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Seventh International Conference on

Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'08)

ACM logo ACM logo October 19-23, 2008
Nashville, Tennessee
(co-located with OOPSLA 2008)

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT.
GPCE'08 proceedings published by ACM Press.

Important Dates

* Submission of abstracts: May 12, 2008 * Submission: May, 19, 23:59, Apia time * Notification: June 30, 2008 * Camera Ready Papers: July 31, 2008


The program committee for GPCE 2008 is seeking high quality submissions in two categories: research papers and experience reports.

Research Papers

10 pages in SIGPLAN proceedings style (sigplanconf.cls) reporting original research results that contribute to scientific knowledge in the areas listed below (the PC chair can advise on appropriateness).

Experience reports:

2 to 4 pages in length in SIGPLAN proceedings style (sigplanconf.cls). We encourage experience reports that provide concrete evidence with regards to the efficacy of generative technologies in industrial applications.


GPCE seeks contributions in software engineering and in programming languages related (but not limited) to:

* Generative programming * Reuse, meta-programming, partial evaluation, multi-stage and multi-level languages, step-wise refinement, and generic programming * Semantics, type systems, symbolic computation, linking and explicit substitution, in-lining and macros, templates, and program transformation * Runtime code generation, compilation, active libraries, synthesis from specifications, development methods, generation of non-code artifacts, formal methods, and reflection * Generative techniques for * Product-line architectures * Distributed, real-time and embedded systems * Model-driven development and architecture * Resource bounded/safety critical systems. * Component-based software engineering * Reuse, distributed platforms and middleware, distributed systems, evolution, patterns, development methods, deployment and configuration techniques, and formal methods * Integration of generative and component-based approaches * Domain engineering and domain analysis * Domain-specific languages including visual and UML-based DSLs * Separation of concerns * Aspect-oriented and feature-oriented programming, * Intentional programming and multi-dimensional separation of concerns * Industrial applications of the above

Experience reports on applications of these techniques to real-world problems are especially encouraged, as are research papers that relate ideas and concepts from several of these topics, or bridge the gap between theory and practice. The program chair is happy to advise on the appropriateness of a particular subject.

Submissions must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy.

Co-location with OOPSLA

The technical program of GPCE will start on Sunday, October 19, 2008. The technical program of OOPSLA (that is, the technical paper sessions) will start on Tuesday, October 21, 2008.


Please contact the program chair if you have any questions concerning the submission of papers (gpce2008 at

Important Dates

* Proposal submission deadline for tutorial proposals: March 20, 2008 * Date for notification of acceptance: April 5, 2008

Tutorials that have less than 10 early registrants will be at risk of cancellation.


Proposals for high-quality tutorials in all areas of generative programming and component-based development, from academic research to industrial applications, are solicited. Tutorial levels may be introductory, intermediate, or advanced. A tutorial's purpose is to give a deeper insight into an area than a conventional lecture. GPCE tutorials are typically half-day sessions consisting of two 90-minute blocks separated by a 30-minute break. Attendees are provided with handouts. The topic of a tutorial can come from a truly broad spectrum. Any interesting theme included but not restricted to the GPCE topic list (see below) is welcome. A tutorial must be expected to attract a reasonable number of participants. This is most likely the case if the topic is new or relevant to a broad community. (Tutorials that have less than 10 early registrants will be at risk of cancellation.) If you have deep experience in a GPCE topic area, from which others could benefit, please consider submitting a proposal.


GPCE seeks contributions in software engineering and in programming languages related (but not limited) to:

* Generative programming * Reuse, meta-programming, partial evaluation, multi-stage and multi-level languages, step-wise refinement, and generic programming * Semantics, type systems, symbolic computation, linking and explicit substitution, in-lining and macros, templates, and program transformation * Runtime code generation, compilation, active libraries, synthesis from specifications, development methods, generation of non-code artifacts, formal methods, and reflection * Generative techniques for * Product-line architectures * Distributed, real-time and embedded systems * Model-driven development and architecture * Resource bounded/safety critical systems. * Component-based software engineering *Reuse, distributed platforms and middleware, distributed systems, evolution, patterns, development methods, deployment and configuration techniques, and formal methods * Integration of generative and component-based approaches * Domain engineering and domain analysis * Domain-specific languages including visual and UML-based DSLs * Separation of concerns * Aspect-oriented and feature-oriented programming, * Intentional programming and multi-dimensional separation of concerns * Industrial applications of the above

Co-location with OOPSLA

The technical program of GPCE will start on Sunday, October 19, 2008. The technical program of OOPSLA (that is, the technical paper sessions) will start on Tuesday, October 21, 2008. GPCE satellite events will either be scheduled concurrently with the GPCE technical program or concurrently with the OOPSLA main technical program. As such, attendance will be more convenient than in the case of a model where extra days are allocated before or after the main technical conference program. However, the satellite events will also receive competition for attendance in this way.

Submission Format

Proposals must contain all information requested in the SubmissionFormat template.

What should a tutorial look like?

The TutorialGuidelines offer suggestions to authors of accepted tutorial proposals for preparing and presenting tutorial.

Submission Process

Proposals must be submitted electronically (in .pdf format) to The submission deadline is March 20, 2008, but early submission is strongly encouraged. All proposals will be reviewed by the Chair for GPCE Satellite Events and by members of the GPCE Program Committee to ensure a high quality and an appropriate mix of topics so that the combined program of satellite events attracts a large interest among the various segments within the broad GPCE community.


For additional information, clarification, or questions please feel free to contact the Chair for GPCE Satellite Events (Ralf Lämmel,

Important Dates

* Proposal submission deadline for tutorial proposals: March 20, 2008 * Date for notification of acceptance: April 5, 2008

This call is for workshop organizers. Each accepted workshop will publish a separate call for contributions.


GPCE workshops provide intensive collaborative environments where generative and component technology researchers and practitioners meet to discuss and solve challenging problems facing the field. All topics related to the theme of the conference are potential candidates for workshops.

