The category of all categories. Categories are a way to organize Wiki pages: see Wiki:CategoryCategory

Number of topics: 39

This wiki didn't start out using categories, so many pages are in fact uncategorized.
Using categories would save some time and effort, making it unnecessary to maintain long lists of all researchers, groups, and so on. -- ArieVanDeursen
Click on the title, and you'll see them all.

Actually, it is no longer necessary to have the indirection of clicking on the title. The list of categories above was achieved by the following search command:

% SEARCH{search="Category" nosummary="on" scope="topic" noheader="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="   * [[$topic]]" } %
Note that the spaces after first and before the last % sign should be left out. These are necessary since TWiki's variable expansion mechanism doesn't respect verbatim mode. When creating a new category add to the page of the category the following search command:
% SEARCH{search="X" nosummary="on" scope="text" noheader="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" format="   * [[$topic]]" } %
where X is the name of the category. -- EelcoVisser - 12 Nov 2001


Revision: r1.7 - 19 Feb 2002 - 15:02 - ArieVanDeursen
Transform > CategoryCategory
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