max. 250 words)
  5. relevance for GPCE audience (max. 250 words)
  6. outline of tech talk (max. 1 page)

Items 1 to 4 will be used on the website.

We will make a selection of tech talks based on relevance (topic-wise) for the conference and expected interest in the tech talk. Tech talk proposers will be notified of the decision by Monday, June 18, 2012.

11th International Conference on

Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'12)

September 26-27, 2012
Dresden, Germany

General Chair:

Program Chair:

Program Committee Members:

Publicity Chair:

Steering Committee:

September 24, 2012


September 25, 2012

SLE Doctoral Symposium
18:15 GPCE/SLE/FOSD Welcome Reception

September 26, 2012


09:10-09:15 Opening
09:15-10:15 Keynote
Session Chair: Walter Binder
Éric Tanter: Taming Aspects
10:15-10:45 Coffee
10:45-12:15 Session 1: Software Product Lines; Features
Session Chair: Christian Kästner
Ferruccio Damiani, Luca Padovani, and Ina Schaefer: A Formal Foundation for Dynamic Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines
Thomas Thüm, Ina Schaefer, Sven Apel, and Martin Hentschel: Family-Based Deductive Verification of Software Product Lines
Uwe Ryssel, Joern Ploennigs, and Klaus Kabitzsch: Reasoning of Feature Models from Derived Features
12:15-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:15 Session 2: Generation
Session Chair: Michael Franz
Derek Rayside, Vajihollah Montaghami, Francesca Leung, Albert Yuen, Kevin Xu, and Daniel Jackson: Synthesizing Iterators from Abstraction Functions
Geoffrey C. Hulette, Matthew Sottile, and Allen D. Malony: Composing Typemaps in Twig
Eyvind W. Axelsen and Stein Krogdahl: Package Templates: A Definition by Semantics-Preserving Source-to-Source Transformations to Efficient Java Code
15:15-15:45 Coffee
15:45-17:15 Session 3: Software Components; Libraries
Session Chair: Julia Lawall
Petr Spacek, Christophe Dony, Chouki Tibermacine, and Luc Fabresse: An Inheritance System for Structural & Behavioral Reuse in Component-based Software Programming
Huaxi (Yulin) Zhang, Lei Zhang, Christelle Urtado, Sylvain Vauttier, and Marianne Huchard: A Three-level Component Model in Component Based Software Development
John Freeman, Jaakko Järvi, and Gabriel Foust: HotDrink: A Library for Web User Interfaces
19:30 GPCE/SLE Dinner, Sophienkeller im Taschenbergpalais

September 27, 2012


09:15-10:15 Keynote
Session Chair: Klaus Ostermann
Oege de Moor: Analysing Contributions
10:15-10:45 Coffee
10:45-12:15 Session 4: Software Architectures; Adaptation
Session Chair: Ina Schaefer
Taylor L Riché, Rui Gonçalves, Bryan Marker, and Don Batory: Pushouts in Software Architecture Design
Hamid Bagheri and Kevin Sullivan: Pol: Specification-Driven Synthesis of Architectural Code Frameworks for Platform-Based Applications
Tim Bauer, Martin Erwig, Alan Fern, and Jervis Pinto: Faster Program Adaptation Through Reward Attribution Inference
12:15-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:15 Session 5: Languages and Language Theory
Session Chair: Bernd Fischer
Sven Efftinge, Moritz Eysholdt, Jan Köhnlein, Sebastian Zarnekow, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Robert von Massow, and Michael Hanus: Xbase: Implementing Domain-Specific Languages for Java
Jon Rafkind and Matthew Flatt: Honu: Syntactic Extension for Algebraic Notation through Enforestation
Eric Walkingshaw and Martin Erwig: A Calculus for Modeling and Implementing Variation
15:15-15:45 Coffee
15:45-16:45 Tech talk
Session Chair: Klaus Ostermann
Christian Kästner and Sven Apel: An Introduction to Variability-Aware Analysis
16:45-16:55 Closing

September 28, 2012

Registration will be done through SPLASH 2011. Stay tuned.
GPCE 2011 will be held at Hilton Portland and Executive Tower, 921 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon, co-located with SPLASH 2011.

See hotel website for more information.


Portland is a city located in northwestern part of United States, in the state of Oregon. Portland, with city population of around 582,130 and metropolitan area population of around 2.2 million, is Oregon's most populous city. The city is well known for its environmental friendliness, nice parks, botanic gardens and museums. It is also a great place to dine, with its excellent restaurants and over 25 excellent microbreweries. Portland's Marine west coast climate makes it an ideal place to grow roses, so much so that it has been known as the "City of Roses" that has many rose gardens. Also, Portland's close proximity to beautiful sceneries including Mount Hood, Columbia River, and Multnomah Falls makes it a great place to tour.


Portland can be reached by air, rail and road.


All major airlines fly to Portland. See Portland International Airport website for more information.

Directions to the Hotel

The Hilton is located in downtown Portland. Here is a map:

View Larger Map

  • Conference: September 26-27, 2012

Compile-time variability is paramount in many software systems: Users can select desired features and generate a product tailored for their needs. For example, the Linux kernel has over 10000 such compile-time configuration options. Typically organized as software product lines, there are many different implementation mechanisms that can all be regarded as generators that produce products based on variability specifications.

However, variability often implies complexity. Already with few configuration options, we can generate a vast number (easily exceeding billions) of potential products. Checking all products individually using classic testing or analysis techniques is not feasible.

Recently, researchers have begun to adapt existing analysis techniques, such as type checking, model checking, theorem proving, static analysis, and parsing, to incorporate variability. Usually, the idea is to check the entire product line in a single step and to reason about variability locally where it manifests at the code level. When the product line passes the check (e.g., the product line is well-typed), it is guaranteed that all possible generated products pass the check as well (e.g., all products that can be generated are well-typed, too). Such variability-aware analyses take variability information into account, including feature models and implementation artifacts, thus spanning problem and solution space.

