JJTraveler is a generic visitor combinator framework. *Documentation* Generated documentation of JJTraveler can be found at: * http://www.cwi.nl/~jvisser/doc/jjtraveler * http://www.cwi.nl/~jvisser/doc/jjtraveler-daily To learn about the concepts behind JJTraveler, see * Transform.VisitorCombinationAndTraversalControl *Download* An initial version of JJTraveler is distributed as part of the [[JJForester]] distribution (version 0.6). Newer versions are distributed as separate packages: * http://www.cwi.nl/projects/MetaEnv/jjtraveler/JJTraveler-0.4.tar.gz * http://www.cwi.nl/~jvisser/jjforester/JJTraveler-0.3.tar.gz, * http://www.cwi.nl/~jvisser/jjforester/JJTraveler-0.2.tar.gz, JJTravelerKnownBugs02 * http://www.cwi.nl/~jvisser/jjforester/JJTraveler-0.1.tar.gz, JJTravelerKnownBugs01 Note that the initial version and the stand-alone versions are not compatible (due to improved naming of some methods and classes; the generated documentation above concerns the latest stand-alone version). All recent versions of [[JJForester]] rely on the stand-alone version of JJTraveler. *See also* Transform.VisitorCombinators, [[JJForester]], Transform.VisitorCombinationAndTraversalControl, ControlCruiser