Workshops typically fall into the following categories:

* A workshop may address a specific sub-area of generative and component technology in depth. * A workshop may cover areas that cross the borders of several sub areas. Workshops that cross the borders of the formal and the applied areas is one example. * A workshop may also cross the border to other technologies or software engineering fields, e.g. development processes. * A workshop may focus on the application and deployment of generative and/or component technology in areas such as telecommunications, mobile computing or real-time systems. Workshops reporting on industrial experiences are particularly welcome.

Workshop topics are by no means limited to the categories mentioned above. However, in each case, the proposed area is supposed to have enough impetus to yield new results that can be considered important and worth more detailed investigation. If you have an idea for an innovative, well-focused workshop on some aspects of component engineering and generative programming topics, please consider submitting a proposal.


GPCE seeks contributions in software engineering and in programming languages related (but not limited) to:

* Generative programming * Reuse, meta-programming, partial evaluation, multi-stage and multi-level languages, step-wise refinement, and generic programming * Semantics, type systems, symbolic computation, linking and explicit substitution, in-lining and macros, templates, and program transformation * Runtime code generation, compilation, active libraries, synthesis from specifications, development methods, generation of non-code artifacts, formal methods, and reflection * Generative techniques for * Product-line architectures * Distributed, real-time and embedded systems * Model-driven development and architecture * Resource bounded/safety critical systems. * Component-based software engineering *Reuse, distributed platforms and middleware, distributed systems, evolution, patterns, development methods, deployment and configuration techniques, and formal methods * Integration of generative and component-based approaches * Domain engineering and domain analysis * Domain-specific languages including visual and UML-based DSLs * Separation of concerns * Aspect-oriented and feature-oriented programming, * Intentional programming and multi-dimensional separation of concerns * Industrial applications of the above

Co-location with OOPSLA

The technical program of GPCE will start on Sunday, October 19, 2008. The technical program of OOPSLA (that is, the technical paper sessions) will start on Tuesday, October 21, 2008. GPCE satellite events will either be scheduled concurrently with the GPCE technical program or concurrently with the OOPSLA main technical program. As such, attendance will be more convenient than in the case of a model where extra days are allocated before or after the main technical conference program. However, the satellite events will also receive competition for attendance in this way.

Submission Format

Workshop proposals should be sent in ASCII or PDF format to the workshop chairs and should consist of the following four parts:

1. Cover Page * Name of the proposed workshop. * Names and addresses of the organizers. * Primary contact. * Intended number of participants. * Requested Audio/Video equipment.

2. Abstract * Why is the proposed workshop relevant to GPCE? The abstract should provide a short overview of the rationale for the workshop and the major topics. In particular, statements about the review process and ways to ensure creativity during the workshop would be appreciated. * The abstract should preferably not exceed 200 words.

3. Call for Participation * A preliminary version of the Call for Participation that the organizers must prepare if the workshop is accepted. * The call for participation should provide a brief overview of the proposed workshop, including a description of the goals of the workshops and the work practices. * The call may repeat some of the statements made on the abstract page, but should be targeted specifically to potential workshop participants.

4. Organizers Bio and Past Events * Short biography of each organizer. * References to similar workshops organized at previous conferences, including the number of participants.

If a workshop is accepted, the organizers will be requested to prepare a web page that will contain the latest information about the workshop. The web pages of each workshop will be linked to from the GPCE workshop web site. Each workshop must have at least two organizers, preferably from different organizations.

Please keep complete submissions to under four pages.


1. Workshop organizers should foster the creative potential that is tentatively present in a workshop.

2. Remember that a workshop is NOT a conference!

3. The success of a workshop depends greatly on the results generated on-site.

4. A number of interrelated issues should be taken into account in order to provide a good framework for such on-site creativity.

5. Presentation selection * Quality should obviously be the primary criterion for selecting the presentations. * However, in order for a workshop to be productive, consider also having presentations on some new, controversial topics to spark discussion.

Workshop attendance will be managed via the GPCE registration form.

Workshop organizers and presenters are required to register to the workshop.

Submission Process

Proposals must be submitted electronically (in .pdf format) to The submission deadline is March 20, 2008, but early submission is strongly encouraged. All proposals will be reviewed by the Chair for GPCE Satellite Events and by members of the GPCE Program Committee to ensure a high quality and an appropriate mix of topics so that the combined program of satellite events attracts a large interest among the various segments within the broad GPCE community.


For additional information, clarification, or questions please feel free to contact the Chair for GPCE Satellite Events (Ralf Lämmel,

General Chair:

* Yannis Smaragdakis (University of Oregon)

Program Chair:

* Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Program Committee Members:

* David Abrahams (Boost Consulting) * Uwe Aßmann (Technische Universität, Dresden) * Ira Baxter (Semantic Designs, USA) * Martin Bravenboer (University of Oregon, USA) * Jacques Carette (McMaster University, Canada) * Shigeru Chiba (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) * William R. Cook (University of Texas at Austin, USA) * Lidia Fuentes (University of Málaga, Spain) * Yossi Gil (The Technion, Israel) * Aniruddha Gokhale (Vanderbilt University, USA) * Mark Grechanik (Accenture Technology Labs, USA) * Stanislaw Jarzabek (National University of Singapore) * Jaakko Jarvi (Texas A&M University, USA) * Julia Lawall (DIKU, University of Copenhagen, Denmark) * Christian Lengauer (University of Passau, Germany) * Matthew Marcus (Adobe Systems Inc., USA) * Anne-Francoise Le Meur (University of Lille 1, France) * Sibylle Schupp (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) * Peter Sestoft (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark) * Chung-chieh Shan (Rutgers University, USA) * Eric Van Wyk (University of Minnesota, USA)

Chair for Satellite Events:

* Ralf Lämmel (University of Koblenz-Landau)

Publicity Chair: * Emir Pasalic (LogicBlox Inc.)