In the talk, we provide an overview of concepts for variability-aware analysis, discuss different strategies (brute force, sampling, family-based analysis, feature-based analysis), and show recurring ideas and patterns of how existing analysis are extended for variability. While taking a broad view, we illustrate key ideas and also initial results by means of a number of case studies, including the development of a variability-aware type system and its application to Linux and the application of variability-aware verification techniques to product-line models.


Christian Kästner is a researcher in the Programming Languages Group at the Philipps University Marburg, Germany. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2010 from the University of Magdeburg, Germany for his work on virtual separation of concerns, which included developing a variability-aware type system for software product lines. His research focuses on correctness and understanding of systems with variability, including work on implementation mechanisms, tools, different kinds of analyses, feature interactions, and variability mining and refactoring. He is the author or coauthor of over a fifty peer-reviewed scientific publications.

Sven Apel is the leader of the Software Product-Line Group funded by the esteemed Emmy Noether Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG). The group resides at the University of Passau, Germany. Dr.-Ing. Sven Apel received his Ph. D. in Computer Science in 2007 from the University of Magdeburg, Germany. His research interests include novel programming paradigms, software engineering and product lines, and formal and empirical methods. He is the author or coauthor of over a hundred peer-reviewed scientific publications. Sven Apel has been a program committee member of several highly ranked international conferences. His work received awards by the Ernst Denert Foundation and the Karin Witte Foundation

Matthias Felleisen is Trustee Professor in the College of Computer and Information Science at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts.

Gary Shubert is a Senior Software Manager of Lockheed Martin Space Systems and a former Orion Flight Software Manager.

How do you improve the behavior of a software team? There will always be team members who are great at quickly producing a new prototype, and others who do a great job of carefully implementing a rock-solid library around a set of new data structures. By analyzing every single contribution of every individual over a long period of time, we can start to understand such differences in coding style. Individuals get suggestions on how to improve their own style, and team leaders can build on everyone’s strength to maximize productivity.

Semmle’s business intelligence product enables this type of detailed analysis of version history, source code, issue tickets, test results and so forth. I will discuss how the technical challenges were overcome, and also the organizational implications.


Oege de Moor is the CEO of Semmle Ltd. He started his career in programming in 1982 with the development of a word processor for Arabic and Hebrew. After an undergraduate degree in computer Science at Utrecht (the Netherlands), he did his graduate work at Oxford. At present he is a professor of computer science there, and a fellow of Magdalen College. He has held visiting appointments at Chalmers University (Sweden), the University of Tokyo (Japan), and Microsoft Research (Redmond and Cambridge).

In the adaptation-based programming (ABP) paradigm, programs may contain variable parts (function calls, parameter values, etc.) that can be take a number of different values. Programs also contain reward statements with which a programmer can provide feedback about how well a program is performing with respect to achieving its goals (for example, achieving a high score on some scale). By repeatedly running the program, a machine learning component will, guided by the rewards, gradually adjust the automatic choices made in the variable program parts so that they converge toward an optimal strategy.

ABP is a method for semi-automatic program generation in which the choices and rewards offered by programmers allow standard machine-learning techniques to explore a design space defined by the programmer to find an optimal instance of a program template. ABP effectively provides a DSL that allows non-machine-learning experts to exploit machine learning to generate self-optimizing programs.

Unfortunately, in many cases the placement and structuring of choices and rewards can have a detrimental effect on how an optimal solution to a program-generation problem can be found. To address this problem, we have developed a dataflow analysis that computes influence tracks of choices and rewards. This information can be exploited by an augmented machine-learning technique to ignore misleading rewards and to generally attribute rewards better to the choices that have actually influenced them. Moreover, this technique allows us to detect errors in the adaptive program that might arise out of program maintenance. Our evaluation shows that the dataflow analysis can lead to improvements in performance.

Xtext is an open-source framework for implementing external, textual domain-specific languages (DSLs). So far, most DSLs implemented with Xtext and similar tools focus on structural aspects such as service specifications and entities. Because behavioral aspects are significantly more complicated to implement, they are often delegated to general-purpose programming languages. This approach introduces complex integration patterns and the DSL's high level of abstraction is compromised.

We present Xbase as part of Xtext, an expression language that can be reused via language inheritance in any DSL implementation based on Xtext. Xbase expressions provide both control structures and program expressions in a uniform way. Xbase is statically typed and tightly integrated with the Java type system. Languages extending Xbase inherit the syntax of a Java-like expression language as well as language infrastructure components, including a parser, an unparser, a linker, a compiler and an interpreter. Furthermore, the framework provides integration into the Eclipse IDE including debug and refactoring support.

The application of Xbase is presented by means of a domain model language which serves as a tutorial example and by the implementation of the programming language Xtend. Xtend is a functional and object-oriented general purpose language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is built on top of Xbase which is the reusable expression language that is the foundation of Xtend.

A software product line is a set of similar software products that share a common code base. While software product lines can be implemented efficiently using feature-oriented programming, verifying each product individually does not scale, especially if human effort is required (e.g., as in interactive theorem proving). We present a family-based approach of deductive verification to prove the correctness of a software product line efficiently. We illustrate and evaluate our approach for software product lines written in a feature-oriented dialect of Java and specified using the Java Modeling Language. We show that the theorem prover KeY can be used off-the-shelf for this task, without any modifications. Compared to the individual verification of each product, our approach reduces the verification time needed for our case study by more than 85%.

