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Results from GPCE10 web
Abstract : ZL is a C++-compatible language in which high-level constructs, such as classes, are defined using macros over a C-like core language. This approach makes ...
Abstract : This paper deals with embedded systems software and the modification of its architecture and behavior at execution-time. Incautious implementation of such ...
Abstract : Delta modeling is an approach to facilitate automated product derivation for software product lines. It is based on a set of deltas specifying modifications ...
Arie Middelkoop, S. Doaitse Swierstra and Atze Dijkstra: Iterative Type Inference with Attribute Grammars Matthias P. Krieger, Alexander Knapp and Burkhart Wolff ...
Abstract : Plug-in components are a means for making feature-rich applications customizable. Combined with plug-and-play composition, end users can assemble customized ...
Abstract : While dynamic code evolution in object-oriented systems is an important feature supported by dynamic languages, there is currently only limited support ...
Abstract : Operation contracts consisting of pre- and postconditions are a well-known means of specifying operations. In this paper we deal with the problem of operation ...
Abstract : Function-block-based modeling is often used to develop embedded systems, particularly as system variants can be developed rapidly from existing modules ...

Number of topics: 8