---++Contact Information
Laboratory of Database Application Engineering (LIBD)
University of Namur
rue grandgagnage 21d
5000 Namur
e-mail : mailto:jean.henrard@info.fundp.ac.be
URL: http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/~jhe
tel : +32 81 72 49 85
fax : +32 81 72 49 67
Since 1993, I work in the DB-MAIN project. The [[http://www.db-main.be][DB-MAIN]] project is a research, development and technology transfer program. It addresses the domain of database applications engineering, and more specifically the development, reverse engineering, reengineering, migration, integration, maintenance and evolution of such systems.
My main interests are the DataBase Reverse Engineering (DBRE) and Program Understanding. The results of this research are integrate into the DB-MAIN CASE tool.
Keywords: Database Reverse Engineering, Program Understanding, Legacy Databases, CASE tool.