Honu is a new language that fuses traditional algebraic notation (e.g., infix binary operators) with Scheme-style language extensibility. A key element of Honu's design is an enforestation parsing step, which converts a flat stream of tokens into an S-expression-like tree, in addition to the initial "read" phase of parsing and interleaved with the "macro-expand" phase. We present the design of Honu, explain its parsing and macro-extension algorithm, and show example syntactic extensions.

We present a formal calculus for modeling and implementing variation in software. It unifies the compositional and annotative approaches to feature implementation and supports the development of abstractions that can be used to directly relate feature models to their implementation. Since the compositional and annotative approaches are complementary, the calculus enables implementers to use the best combination of tools for the job and focus on inherent feature interactions, rather than those introduced by biases in the representation. The calculus also supports the abstraction of recurring variational patterns and provides a metaprogramming platform for organizing variation in artifacts.

Delta-oriented programming (DOP) is a flexible approach for implementing software product lines (SPLs). DOP SPLs are implemented by a code base (a set of delta modules encapsulating changes to object-oriented programs) and a product line declaration (providing the connection of the delta modules with the product features). In this paper, we extend DOP by the capability to switch the implemented product configuration at runtime and present a formal foundation for dynamic DOP. A dynamic DOP SPL is a DOP SPL with a dynamic reconfiguration graph that specifies how to switch between different feature configurations. Dynamic DOP supports (unanticipated) software evolution such that at runtime, the product line declaration, the code base and the dynamic reconfiguration graph can be changed in any (unanticipated) way that preserves the currently running product. The type system of our dynamic DOP core calculus ensures that the dynamic reconfigurations lead to type safe products and do not cause runtime type errors.

When using product lines, whose variability models are based on derived features, e.g., Simulink variant objects, the dependencies among the features are only described implicitly. This makes it difficult to verify the mapping of the features to the solution space and to create a comprehensive overview of the feature dependencies like in a feature model. In this paper, an OWL-based approach is presented, which permits the automatic verification of the feature mapping and an automatic feature model synthesis for derived features using OWL reasoning and formal concept analysis.

A technique for synthesizing iterators from declarative abstraction functions written in a relational logic specification language is described. The logic includes a transitive closure operator that makes it convenient for expressing reachability queries on linked data structures. Some optimizations, including tuple elimination, iterator flattening, and traversal state reduction, are used to improve performance of the generated iterators.

A case study demonstrates that most of the iterators in the widely used JDK Collections classes can be replaced with code synthesized from declarative abstraction functions. These synthesized iterators perform competitively with the hand-written originals.

In a user study the synthesized iterators always passed more test cases than the hand-written ones, were almost always as efficient, usually took less programmer effort, and were the qualitative preference of all participants who provided free-form comments.

Twig is a language for writing typemaps, programs which transform the type of a value while preserving its underlying meaning. Typemaps are typically used by tools that generate code, such as multi-language wrapper generators, to automatically convert types as needed. Twig builds on existing typemap tools in a few key ways. Twig's typemaps are composable so that complex transformations may be built from simpler ones. In addition, Twig incorporates an abstract, formal model of code generation, allowing it to output code for different target languages. We describe Twig's formal semantics and show how the language allows us to concisely express typemaps. Then, we demonstrate Twig's utility by building an example typemap.

Package Templates (PT) is a mechanism designed for writing reusable modules, called templates, each consisting of a set of classes that can be adapted to their use in a program through compile-time specialization. A template must be instantiated in a program before its classes can be used. The mechanism supports type-safe renaming, merging, type parameterization and refinement in the form of static additions and overrides that are orthogonal to the corresponding concepts of ordinary inheritance.

In this paper, we consider PT as an extension to Java, and a PT program will then consist of a number of Java packages and templates, where templates are instantiated in packages or other templates. Our aim and main contribution is to define the meaning of such a program, and to show that this definition is consistent. We first show this for a core subset of PT, C-PT, and define a set of source-to-source transformations for converting C-PT programs to plain Java programs using semantics we have described informally in previous papers. We can then define the meaning of a C-PT program in terms of the resulting Java program. Thus, we have to verify that the transformations will always convert a legal C-PT program to a legal Java program. Finally, we briefly discuss how this approach can be extended to full PT.

A main challenge is to preserve externally visible names (for classes, methods and fields), and at the same time prevent unwanted subsequent rebindings caused e.g. by overload resolution in the Java compiler. Names that are bound to declarations in a template should not be rebound to different declarations by subsequent compositions or adaptions.

In addition to defining the runtime semantics of PT constructs in terms of their translation to Java, the transformation rules can also be seen as a high-level approach to how a compiler for this language might be implemented.

In the context of Component-based Programming, which addresses the implementation stage of a component-based software engineering development process, this paper describes a specification and an operational integration of an inheritance system into a self-contained new component-based programming language named COMPO. Our proposal completes and extends related works by making it possible to apply inheritance to the full description of components, i.e. both to structural (description of provisions and requirements, of component architecture) and behavioral (full implementations of services) parts in component descriptions. Inheritance in COMPO is designed to be used in conjunction with composition to maximize reuse capabilities and expressive power. COMPO implementation proposes a clear operational solution for inheritance and for achieving and testing substitutions.

Component-based development promotes a software development process that focuses on component reuse. How to describe a desired component before searching in the repository? How to find an existing component that fulfills the required functionalities? How to capture the system personalization based on its constitutive components' customization? To answer these questions, this paper claims that components should be described using three different forms at three development stages: architecture specification, configuration and assembly. However, no architecture description language proposes such a detailed description for components that supports such a three step component-based development. This paper proposes a three-level ADL, named Dedal, that enables the explicit and separate definitions of component roles, component classes, and component instances.