Steering Committee:

* Don Batory (University of Texas at Austin, USA) * Krzysztof Czarnecki (University of Waterloo, Canada) * Ulrich Eisenecker (University of Leipzig, Germany) * Stanislaw Jarzabek (National University of Singapore, Singapore) * Eugenio Moggi (University of Genoa, Italy) * Greg Morrisett (Harvard University, USA) * Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) * Tim Sheard (Portland State University, USA) * Yannis Smaragdakis (University of Oregon, USA) * Walid Taha (Rice University, USA)

Technical Papers

Sunday, October 19

8:50-9:00 Welcome

9:00-10:00 Keynote
Session Chair: Julia Lawall * Emerging Challenges for Large Scale Systems Integration
Dr. Andrew Fano (Accenture)
abstract and bio

10:30-12:00 Technical papers 1
Session Chair: Julia Lawall * Code Generation to Support Static and Dynamic Composition of Software Product Lines
Marko Rosenmueller, Norbert Siegmund, Sven Apel and Gunter Saake. * Efficient Compilation Techniques for Large Scale Feature Models
Marcilio Mendonca, Andrzej Wasowski, Krzysztof Czarnecki and Don Cowan. * On the Modularity of Feature Interactions
Chang Hwan Peter Kim, Christian Kaestner and Don Batory.

13:30-15:00 Technical papers 2
Session Chair: Jaakko Jarvi * Using Simple Mathematics as a Modeling Language
Don Batory. * From Generic to Specific: Off-line Optimization for General Constraint Solver
Ye Zhang, Torben Amtoft and Flemming Nielson. * Generating Incremental Implementations of Object-Set Queries
Tom Rothamel and Yanhong A. Liu.

15:30-17:00 Technical papers 3
Session Chair: Aniruddha Gokhale * Integrating Semantics and Compilation
Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine. * Generating Customized Verifiers for Automatically Generated Code
Ewen Denney and Bernd Fischer. * Property Models: From Incidental Algorithms to Reusable Components
Jaakko Jarvi, Mat Marcus, Sean Parent, John Freeman and Jacob Smith.

17:00-17:30 PC chair's report

18:30 GPCE Reception (in conference room)

Monday, October 20

9:00-10:00 Keynote
Session Chair: Jeremy Siek * Fundamentalist Functional Programming
Erik Meijer (Microsoft)
abstract and bio

10:30-12:00 Technical papers 4
Session Chair: Andrew Lumsdaine * Feature Featherweight Java: A Calculus for Feature-Oriented Programming and Stepwise Refinement
Sven Apel, Christian Kastner and Christian Lengauer. * Lightweight Dependent Classes
Tetsuo Kamina and Tetsuo Tamai. * Typing Communicating Component Assemblages
Michael Lienhardt, Alan Schmitt and Jean-Bernard Stefani.

14:00-15:00 Technical papers 5
Session Chair: David Abrahams * Polymorphic Embedding of DSLs
Christian Hofer, Klaus Ostermann, Tillmann Rendel and Adriaan Moors. * Pantaxou: a Domain-Specific Language for Developing Safe Coordination Services
Julien Mercadal, Nicolas Palix, Charles Consel and Julia Lawall.

15:30-17:00 Technical papers 6
Session Chair: Mark Grechanik * Program Refactoring using Functional Aspects
Sven Apel, Christian Kastner and Don Batory. * Rigorous and Practical Refactoring-Based Framework Upgrade
Ilie Savga, Michael Rudolf, Sebastian Gotz and Uwe Assmann. * An abstraction for reusable MDD components
Vinay Kulkarni and Sreedhar Reddy.

Co-located with OOPSLA 2008 in Nashville, Tennessee. OOPSLA travel and lodging information.


Over the past 15 years large systems integrators have grown in size by an order of magnitude. During this time the nature of the systems we build, the manner in which they are built, and the clients for whom they are built have seen corresponding growth. During this talk I will review some of these changes and discuss some of the challenges we see on the horizon as these trends continue. What kind of systems would a systems integrator with 2 million people develop? How would they be built?


Dr. Andrew Fano is Accenture Technology Labs' Global Director of Research. Read more about Dr. Fano here.


In 1984, John Hughes wrote a seminal paper titled, "Why Functional Programming Matters," in which he eloquently explained the value of pure and lazy functional programming. Due to the increasing importance of the Web and the introduction of many-core machines, in the quarter of a century since the paper was written, the problems associated with imperative languages and their side effects have become increasingly evident. This talk argues that fundamentalist functional programming—that is, radically eliminating all side effects from programming languages, including strict evaluation—is what it takes to conquer the concurrency and parallelism dragon. Programmers must embrace pure, lazy functional programming "all the way"—with all effects apparent in the type system of the host language using monads. A radical paradigm shift is the answer, but does that mean that all current programmers will be lost along the way? Fortunately not! By design, LINQ is based on monadic principles, and the success of LINQ proves that the world does not fear the monads.


Erik Meijer is an accomplished programming-language designer who has worked on a wide range of languages, including Haskell, Mondrian, X#, C-Omega, C#, and Visual Basic. He runs the Data Programmability Languages Team at Microsoft, where his primary focus has been to remove the impedance mismatch between databases and programming languages. One of the fruits of these efforts is LINQ, which not only adds a native querying syntax to .NET languages, such as C# and Visual Basic, but also allows developers to query data sources other than tables, such as objects or XML. Most recently, Erik has been working on democratizing the Cloud using Volta and preaching the virtues of fundamentalist functional programming in the new age of concurrency and many-core. Some people might recognize him from his brief stint as the "Head in the Box" on Microsoft VBTV.

Seventh International Conference on

Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'08)

ACM logo ACM logo October 19-23, 2008
Nashville, Tennessee
(co-located with OOPSLA 2008)

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT.
GPCE'08 proceedings published by ACM Press.

List of tutorials

GP1: "Effective Model Driven Engineering to Create Domain Specific Languages" by Bruce Trask and Angel Roman, MDE Systems Inc.

GP2: "Problems We Can Solve with Power-Generics" by Stan Jarzabek, National University of Singapore

GP3: "Multi-stage Programming in MetaOCaml" by Walid Taha, Rice University

Seventh International Conference on

Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'08)

ACM logo ACM logo October 19-23, 2008
Nashville, Tennessee
(co-located with OOPSLA 2008)

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT.
GPCE'08 proceedings published by ACM Press.

