
Generative Programming and Component Engineering

Technical Papers

Sunday, October 19

8:50-9:00 Welcome

9:00-10:00 Keynote
Session Chair: Julia Lawall * Emerging Challenges for Large Scale Systems Integration
Dr. Andrew Fano (Accenture)
abstract and bio

10:30-12:00 Technical papers 1
Session Chair: Julia Lawall * Code Generation to Support Static and Dynamic Composition of Software Product Lines
Marko Rosenmueller, Norbert Siegmund, Sven Apel and Gunter Saake. * Efficient Compilation Techniques for Large Scale Feature Models
Marcilio Mendonca, Andrzej Wasowski, Krzysztof Czarnecki and Don Cowan. * On the Modularity of Feature Interactions
Chang Hwan Peter Kim, Christian Kaestner and Don Batory.

13:30-15:00 Technical papers 2
Session Chair: Jaakko Jarvi * Using Simple Mathematics as a Modeling Language
Don Batory. * From Generic to Specific: Off-line Optimization for General Constraint Solver
Ye Zhang, Torben Amtoft and Flemming Nielson. * Generating Incremental Implementations of Object-Set Queries
Tom Rothamel and Yanhong A. Liu.

15:30-17:00 Technical papers 3
Session Chair: Aniruddha Gokhale * Integrating Semantics and Compilation
Peter Gottschling and Andrew Lumsdaine. * Generating Customized Verifiers for Automatically Generated Code
Ewen Denney and Bernd Fischer. * Property Models: From Incidental Algorithms to Reusable Components
Jaakko Jarvi, Mat Marcus, Sean Parent, John Freeman and Jacob Smith.

17:00-17:30 PC chair's report

18:30 GPCE Reception (in conference room)

Monday, October 20

9:00-10:00 Keynote
Session Chair: Jeremy Siek * Fundamentalist Functional Programming
Erik Meijer (Microsoft)
abstract and bio

10:30-12:00 Technical papers 4
Session Chair: Andrew Lumsdaine * Feature Featherweight Java: A Calculus for Feature-Oriented Programming and Stepwise Refinement
Sven Apel, Christian Kastner and Christian Lengauer. * Lightweight Dependent Classes
Tetsuo Kamina and Tetsuo Tamai. * Typing Communicating Component Assemblages
Michael Lienhardt, Alan Schmitt and Jean-Bernard Stefani.

14:00-15:00 Technical papers 5
Session Chair: David Abrahams * Polymorphic Embedding of DSLs
Christian Hofer, Klaus Ostermann, Tillmann Rendel and Adriaan Moors. * Pantaxou: a Domain-Specific Language for Developing Safe Coordination Services
Julien Mercadal, Nicolas Palix, Charles Consel and Julia Lawall.

15:30-17:00 Technical papers 6
Session Chair: Mark Grechanik * Program Refactoring using Functional Aspects
Sven Apel, Christian Kastner and Don Batory. * Rigorous and Practical Refactoring-Based Framework Upgrade
Ilie Savga, Michael Rudolf, Sebastian Gotz and Uwe Assmann. * An abstraction for reusable MDD components
Vinay Kulkarni and Sreedhar Reddy.