HotDrink is a JavaScript library for constructing forms, dialogs, and other common user interfaces for Web applications. With HotDrink, instead of writing event handlers, developers declare a "view-model" in JavaScript and a set of "bindings" between the view-model and the HTML elements comprising the view. These specifications tend to be small, but they are enough for HotDrink to provide a fully operational GUI with multi-way dataflows, enabling/disabling of values, activation/deactivation of commands, and data validation. HotDrink implements these rich behaviors, expected of high-quality user interfaces, as generic reusable algorithms. This paper/tool demonstration introduces developers to the HotDrink library by stepping through the construction of an example web application GUI.

The library is a concrete realization of our prior work on the "property models" approach to declarative GUI programming. To encourage adoption among developers, we have packaged the technology following established web programming conventions.

A classical approach to program derivation is to progressively extend a simple specification and then incrementally refine it to an implementation. We claim this approach is hard or impractical when reverse engineering legacy software architectures. We present a case study that shows optimizations and pushouts - in addition to refinements and extensions - are essential for practical stepwise development of complex software architectures.

Developing applications that use complex platforms for functionalities such as authentication and messaging is hard. Model-driven engineering promises to help, but transformation systems are themselves hard to produce. We contribute a new approach using constraint-based synthesis of partial code frameworks that developers complete by hand without the need for hand-coded transformation systems. Rather, synthesis is driven by formal, partial specifications of target platforms and application architectures, and by design (code) fragments encoding application-specific platform usage patterns. We present results of an early evaluation using the case study method to test hypotheses of feasibility and potential industrial utility, using a laboratory model of a nationwide health information network as a subject system.

Please print a poster and a flyer and share them with others in your institution.

Aspect-oriented programming languages support the modular definition of crosscutting abstractions. In most languages, this is achieved through pointcuts, which provide a means for quantifying over execution events in order to implicitly trigger advice. Notably, an advice is more than a simple event handler because of its ability to override the underlying computation. Unrestricted quantification and arbitrary advice computation are powerful but dangerous.

In this talk we look at a number of approaches to tame aspects in order to retain their benefits without sacrificing important software engineering properties, like modular reasoning, separate development, type soundness, and controlled interferences. Specifically, we report on advances in scoping, interfaces, typing and effects, highlighting recent achievements as well as open challenges.


Éric Tanter is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department of the University of Chile, where he co-leads the PLEIAD laboratory. He received the PhD degree in computer science from both the University of Nantes and the University of Chile (2004). His research interests include programming languages and tool support for modular and adaptable software.

Project Fortress: A Growable Language for Scientists and Engineers

Sukyoung Ryu

We can think of a programming language as a vocabulary of words and a set of rules that define how to combine words into meaningful constructs. Creating a vocabulary and a set of rules that allow programmers to express their ideas clearly and concisely is one of the main goals of language design. However, it is difficult to anticipate the vocabulary and the set of rules that are suitable for solving various problems. It often depends on domain-specific applications, new hardware platforms, and any unexpected feature requests. Therefore, a language should grow over time to accommodate the changing needs of its users.

Fortress is a new programming language designed for growth by community instead of a single core team. It provides mathematical syntax to enable scientists and engineers to write programs in a notation they are accustomed to. It also provides built-in support for parallel programming. Moreover, its macro system allows for the language growth by extending the syntax and semantics of Fortress.

In designing Fortress, we have adopted the following design strategy: “Whenever possible, implement a proposed language feature in a library rather than building it into the compiler.” For this approach to work, library writers must have substantial flexibility and control over both syntax and semantics. By designing the language for growth, we are designing it for community participation and development. Hence, we have made Project Fortress open source, and are collaborating on its development with many groups and individuals all over the world.

Please come take it for a spin, or pitch in and help us grow!

Author biography
Sukyoung Ryu is an Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department of KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). Before joining KAIST in December 2009, she worked as a Member of Technical Staff in Sun Microsystems Laboratories, where she worked on formally designing and developing the Fortress programming language. Before that, she was a Research Associate in Computer Science at Harvard, where she worked on the Debugging Everywhere project. She received her Ph.D. (2001), M.S. (1996), and B.S. (1995), in Computer Science from KAIST. Her most recent research focuses on developing language features that are both useful in practice and proven to be sound. She led the effort to construct the core calculi of the Fortress language, to improve the Fortress prose specification, and to build a full-fledged parser for Fortress that runs entirely on the JVM.

(Mega)modeling Software Language Artifacts

Jean-Marie Favre, Dragan Gašević, Ralf Lämmel

Modern software is typically made of heterogeneous sets of software artifacts including for instance databases, programs, transformations, grammars, models and metamodels, compilers, interpreters, formats, ontologies, frameworks, APIs, schemas, configuration files, makefiles, etc. In practice particular languages, tools, implementations, and standards are used such as SQL DDL, Saxon, XLST, Java, Hibernate, XSD, OWL, DOM, Antlr, UML, XMI, Ecore, Awk, and so on. In the absence of a conceptual framework it is difficult to understand the relationships between these software artifacts, if any. The goal of this tutorial is to provide such a framework, showing that the similarity and relationships between techniques can be modeled at a high level of abstraction, and even more importantly that recurring patterns occur in such models. Some of these patterns, for instance those involving “bridges” between technologies, would be really difficult to grasp without a proper conceptualization. As a result software engineers and researchers usually find it hard to understand the intricacies of technologies that are out of their area of expertise and it is more than likely that they do not realize the analogies that exist between heterogeneous technologies. This tutorial aims to unveil these recurring patterns and to show participants coming from different horizons how to model the technologies they design or work with in an uniform way and how to situate them into the overall software language landscape.

