The paper [[ "Decompiling Java Bytecode: Problems, Traps and Pitfalls"]] contains this small but important test program (concatenation of 4 Java source files): public class Circle implements Drawable { public int radius; public Circle(int r) {radius = r;} public boolean isFat() {return false;} public void draw() { // Code to draw... } } public class Rectangle implements Drawable { public short height, width; public Rectangle(short h, short w) { height = h; width = w; } public boolean isFat() {return (width > height);} public void draw() { // Code to draw ... } } public interface Drawable { public void draw(); } public class Main { public static void f(short i) { Circle c; Rectangle r; Drawable d; boolean is_fat; if (i > 10) { // 6 r = new Rectangle(i, i); // 7 is_fat = r.isFat(); // 8 d = r; // 9 } else { c = new Circle(i); // 12 is_fat = c.isFat(); // 13 d = c; // 14 } if (!is_fat) d.draw(); // 16 } // 17 public static void main(String args[]) { f((short) 11); } } The tricky thing about this program is the assignment to the local variable =d=, which is of type =Drawable=. This really tests Java decompilers, since the types of local variables is one of the two main problems that they have. -- Main.MikeVanEmmerik - 13 Feb 2003