List of workshops

DSPD 2008: Workshop on Domain-Specific Program Development

McGPLE 2008: Workshop on Modularization, Composition and Generative Techniques for Product Line Engineering

STS 2008: Workshop on Software Transformation Systems (CANCELED)

Important Dates

* Submission of abstracts: May 12, 2008 * Submission: May, 19, 23:59, Apia time * Notification: June 30, 2008 * Camera Ready Papers: July 31, 2008 * Conference: October 19-23, 2008 (Main Conference: Oct. 19-20, workshops and tutorials: Oct. 21-23 )

GPCE Tutorial #1 (GP1)

"Effective Model Driven Engineering to Create Domain Specific Languages" by Bruce Trask and Angel Roman, MDE Systems Inc.

Date: Oct 22, morning


Model Driven Engineering (MDE) brings together multiple technologies and critical innovations and formalizes them into the next wave of software development methods. This tutorial will cover the basics of MDE and how they work synergistically with Generative Software Development (GSD) techniques and Component Frameworks (CFs). The three main MDE categories include the development of Domain Specific Languages, Domain Specific Editors (including Domain Specific Visual Languages) and, Domain Specific Transformation Engines or Generators. Expressed in terms of language development technology, these mirror the development of the Abstract Syntax, Concrete Syntax and Semantics of a new Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). This tutorial will cover the basic effective patterns, principles and practices for developing these MDE and GSD software artifacts. Additionally, as a powerful example of these concepts in action, this tutorial will cover the exact details of how to leverage the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), the Eclipse Graphical Editor Framework (GEF), and the Eclipse Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF), to support the development of powerful DSLs and their tools. These three frameworks provides a unique and integrated platform in which to learn the basics of MDE and GSD in full application. Conversely, MDE and GSD provide an effective context in which to learn how to apply the power of these integrated Eclipse Frameworks developed to support MDE and GP.


Half day tutorial.

Level / required experience

The tutorial level is intermediate. Familiarity with General Programming and Modeling concepts.

Target audience

The benefits of the technology are so far reaching that we feel the intended audience spans technical managers, developers and CTOs. In general the target audience includes researchers and practitioners who are working on complex problems related to the design and implementation of any complex domain and would like to understand the benefits of applying MDE techniques towards GSD and leverage existing tools and frameworks (i.e. Language Workbenches) to develop MDE solutions. The first half will be less technical than the second half where we cover the details of MDE and GSD in action in complete detail showing patterns and code. Attendees will come away with an appreciation for how they can effectively raise the level of abstraction in their domains without sacrificing the semantic rigor and precision needed for correct and robust systems.


* Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Generative Programming (GSD) Core Concepts (90 minutes) * MDE and GSD Basics – “Programming with Models” * MDE and GSD Patterns * MDE and GSD Principles * MDE and GSD Practices * The Anatomy of MDE and GSD * The Meta Model * Survey of Meta Modeling Techniques * Applying Generative Approaches to Meta Modeling * Editors * Survey of Editor Techniques * Creating Domain Specific Visual Languages * Transformation Engines/Generators * Survey of Existing Generative Techniques * Template based techniques * Abstract Syntax Tree/Visitor approaches * Capturing Commonalities and Variabilities in the Meta Model * Capturing Commonalities and Variabilities in the Editor * Capturing Commonalities and Variabilities in the Generators * Applying MDE to Today’s Systems using Eclipse * Tackling today’s system’s complexities * Increasing correctness, quality and performance * MDE and GSD In Action - Basics of Language Workbenches Tutorial – using Eclipse’s EMF, GEF and GMF (90 minutes) * Meta Modeling Environments * Defining an Ecore Meta Model * Creating a Model Programmatically * Persistence * Event Notification * Concrete Syntax/Editor development environment * Editor Anatomy * MVC pattern and its relation to Domain Specific Modeling * Canvas * Tools * Palettes * Creating an Domain Specific Editors * Generative/Synthesis Engine * Java Emitter Templates * Builders * GMF * A concrete example in full will be used throughout the above section to illustrate each concept

Bio speakers

Bruce Trask has been working on complex Distributed Real-Time Embedded systems for over 20 years specializing in MDE, GSD and Component Frameworks and Enginnering. He has developed commercial quality MDE tools, Component Architectures and Frameworks as well as Generative Engines for many complex domains. He has been teaching C++, Object Orientation, Design Patterns, UML, CORBA and Framework courses for over 10 years. He has lead multiple study groups in the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut area on various topics ranging from design patterns to middleware. He is a regular speaker/presenter at software industry conferences all year long. He has devlivered tutorials at the OMG. Bruce Trask is the CEO of MDE Systems.

Angel Roman is the Chief Software Architect of MDE Systems and an expert on the Eclipse Development environment and its application frameworks. He has presented at various industry conferences on topics such as Software Defined Radios and MDE Technologies.

Bruce and Angel have an experience published in Software Product Lines, 10th International Conference, SPLC 2006, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, August 21-24, 2006, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society 2006, ISBN 0-7695-2599-7.

GPCE Tutorial #3 (GP3)

"Multi-stage Programming in MetaOCaml" by Walid Taha, Rice University

Date: Oct 23, morning


Multi-stage programming is a paradigm for writing generic programs that do not pay a runtime overhead. The key underlying technology is program generation. In addition, languages designed to support this paradigm (such as MetaOCaml) help the programmer avoid many of the difficulties that are traditionally encountered in developing program generators. This tutorial will introduce you to the basics of this paradigm as well as of programming in MetaOCaml. Numerous examples will be used to illustrate the practice of multi-stage programming.


Half day tutorial.

Level / required experience

The tutorial level is introductory (requires almost no experience with any specific programming language). Familiarity with OCaml would be helpful, but is not essential. Familiarity with a genericity and higher-order typing would be useful, but is not necessary.