In the first part of the tutorial, the notions of software languages and technical spaces are briefly presented with a special emphasis on their unifying character. Then fundamental relations such RepresentationOf and ElementOf are introduced forming the basis of a (mega)modeling framework. Recurrent patterns based on these relations are then presented, allowing to describe for instance the “conformance” relation between let’s say a program and a grammar, an xml file and an xsd schema, or an uml model and its metamodel, etc. More complex patterns such as bridges between technologies (e.g. XML <==> Relational, OO <==> XML, etc.) are defined following the same approach. Though this notion of bridges seems easy to grasp informally at the first sight, it often leads to a rather large and complex set of technologies that are hard to understand and compare without an appropriate framework.

In the second part of the tutorial, the use of (mega)modeling framework is illustrated through its application in three different technical spaces: Grammarware, Modelware and Ontologyware. Concrete examples of various degree of complexity are provided in each case, with again an emphasis on similarities between technical spaces. The hope of this approach is that it should be possible for someone with some knowledge in technical spaces (let’s say grammarware) to improve significantly his or her comprehension about another space (let’s say ontologyware), and this by virtue of analogy. It is our believe that the (mega)modeling approach, by raising the level of abstraction and focusing on essential software language concepts, enables both to better understand complex structures involving many heterogeneous software artifacts, but also to better apprehend new technologies coming from other spaces.

Author bios
Jean-Marie Favre is a software anthropologist and a software language archeologist. He is principal scientist at One Tree Technologies. He has published numerous papers and coedited a book (in French) Beyond MDA: Model Driven Engineering. He has given tutorials and keynotes in more than dozen of international events and summer schools and has organized various national and international events. His research interests include software language engineering, software linguistics, software evolution and reverse engineering, model driven engineering and research 2.0.

Dragan Gašević is a Canada Research Chair in Semantic Technologies and an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at Athabasca University. His research interests include semantic technologies, software language engineering, technology-enhanced learning, and service- oriented architectures. He has (co-)authored numerous research papers and is a led author of the book "Model Driven Engineering and Ontology Development." He has given tutorials at many well-known conferences such as WWW, ISWC, and CAiSE.

Ralf Lämmel is Professor of Computer Science at University of Koblenz-Landau. In his career, he also served at Microsoft Corp., Free University of Amsterdam, Dutch Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), and University of Rostock. Ralf Lämmel is generally interested in the combination of software engineering and programming languages. Together with the other tutorial speakers and further researchers, he is one of the founding fathers of the SLE conference. He is one of the founding fathers of the summer school series GTTSE--Generative and Transformational Techniques on Software Engineering.

Embedded Domain-specific Language Implementation using Dependent Types

Edwin Brady
Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are programming languages designed for solving problems in a particular domain. By providing suitable abstractions, they allow experts to focus on solving high-level problems without being concerned with low-level programming details. Embedded domain-specific languages (EDSLs) are an emerging implementation technique, in which features of a host language, for example parsing or code generation, are exploited by the DSL implementation. In this way, EDSLs can be implemented much more rapidly than their standalone equivalents and can take advantage of compiler optimisations and other implementation effort in the host.

Dependent types allow types to be predicated on values. Using dependent types, a programmer can ascribe a precise type to a program, for example that concatenating lists of length n and m yields a list of length n + m, or that sorting a list of length n yields a list of length n which is a permutation of its input satisfying a given ordering. In this way, types can be viewed as a form of specification, verified by the type checker.

Using a dependently typed language as the host for an EDSL brings additional benefits. Not only can we reuse the host language’s parser and code generator, we can exploit its type system to express properties of the EDSL and guarantee their correctness. In this tutorial I will introduce I DRIS, a dependently typed functional programming language. I will give practical examples of dependently type programs, culminating in the construction of an EDSL for network protocol implementation.

Author biography
Edwin Brady is a SICSA Advanced Research Fellow in Computer Science at the University of St Andrews, where he has worked since receiving his PhD from the University of Durham in 2005. His research interests include functional programming with dependent types, type theory, program generation and programming language design and implementation. His previous work has included compilation and optimisation techniques for dependently typed functional programming languages. This has important applications in the verification of safety-critical systems; he has also been closely involved with the Hume project (, applying dependent type systems to the correct implementation of safety-critical embedded systems with limited memory. He is the main developer of I DRIS (, a functional language with dependent types intended for systems programming, and contributes to the development of Epigram ( His recent work has focused on the practical applications of dependently typed programming, using I DRIS to implement domain-specific languages for verified network protocols, data formats, and resource aware systems in general.

Agile and Efficient Domain-Specific Languages using Multi-stage Programming in Java Mint

Mathias Ricken, Edwin Westbrook
Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are a powerful productivity tool because they allow domain experts, who are not necessarily programming experts, to quickly develop programs. DSL implementations have unique constraints for programming languages because they must be efficient, in order to ensure high productivity, but they must also be agile, in order to meet the rapidly changing demands of their domains. In this tutorial we show how multi-stage programming (MSP) can be used to build staged interpreters, which combine the agility of interpreters with the efficiency of compilers. The tutorial is conducted in Java Mint, an multi-stage Java based on recent work incorporating MSP into imperative object-oriented languages. In the first half of the tutorial, we introduce MSP by demonstrating how to write a staged interpreter for a number of basic language constructs, such as recursive functions, conditionals, and let expressions. In the second half, we extend our staged interpreter to take advantage of several well-known compiler optimizations, including type inference, constant folding, and static parallel loop scheduling. We highlight the opportunities afforded by using MSP with object-oriented design to quickly create efficient DSL implementations.

Author bios
Mathias Ricken is a doctoral candidate in the Programming Languages Team at Rice University and one of the principal developers of the DrJava integrated development environment. His research interests include concurrent programming, extending the Java language, and computer science education. He is the developer of the Concutest concurrent unit testing framework and has created various experimental extensions of Java to address, for instance, programming with meta-data. Currently, Mathias is contributing to Java Mint, a multi-stage extension of Java that allows safe and expressive statically typed program generation and specialization in an imperative language setting.

