Object Identification is the search for candidate classes in a (procedural) LegacySystem See, for example, the following papers and their references: * Maarit Haarsu, _Re-engineering Legacy Software through Language Conversion_. PhD Thesis, University of Tampere, 2000. http://acta.uta.fi/pdf/951-44-4899-5.pdf * IdentifyingObjectsUsingClusterAndConceptAnalysis * A. Cimitile, A. De Lucia, G. A. Di Lucca, and A.R. Fasolino. Identifying objects in legacy systems using design metrics. JournalOfSystemsAndSoftware 44, 3 (1999), 199–211. * T. Wiggerts, H. Bosma, and E. Fielt. Scenarios for the identification of objects in LegacySystems. In 4th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering WCRE, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 24–32, 1997. * G. Canfora, A. Cimitile, and M. Munro. An improved algorithm for identifying objects in code. _Software Practice and Experience_ *26*, 1 (1996), 25–48. * C. L. Ong and W. T. Tsai. Class and object extraction from imperative code. Journal of Object-Oriented Programming (March–April 1993), 58–68. * S. S. Liu and N. Wilde. Identifying objects in a conventional procedural language: An example of data DesignRecovery. In InternationalConferenceonSoftwareMaintenance; ICSM’90 (1990), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 266–271. ---- See also the references of Encapsulation_and_Finding_Objects_in_Legacy_Code in the ReengineeringBibliography: * http://www.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/ps-counter/get-references.reengineering.sh?Encapsulation_and_Finding_Objects_in_Legacy_Code ---- CategoryReverseEngineering | Contributions by ArieVanDeursen