Each session is 1.5 hours.

* Session 1: * Why MSP programming * Small example * Collecting performance measurements * Two larger examples * Binding time improvements * Differences between byte code and native code settings

* Session 2: * Staged interpreter -- a killer app for MSP * Effective staging of interpreters with error handling * Tag elimination * Indexed types * Controlled in-lining * Staging dynamic programming problems * Staging and the Fast Fourier Transform and comparison with FFTW * Summary and pointers to the literature

Bio of speaker

Walid Taha lead the development of the semantics of staged computation, type systems for multi-stage languages, and implementing multi-stage languages like MetaOCaml and MetaOCaml Concoqtion. Currently, he leads the Resource-aware Programming (RAP) research group at Rice University, Houston, TX. He is the principal investigator on a number of NSF, Texas ATP, and SRC research grants and contracts on various aspects of resource aware programming. Taha is actively involved in development of both the embedded software and generative programming research communities.

GPCE Tutorial #2 (GP2)

"Problems We Can Solve with Power-Generics" by Stan Jarzabek, National University of Singapore

Date: Oct 22, afternoon


Repetitions are common in software. Genericity is a prime strategy to avoid repetitions. STL is a hallmark example of benefits that can be gained by exploiting software similarities and representing them in generic form. Can we replicate STL success in other application domains, e.g., business systems, in which we also observe much similarity?

The concept of power-generics addresses this question, trying to reach beyond what we can achieve with conventional generic design mechanisms, such as type-parameterization. The goal of power-generics is to let a programmer avoid redundancies whenever a programmer wishes to do so. The basic requirement for power-generics is to represent in a generic form any group of similar program structures of any kind and granularity, from similar classes, to recurring similar patterns of collaborating classes/components, to modules and subsystems.

Why are such power-generics useful and interesting? Power-generics let us exploit the benefits of non-redundancy and simplification in any domain where we observe substantial repetitions. They also open a sea of new possibilities for software engineering methods, in particular for software reuse via Product Line approach. Reuse goal is to exploit similarities in a family of software systems to boost productivity. Power-generics can help us build generic representation for a family of similar systems, extending the reuse capabilities of current Product Line Architectures based on components and architectures, whereby genericity is applied only in ad hoc way. In this context, power-generics have a role to play in defining effective strategies for variability management in Product Lines, and extending reuse benefits from product development to its evolution (maintenance).

The concept of power-generics creates a much missed bridge between programming language mechanisms and software engineering goals, such as reusability or maintainability.

In this tutorial, we bring power-generics from the concept to realization. Our solution is based on meta-level program decomposition, unrestrictive parameterization, and generation. It is realized by simple transformations at a meta-level program representation, with XVCL technique (XML-based Variant Configuration Language,

XVCL program transformations are text-based, and have no regard to the rules of the underlying programming language. This makes validation of transformations in conventional sense difficult, if not impossible. A programmer has to understand a meta-program, as well as a concrete program, and properly relate one to another. He/she has to debug the program derivation process, as well as a concrete program.

On the other hand, power-generics with XCL bring attractive and unique engineering benefits, in terms of improved maintainability, reusability and software complexity management, in general. These benefits have been confirmed in industrial applications and lab studies. Empirical and analytical studies shed light on the sources of the observed benefits, as well as trade-offs and limitations involved in our realization of the power-generics concept. The also explain the difficulties of realizing power-generics with programming language mechanisms, as well as with component-based and architectural approaches.

In the tutorial, we discuss advantages and compromises involved in realizing power-generics with techniques such as XVCL. We revisit the issue of programming language support for software engineering goals. We compare XVCL with related approaches such as AOP, FOP and Java annotations. We also discuss automated detection in software systems of large-granularity similar program structures, as candidates for power-generics solutions, so-called structural clones.


Half day tutorial.

Required experience / target audience

The audience should have basic understanding of software design and development. No prior knowledge of a specific programming technologies is required. The target audience includes academic faculty, students and researchers, software practitioners, project leaders, analysts and designers.

Bio speaker

Stan Jarzabek is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore. He spent 12 years of his professional career in industry and 20 years in academia. Stan is interested in all aspects of software design, in particular techniques for design of adaptable, easy to change (high-variability) software. He is an author of a book Effective Software Maintenance and Evolution: Reuse-based Approach, Taylor & Francis CRC Press, 2007, and published over 90 papers in international journals and conference proceedings (his recent paper received the ACM Distinguished Paper Award). Stan was a Principal Investigator in a multi-national collaborative project involving universities (NUS and the University of Waterloo) and companies in Singapore and Toronto.

Program Chair:

* Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder)

Program Committee Members:

* David Abrahams (Boost Consulting) * Uwe Aßmann (Technische Universität, Dresden) * Ira Baxter (Semantic Designs, USA) * Martin Bravenboer (University of Oregon, USA) * Jacques Carette (McMaster University, Canada) * Shigeru Chiba (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) * William R. Cook (University of Texas at Austin, USA) * Lidia Fuentes (University of Málaga, Spain) * Yossi Gil (The Technion, Israel) * Aniruddha Gokhale (Vanderbilt University, USA) * Mark Grechanik (Accenture Technology Labs, USA) * Stanislaw Jarzabek (National University of Singapore) * Jaakko Jarvi (Texas A&M University, USA) * Julia Lawall (DIKU, University of Copenhagen, Denmark) * Christian Lengauer (University of Passau, Germany) * Matthew Marcus (Adobe Systems Inc., USA) * Anne-Francoise Le Meur (University of Lille 1, France) * Sibylle Schupp (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) * Peter Sestoft (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark) * Chung-chieh Shan (Rutgers University, USA) * Eric Van Wyk (University of Minnesota, USA)

* Don Batory (University of Texas at Austin, USA) * Krzysztof Czarnecki (University of Waterloo, Canada) * Ulrich Eisenecker (University of Leipzig, Germany) * Stanislaw Jarzabek (National University of Singapore, Singapore) * Eugenio Moggi (University of Genoa, Italy) * Greg Morrisett (Harvard University, USA) * Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) * Tim Sheard (Portland State University, USA) * Yannis Smaragdakis (University of Oregon, USA) * Walid Taha (Rice University, USA)