Edwin Westbrook is a post-doctoral researcher at Rice University. His primary interests are in developing techniques for implementing and verifying properties of domain-specific languages (DSLs). He has worked on a number of projects in this area, including: Cinic, a type theory for building machine-checked proofs of properties of DSLs using a new approach to higher-order abstract syntax; Java Mint, a multi-stage version of Java used for efficient implementations of DSLs; and Acumen, a DSL for designing cyber-physical systems.

Ontologies and Software Language Engineering

Dragan Gašević, Fernando Silva Parreiras, Tobias Walter
Trying to advance the current practices for sharing data, resources and knowledge on the Web, the research community has been researching challenges around the idea of the Semantic Web. The central component of the Semantic Web are ontologies, commonly defined as formal and explicit definitions of shared domain conceptualizations. To have an interoperable and standardized set of technologies, the Semantic Web research offered a stack of standards and tools including automated reasoners and ontology languages, i.e., languages to describe formally a domain of discourse. This stack of standards and tools is popularly called semantic technologies. Among ontology languages, the Web Ontology Language (OWL) [4] is the most prominent.

Mainly, due to the similarities in the design of OWL and object-oriented languages, the research community started exploring a potential synergy. Indeed, OWL provides important features complementary to UML class-based modeling and OCL that improve software languages: it allows different ways of describing classes; it handles these descriptions as first-class entities; it provides additional constructs like transitive closure for properties; and it enables dynamic classification of objects based upon class descriptions.

The most notable work has been done on integrating ontologies and model-driven engineering, especially, for the tasks related to model-driven language engineering. As the OWL language is based on description logic, standard ontology reasoners can be used for various types of processing of software languages such as consistency checking, constraint validation, and query processing and with applications in different software engineering areas such as component-based software development, software product lines, or requirements engineering. For example, the knowledge encoded in OWL evolves independently of the execution logic, i.e., developers maintain class descriptions in the ontology and not in the software. Moreover, developers may use class descriptions to semantically query the domain. Semantic query plays an important role where shared terminologies, interoperability and consistency detection are required.

Striving to introduce the basics and potentials for ontologies for software language engineering, this tutorial aims to:

  1. define ontologies and the OWL language;
  2. describe basics of description logics-based reasoning designed for ontology languages;
  3. describe the current efforts on relations between the OWL language and languages such as UML, MOF and OCL; and
  4. illustrate applications of ontology-enhanced software
languages for software design patterns, software product lines, domain-specific languages, and software language refinement.

After the tutorial, participants will be able (1) to understand the concepts of ontologies, OWL language and its formal reasoning potentials; (2) to realize the valued added by ontology-enabled software languages and (3) to identify potential applications for semantic technologies in software development and different software language engineering approaches other than those based on model-driven engineering principles.

[1] Gaševic, Dragan, Djuric, Dragan, Devedžic, Vladan. Model Driven Engineering and Ontology Development. Springer, Berlin, 2. edition, 2009.

[2] F. Silva Parreiras and S. Staab. Using Ontologies with UML Class-based Modeling: The TwoUse Approach. Data Knowl. Eng. in press.

[3] F. Silva Parreiras, S. Staab, and A. Winter. Improving design patterns by description logics: A use case with abstract factory and strategy. In Modellierung 2008, volume P-127 of LNI, pages 89–104. GI, 2008.

[4] W3C OWL Working Group. OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Document Overview. W3C Working Draft 27 March 2009. Available at

[5] T. Walter, F. Silva Parreiras, and S. Staab. OntoDSL: An Ontology-Based Framework for Domain-Specific Languages. In Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 12th International Conference, MODELS 2009, volume 5795, pages 408–422. Springer, 2009.

Author bios
Fernando Silva Parreiras, pursues his PhD since the beginning of 2006 under the supervision of Prof. Steffen Staab. He is the leader of the Special Interest Group Software Web at the Web Science and Technology Institute (WeST) at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. He has been investigating the integration of model-driven engineering and Ontology in the scope of the EU project MOST. His related publications include papers in Modellierung’2008, ER’2008, ICSC’2009, MoDELS’2009 and ECMFA 2010. He has served as program committee member of conferences like SLE and and workshops like ONTOSE and SWESE and as organizer of the TWOMDE workshop.

Dragan Gašević is a Canada Research Chair in Semantic Technologies and an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at Athabasca University. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University and an associated research member of the GOOD OLD AI Research Network at the University of Belgrade. He is a recipient of Alberta Ingenuity’s 2008 New Faculty Award. His research interests include semantic technologies, software language engineering, technology-enhanced learning, and service-oriented architectures. He has (co-)authored more than 200 research papers and delivered more than 10 tutorials at major conferences such as WWW, MODELS, CAiSE, and ISWC. He has been serving on editorial boards of three international journals and has edited special issues in journals such as IET Software and IEEE TSE. He has been the organizer, chair, and member of program committees of many international conferences.

Tobias Walter is PhD. student at the University of Koblenz-Landau under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Ebert and Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab. Currently he is member of the Institute for Software Technology and the Institute for Web Science and Technology. Here, his research focuses on the combination of domain-specific modeling languages and different ontology technologies. Further he is interested in the design and use of new software modelling languages and its implementation in tools. From 2008 he is contributing to the MOST project where he is investigating the conceptual integration of Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) and Ontologies. His related publications include papers at MoDELS’2009, ECMFA’2010, WC-DSL’2009, ICSC’2009 and different workshops.

Language Definition and Extension with MPS

Markus Völter
Language definition and extension is a hot topic. Using modular languages, where a program can use concepts from different language modules as needed, promises significantly increased language usability as well as an integration between general purpose (programming) and domain-specific (modeling) concepts and tools.