Tuorial Submission Format

Proposals must be submitted electronically via e-mail, as plain text or in PDF, according to the following template:

1. Title * The title expresses the contents of the tutorial well without being too long. * An effective title attracts participants' curiosity. 2. Speaker(s) * Give the full name and address of the tutorial speaker(s). * If there is more than one speaker, a contact person should be clearly designated. * Don't forget to specify the electronic mail address. 3. Abstract (to appear in the Advance Program) * The abstract should concisely describe the contents and goals of the tutorial. * It should not be longer than 150 words. 4. Outline (to present to the committee the proposed contents of the tutorial) * The outline should present a table of contents as a sequence of sections. * Each section should be described with a few brief sentences or keywords * For each section, an estimate should be given of the time to be spent. 5. Duration * Tutorials can be half-day or full-day. Half-day tutorials are preferred. * A half-day tutorial lasts for about 3 1/2 hours, including a 1/2 hour break. * A full-day tutorial lasts for about 8 hours, including two 1/2 hour breaks, and a 1 hour lunch break. 6. Level * The tutorial level can be introductory, intermediate or advanced 7. Required Knowledge (to appear in the Advance Program) * The proposal should state the specific knoweldge or skills expected of your participants. * The statement should not be longer than 20 words. 8. Expected audience * The proposal must describe typical or expected participants. * The proposal must outline the benefits to participants (e.g., in use of new skills or application of new knowledge). 9. Extended speaker profile * The affiliation, interests, and experience of each speaker must be provided. * The profile should clearly explain why the speaker is the right person to give the tutorial. 10. Summary speaker profile (to appear in Advance Program) * Provide a short version of the Speaker's profile to be included in the Advance Program. * It should not be longer than 40 words. 11. Tutorial resume * The Resume describes previous offerings of the tutorial, if any. * If previously offered, provide the number and level of previous participants. * If available, include ratings of the tutorial as evaluated by previous participants. 12. Equipment requirements * The proposal should specify the equipment required. * The conference organizers can arrange for slide projectors, video projection facilities, tables, power plugs, and paper boards. * Participants may be expected to bring computing equipment. 13. Actual Presentation Materials * The proposal may include previously prepared tutorial materials such as slides or handouts: these are not required for submmission, however. * Submitted actual presentation materials show depth and maturity of the tutorial. * Even for a new tutorial a few sample slides would help the committee judge the expected quality of the presentation.

The tutorial submission should be contained within five pages (excluding any materials submitted under item 13 above). Various parts of the proposal for accepted tutorials may be edited for incorporation in the Advance Program.

Back to the CallForTutorials.

What should a tutorial look like?

In case your tutorial is accepted, the following offers suggestions for preparing and presenting your tutorial.

1. Contents * When preparing the tutorial, keep your audience in mind. * People don't pay for a tutorial in order to hear things that they already know or that are irrelevant for their work. * Don't be vague, don't waste time with lengthy introductions, but speak to the point. * Don't try to impress the audience with the amount of your research, but convey practical knowledge and ideas that the participants will find useful for their own work. * Whenever possible, use examples and case studies and avoid lengthy abstract passages. * Consider demonstrations on video or an overhead panel. * In order to get an audience as homogeneous as possible, clearly state which knowledge you expect from the participants in the tutorial description. 2. Slides and notes * You will have to prepare tutorial notes for the participants. * These handouts usually contain copies of the slides that you show. * Use at least a 14 pt (or better an 18 pt) font on all of your slides. * A good slide should not just repeat everything you say but summarize your presentation. * Use short phrases and keywords instead of full sentences. * People cannot read as fast as you speak. Make heavy use of pictures and examples. * Use colors where they are helpful, but remember that they will not appear in the black and white handouts. * Don't put too much or too little material on a single slide. * A good rule of thumb is to spend 3 minutes per slide. * Don't include slides that you will skip in the presentation; people will find that annoying. * You will have to deliver the tutorial notes in camera-ready form before the conference. The deadline will be announced. * To avoid wasting paper, copy two slides on a single page (reduced size). The printed area of such a page must not exceed 27 x 17cm (10.5 x 6.7 inch). * In addition to the slide copies, also consider providing full-text handouts (papers, summaries, bibliography, etc.). Participants will appreciate that. * The maximum length of the notes for a half-day tutorial should be 50 pages for slide copies and another 20 pages for full-text material. For full-day tutorials these numbers can be doubled. * Try to achieve good printing quality. * We will add an uniform cover page to all tutorial notes. * Put slide numbers on the slides and page numbers on the pages. 3. Presentation * The participants expect that your presentation will be much easier to understand than a book about the same subject. * Speak clearly and lively. Try to interact with your audience. * Encourage the audience to ask questions. * A presentation is much more lively if it also includes examples and demonstrations on the blackboard, on video or on an overhead panel. * Tutorials should be split into sessions of 1.5 hours each with a 1/2 hour coffee break in between. * Don't overrun your tutorial time. After the tutorial the participants will be asked to assess the tutorial with a questionnaire. * A good rating will help you when applying for other tutorials in the future.

Back to the CallForTutorials.

Conference Header 21 Apr 2010 - 08:41 Rob Economopoulos
Web Home 20 Apr 2010 - 14:04 Rob Economopoulos
Web Preferences 20 Apr 2010 - 14:03 Rob Economopoulos
Web Statistics 23 Feb 2010 - 07:58 TWiki Admin Group
Conference Program 15 Dec 2008 - 16:43 Yannis Smaragdakis
Gpce Workshops 18 Oct 2008 - 22:47 Yannis Smaragdakis
Conference Organization 03 Sep 2008 - 16:17 Emir Pasalic
Program Committee 18 Aug 2008 - 17:30 Jeremy Siek
Emerging Challenges For Large Scale Systems In... 12 Aug 2008 - 16:05 Jeremy Siek
Web Left Bar 11 Aug 2008 - 23:59 Yannis Smaragdakis
Multi Stage Programming Tutorial 11 Aug 2008 - 23:59 Yannis Smaragdakis
Power Generics Tutorial 11 Aug 2008 - 23:58 Yannis Smaragdakis
Mde Tutorial 11 Aug 2008 - 23:58 Yannis Smaragdakis
Gpce Tutorials 11 Aug 2008 - 23:54 Yannis Smaragdakis
Fundamentalist Functional Programming 05 Aug 2008 - 05:24 Jeremy Siek
Web News 05 Aug 2008 - 05:13 Jeremy Siek
Conference Venue 04 Aug 2008 - 21:49 Yannis Smaragdakis
Important Dates 04 Aug 2008 - 21:43 Yannis Smaragdakis
Conference Registration 04 Aug 2008 - 21:26 Yannis Smaragdakis
Call For Papers 17 May 2008 - 12:23 Jeremy Siek
Call For Tutorials 27 Feb 2008 - 23:31 Ralf Lammel?
Call For Workshops 16 Feb 2008 - 01:07 Ralf Lammel?
Tutorial Guidelines 11 Feb 2008 - 19:59 Ralf Lammel?
Submission Format 11 Feb 2008 - 19:56 Ralf Lammel?
Steering Committee 20 Nov 2007 - 17:56 Jeremy Siek
Web Notify 02 Jul 2006 - 03:13 Emir Pasalic
Web Changes 05 Dec 2004 - 11:28 Martin Bravenboer
Web Changes 500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 Eelco Visser
Web Changes 200 23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 Eelco Visser
Web Changes 100 23 Apr 2002 - 19:53 Eelco Visser
Web Index 23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 Eelco Visser
Web Tools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWiki Guest
Web Search 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 Peter Thoeny
Number of topics: 33
Topic Changed By
ConferenceHeader? 21 Apr 2010 - 08:41 RobEconomopoulos
WebHome 20 Apr 2010 - 14:04 RobEconomopoulos
WebPreferences 20 Apr 2010 - 14:03 RobEconomopoulos
WebStatistics 23 Feb 2010 - 07:58 TWikiAdminGroup
ConferenceProgram? 15 Dec 2008 - 16:43 YannisSmaragdakis
GpceWorkshops? 18 Oct 2008 - 22:47 YannisSmaragdakis
ConferenceOrganization? 03 Sep 2008 - 16:17 EmirPasalic
ProgramCommittee? 18 Aug 2008 - 17:30 JeremySiek
EmergingChallengesForLargeScaleSystemsIntegration? 12 Aug 2008 - 16:05 JeremySiek
WebLeftBar 11 Aug 2008 - 23:59 YannisSmaragdakis
MultiStageProgrammingTutorial? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:59 YannisSmaragdakis
PowerGenericsTutorial? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:58 YannisSmaragdakis
MdeTutorial? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:58 YannisSmaragdakis
GpceTutorials? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:54 YannisSmaragdakis
FundamentalistFunctionalProgramming? 05 Aug 2008 - 05:24 JeremySiek
WebNews 05 Aug 2008 - 05:13 JeremySiek
ConferenceVenue? 04 Aug 2008 - 21:49 YannisSmaragdakis
ImportantDates? 04 Aug 2008 - 21:43 YannisSmaragdakis
ConferenceRegistration? 04 Aug 2008 - 21:26 YannisSmaragdakis
CallForPapers? 17 May 2008 - 12:23 JeremySiek
CallForTutorials? 27 Feb 2008 - 23:31 RalfLammel?
CallForWorkshops? 16 Feb 2008 - 01:07 RalfLammel?
TutorialGuidelines? 11 Feb 2008 - 19:59 RalfLammel?
SubmissionFormat? 11 Feb 2008 - 19:56 RalfLammel?
SteeringCommittee? 20 Nov 2007 - 17:56 JeremySiek
WebNotify 02 Jul 2006 - 03:13 EmirPasalic
WebChanges 05 Dec 2004 - 11:28 MartinBravenboer
WebChanges500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 EelcoVisser
WebChanges100 23 Apr 2002 - 19:53 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 EelcoVisser
WebTools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWikiGuest
WebSearch 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 PeterThoeny
Topic Changed By
ConferenceHeader? 21 Apr 2010 - 08:41 RobEconomopoulos
WebHome 20 Apr 2010 - 14:04 RobEconomopoulos
WebPreferences 20 Apr 2010 - 14:03 RobEconomopoulos
WebStatistics 23 Feb 2010 - 07:58 TWikiAdminGroup
ConferenceProgram? 15 Dec 2008 - 16:43 YannisSmaragdakis
GpceWorkshops? 18 Oct 2008 - 22:47 YannisSmaragdakis
ConferenceOrganization? 03 Sep 2008 - 16:17 EmirPasalic
ProgramCommittee? 18 Aug 2008 - 17:30 JeremySiek
EmergingChallengesForLargeScaleSystemsIntegration? 12 Aug 2008 - 16:05 JeremySiek
WebLeftBar 11 Aug 2008 - 23:59 YannisSmaragdakis
MultiStageProgrammingTutorial? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:59 YannisSmaragdakis
PowerGenericsTutorial? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:58 YannisSmaragdakis
MdeTutorial? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:58 YannisSmaragdakis
GpceTutorials? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:54 YannisSmaragdakis
FundamentalistFunctionalProgramming? 05 Aug 2008 - 05:24 JeremySiek
WebNews 05 Aug 2008 - 05:13 JeremySiek
ConferenceVenue? 04 Aug 2008 - 21:49 YannisSmaragdakis
ImportantDates? 04 Aug 2008 - 21:43 YannisSmaragdakis
ConferenceRegistration? 04 Aug 2008 - 21:26 YannisSmaragdakis
CallForPapers? 17 May 2008 - 12:23 JeremySiek
CallForTutorials? 27 Feb 2008 - 23:31 RalfLammel?
CallForWorkshops? 16 Feb 2008 - 01:07 RalfLammel?
TutorialGuidelines? 11 Feb 2008 - 19:59 RalfLammel?
SubmissionFormat? 11 Feb 2008 - 19:56 RalfLammel?
SteeringCommittee? 20 Nov 2007 - 17:56 JeremySiek
WebNotify 02 Jul 2006 - 03:13 EmirPasalic
WebChanges 05 Dec 2004 - 11:28 MartinBravenboer
WebChanges500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 EelcoVisser
WebChanges100 23 Apr 2002 - 19:53 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 EelcoVisser
WebTools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWikiGuest
WebSearch 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 PeterThoeny
Topic Changed up By
ConferenceHeader? 21 Apr 2010 - 08:41 RobEconomopoulos
WebHome 20 Apr 2010 - 14:04 RobEconomopoulos
WebPreferences 20 Apr 2010 - 14:03 RobEconomopoulos
WebStatistics 23 Feb 2010 - 07:58 TWikiAdminGroup
ConferenceProgram? 15 Dec 2008 - 16:43 YannisSmaragdakis
GpceWorkshops? 18 Oct 2008 - 22:47 YannisSmaragdakis
ConferenceOrganization? 03 Sep 2008 - 16:17 EmirPasalic
ProgramCommittee? 18 Aug 2008 - 17:30 JeremySiek
EmergingChallengesForLargeScaleSystemsIntegration? 12 Aug 2008 - 16:05 JeremySiek
WebLeftBar 11 Aug 2008 - 23:59 YannisSmaragdakis
MultiStageProgrammingTutorial? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:59 YannisSmaragdakis
PowerGenericsTutorial? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:58 YannisSmaragdakis
MdeTutorial? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:58 YannisSmaragdakis
GpceTutorials? 11 Aug 2008 - 23:54 YannisSmaragdakis
FundamentalistFunctionalProgramming? 05 Aug 2008 - 05:24 JeremySiek
WebNews 05 Aug 2008 - 05:13 JeremySiek
ConferenceVenue? 04 Aug 2008 - 21:49 YannisSmaragdakis
ImportantDates? 04 Aug 2008 - 21:43 YannisSmaragdakis
ConferenceRegistration? 04 Aug 2008 - 21:26 YannisSmaragdakis
CallForPapers? 17 May 2008 - 12:23 JeremySiek
CallForTutorials? 27 Feb 2008 - 23:31 RalfLammel?
CallForWorkshops? 16 Feb 2008 - 01:07 RalfLammel?
TutorialGuidelines? 11 Feb 2008 - 19:59 RalfLammel?
SubmissionFormat? 11 Feb 2008 - 19:56 RalfLammel?
SteeringCommittee? 20 Nov 2007 - 17:56 JeremySiek
WebNotify 02 Jul 2006 - 03:13 EmirPasalic
WebChanges 05 Dec 2004 - 11:28 MartinBravenboer
WebChanges500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 EelcoVisser
WebChanges100 23 Apr 2002 - 19:53 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 EelcoVisser
WebTools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWikiGuest
WebSearch 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 PeterThoeny