JetBrains MPS is an open source language workbench that uses projectional editing as opposed to parsing techniques. In MPS, languages are defined via structure, projection rules, transformation rules and type systems.

In this tutorial I will provide a brief overview about how MPS works and what you can do with it. I will show how to build an external DSL, how to integrate the external DSL with Java, and how to extend an existing programming language with a new statement. To round it off, I will demo a non-trivial set of languages for embedded software development. 90% of the tutorial will be live demos.

Note that even if you don't plan to work with MPS specifically, this tutorial will provide a good overview of projectional editing.

Author biography
Markus Völter works as an independent researcher, consultant and coach for itemis AG in Stuttgart, Germany. His focus is on software architecture, model-driven software development and domain specific languages as well as on product line engineering. Markus also regularly writes (articles, patterns, books) and speaks (trainings, conferences) on those subjects. Contact him via voelter@acm@org or
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Web Left Bar 14 Dec 2012 - 13:28 Norbert Siegmund
Web News 27 Sep 2012 - 09:29 Walter Binder
Conference Program 25 Sep 2012 - 20:02 Walter Binder
Tanter Invited Talk 09 Aug 2012 - 13:58 Walter Binder
Kaestner Tech Talk 08 Aug 2012 - 19:23 Walter Binder
Moor Invited Talk 08 Aug 2012 - 08:01 Klaus Ostermann
P132 Walkingshaw 07 Aug 2012 - 20:31 Walter Binder
P122 Rafkind 07 Aug 2012 - 20:26 Walter Binder
P112 Efftinge 07 Aug 2012 - 20:21 Walter Binder
P103 Bauer 07 Aug 2012 - 20:16 Walter Binder
P93 Bagheri 07 Aug 2012 - 20:11 Walter Binder
P84 Riche 07 Aug 2012 - 20:08 Walter Binder
P80 Freeman 07 Aug 2012 - 20:02 Walter Binder
P70 Zhang 07 Aug 2012 - 19:56 Walter Binder
P60 Spacek 07 Aug 2012 - 19:51 Walter Binder
P50 Axelsen 07 Aug 2012 - 19:45 Walter Binder
P41 Hulette 07 Aug 2012 - 19:40 Walter Binder
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Web Home 24 Jan 2012 - 22:38 Walter Binder
Banner 23 Nov 2011 - 18:03 Matthias Hauswirth
Conference Header 23 Nov 2011 - 07:32 Matthias Hauswirth
Conference Organization 23 Nov 2011 - 07:21 Matthias Hauswirth
Call For Tech Talks 23 Nov 2011 - 07:21 Matthias Hauswirth
Conference Registration 01 Aug 2011 - 22:13 Peter Kim
Keynote Speakers 14 May 2011 - 00:53 Peter Kim
Poster 12 Mar 2011 - 06:14 Peter Kim
Conference Venue 09 Feb 2011 - 08:57 Peter Kim
Web Statistics 27 Jan 2011 - 07:03 Peter Kim
Workshops 27 Jan 2011 - 06:46 Peter Kim
Web Index 27 Jan 2011 - 06:38 Peter Kim
Tutorial 3 Embedded DSLs 18 Aug 2010 - 11:59 Rob Economopoulos
Tutorial 1 Project Fortress 17 Aug 2010 - 15:29 Rob Economopoulos
Tutorial 4 Agile Efficient DSLs 17 Aug 2010 - 15:27 Rob Economopoulos
Tutorial 6 MPS 17 Aug 2010 - 10:16 Rob Economopoulos
Tutorial 5 Ontologies And SE 17 Aug 2010 - 10:14 Rob Economopoulos
Tutorial 2 Mega Medeling 17 Aug 2010 - 10:11 Rob Economopoulos
Contributor Logos 22 Jun 2010 - 11:14 Rob Economopoulos
Web Custom Menus 19 Feb 2010 - 08:59 Eelco Visser
Web Notify 22 Jul 2007 - 23:56 Robert Glueck
Web Changes 05 Dec 2004 - 11:28 Martin Bravenboer
Web Tools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWiki Guest
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11th International Conference on

Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'12)

September 26-27, 2012
Dresden, Germany


2012-09-26 The EAPLS 2012 GPCE/SLE Best Paper Award was given to Ferruccio Damiani, Luca Padovani, and Ina Schaefer for their GPCE'12 paper A Formal Foundation for Dynamic Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines.

2012-09-25 The GPCE'12 conference proceedings are available in the ACM Digital Library.

2012-08-08 The GPCE'12 conference program is available.

Generative and component approaches are revolutionizing software development just as automation and componentization revolutionized manufacturing. Key technologies for automating program development are Generative Programming for program synthesis, Component Engineering for modularity, and Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) for compact problem-oriented programming notations.

The International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering is a venue for researchers and practitioners interested in techniques that use program generation and component deployment to increase programmer productivity, improve software quality, and shorten the time-to-market of software products. In addition to exploring cutting-edge techniques of generative and component-based software, our goal is to foster further cross-fertilization between the software engineering and the programming languages research communities.

GPCE'12 will be held in Dresden, Germany. The conference will be collocated with the Fifth International Conference of Software Language Engineering (SLE'12) and with the Fourth International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD'12).

Read more in the GPCE'12 Call for Papers (HTML).