Seventh International Conference on

Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'08)

ACM logo ACM logo October 19-23, 2008
Nashville, Tennessee
(co-located with OOPSLA 2008)

Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGSOFT.
GPCE'08 proceedings published by ACM Press.



The conference program is now available.


Workshops and Tutorials are listed online.


Submission website is now open.


Paper submission and notification dates are now available.

Generative and component approaches are revolutionizing software development similar to how automation and components revolutionized manufacturing. Generative Programming (developing programs that synthesize other programs), Component Engineering (raising the level of modularization and analysis in application design), and Domain-Specific Languages (elevating program specifications to compact domain-specific notations that are easier to write, maintain, and analyze) are key technologies for automating program development.

GPCE provides a venue for researchers and practitioners interested in foundational techniques for enhancing the productivity, quality, and time-to-market in software development that stems from deploying standard components and automating program generation. In addition to exploring cutting-edge techniques for developing generative and component-based software, our goal is to foster further cross-fertilization between the software engineering research community and the programming languages community.


The conference program is now available.


Workshops and Tutorials are listed online.


Submission website is now open.


Paper submission and notification dates are now available.

WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.GPCE08 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come back and check all the time if something has changed. To subscribe to the service, please put yourself on the list below. The format is: 3 spaces * Main.yourWikiName - yourEmailAddress

* EelcoVisser - * EugenioMoggi - * EmirPasalic -

Note: It is helpful to insert your name in alphabetical order (by first name -- ignore the "Main.") -- then you can find your name (or not) more easily if you wish to remove it or confirm that you are on the list.

Related topics: TWikiUsers, TWikiRegistration

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  • Set VENUECITY = Nashville, Tennessee

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  • Set PROPOSALNOTIFICATION = April 5, 2008

  • Set PAPERPRESUBMISSION = May 12, 2008
  • Set PAPERSUBMISSION = May, 19, 23:59, Apia time
  • Set PAPERNOTIFICATION = June 30, 2008
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  7 EelcoVisser Dec 2004 1546 68 0 707 WebHome
125 ImportantDates
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 32 GpceNews?
 25 WebChanges  43 EugenioMoggi
 13 JeffGray
 10 EelcoVisser
  2 MartinBravenboer Nov 2004 836 18 0 407 WebHome
 77 ImportantDates
 66 ConferenceOrganization
 38 ConferenceVenue
 31 GpceNews?
 28 CallForPapers
 25 WebNews
 20 ForOrganizers?
 19 WebIndex
  9 CallForWorkshops
  8 ElectronicSubmission?  11 EelcoVisser
  7 EugenioMoggi Oct 2004 400 30 0 206 WebHome
 50 ConferenceOrganization
 38 ImportantDates
 27 ConferenceVenue
 17 ConferenceHeader
 14 WebIndex
 11 WebContents?
  5 PrintCall?
  4 WebNews
  4 CallForPapers
  2 GpceTutorials  27 EugenioMoggi
  2 MoggiE
  1 RobertGlueck

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