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148 PreviousMeetings?
131 WebNotify
124 PEPMProgram?
Jul 2006 7014 0 0 868 WebHome
350 ProgramCommittee?
337 WebStatistics
334 CallForPapers
235 PaperSubmission?
213 PreviousMeetings?
206 PEPMPublicity?
194 ImportantDates
189 WebChanges
180 WebNotify
175 RegistrationAndAccomodation?
May 2006 2620 80 0 427 WebHome
138 ProgramCommittee?
138 CallForPapers
103 PreviousMeetings?
103 ImportantDates
 78 WorkshopVenue?
 77 ResearchPaperAdvice?
 74 WebChanges
 72 WebLeftBar
 69 WebNotify
 69 AffiliatedMeetings?
 80 EelcoVisser
Apr 2006 15023 8 0 3330 WebHome
1250 CallForPapers
781 WebStatistics
571 ImportantDates
504 ConferenceOrganization
486 CallForTechTalks
468 CallForDemonstrations?
443 CallForWorkshops?
414 WebNews
397 ElectronicSubmission?
393 WebChanges
  8 ToddVeldhuizen
Mar 2006 10528 1 0 2345 WebHome
871 CallForPapers
667 WebStatistics
376 ImportantDates
343 CallForTechTalks
325 CallForWorkshops?
325 ConferenceOrganization
310 WebNews
263 CallForDemonstrations?
255 WebChanges
244 WebPreferences
  1 EelcoVisser
Feb 2006 6534 0 0 1541 WebHome
550 CallForPapers
397 WebStatistics
258 ImportantDates
235 CallForTechTalks
226 ConferenceOrganization
215 CallForDemonstrations?
212 CallForWorkshops?
200 WebNews
139 WebLeftBar
129 WebPreferences
Dec 2005 5873 38 0 1603 WebHome
535 WebStatistics
292 WebNews
246 CallForPapers
230 WebLeftBar
204 WebPreferences
194 ImportantDates
179 ConferenceHeader
166 WebIndex
160 CallForTechTalks
156 PEPMNews?
 37 EmirPasalic
  1 ChristaSchwanninger
Nov 2005 3943 0 0 868 WebStatistics
849 WebHome
147 WebLeftBar
144 WebNews
127 ImportantDates
126 WebPreferences
116 WebChanges
114 CallForPapers
109 ConferenceOrganization
105 WebNotify
 92 PEPMNews?
Oct 2005 3209 33 0 932 WebHome
175 WebNews
127 WebChanges
126 WebPreferences
118 PEPMNews?
115 WebLeftBar
111 ImportantDates
110 WebNotify
105 WebStatistics
101 ConferenceHeader
 99 WebIndex
 31 ChristaSchwanninger
  2 EugenioMoggi
Jul 2005 1191 0 0 389 WebHome
102 WebNews
 74 WebIndex
 73 WebChanges
 68 WebStatistics
 67 PEPMNews?
 57 ConferenceHeader
 52 WebSearch
 50 WebNotify
 50 WebChanges500?
 49 WebChanges200?
Jun 2005 923 0 0 375 WebHome
 86 WebNews
 68 WebStatistics
 57 WebChanges
 46 PEPMNews?
 45 WebNotify
 42 WebIndex
 39 WebSearch
 37 ConferenceHeader
 26 WebLeftBar
 24 WebChanges500?
May 2005 848 7 0 371 WebHome
 53 WebNews
 51 WebStatistics
 45 ConferenceHeader
 42 PEPMNews?
 38 WebChanges
 33 WebIndex
 31 WebSearch
 26 WebPreferences
 24 WebNotify
 24 WebLeftBar
  7 EelcoVisser
Apr 2005 6648 36 0 2409 WebHome
975 CallForPapers
638 ElectronicSubmission?
298 GpceTutorialsAndWorkshops?
242 ImportantDates
181 ConferenceOrganization
148 CallForDemonstrations?
130 CallForWorkshops?
110 YoungResearchers?
102 GraphModelTransformations?
 93 CallForTechTalks
 23 AndrewMalton
 10 EugenioMoggi
  2 RobertGlueck
  1 EelcoVisser
Feb 2005 2975 7 0 1164 WebHome
364 CallForPapers
140 ImportantDates
137 ConferenceOrganization
 95 CallForWorkshops?
 84 CallForDemonstrations?
 72 CallForTechTalks
 50 PEPMNews?
 39 WebNews
 39 WebChanges
 38 WebNotify
  7 EugenioMoggi
Jan 2005 2719 19 0 1375 WebHome
211 CallForPapers
169 ConferenceOrganization
135 ImportantDates
 98 CallForWorkshops?
 74 CallForTechTalks
 59 PEPMNews?
 45 WebIndex
 42 WebChanges
 35 WebNews
 30 CallForDemonstrations?
 12 EugenioMoggi
  7 EelcoVisser
Dec 2004 1546 68 0 707 WebHome
125 ImportantDates
 92 ConferenceOrganization
 67 ConferenceVenue
 60 CallForWorkshops?
 37 WebIndex
 36 CallForTechTalks
 34 WebPreferences
 33 WebNews
 32 PEPMNews?
 25 WebChanges
 43 EugenioMoggi
 13 JeffGray
 10 EelcoVisser
  2 MartinBravenboer
Nov 2004 836 18 0 407 WebHome
 77 ImportantDates
 66 ConferenceOrganization
 38 ConferenceVenue
 31 PEPMNews
 28 CallForPapers
 25 WebNews
 20 ForOrganizers?
 19 WebIndex
  9 CallForWorkshops?
  8 ElectronicSubmission?
 11 EelcoVisser
  7 EugenioMoggi
Oct 2004 400 30 0 206 WebHome
 50 ConferenceOrganization
 38 ImportantDates
 27 ConferenceVenue
 17 ConferenceHeader
 14 WebIndex
 11 WebContents?
  5 PrintCall?
  4 WebNews
  4 CallForPapers
  2 GpceTutorials?
 27 EugenioMoggi
  2 MoggiE
  1 RobertGlueck


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  • WebPreferences: values of variables
  • WebContents?: web specific entries in the side bar
Workshops will be run by SPLASH this year. See SPLASH 2011 Call for Workshops for more information.

Number of topics: 51