*Tiger Abstract Syntax* This is the first set of HpcExercises that will teach you the structure of the abstract syntax of the TigerLanguage, the use of the StrategoCompiler and writing a simple transformation on Tiger programs. The result of the final exercise is the first component to add to the TigerCompiler: TigerDesugar. Here is an example Tiger program that will be referred to in the following exercises: let var a:= 0 function g(a: int) : int = a + 1 in if a <> 0 then g(2) else g(3) end 1. Download and install the WebHome distribution. (See also StrategoAtCSUUNL) 2. Write the abstract syntax representation according to the Tiger signature in the sig/ directory of the TigerLanguage program above. 3. Implement the identity transformation, compile it and apply it to the term of exercise 2. 4. Parse the example program to produce abstract syntax automatically using the parse-tiger program, which calls the SGLR parser and the ImplodeAsFix program. See xmpl/make-rules and look at the targets for %.pre-tas. (See ApplyingTisComponents for an explanation.) 5. Use the pretty-printer to format the abstract syntax as text. See the target for %.txt in xmpl/make-rules. 6. Specify a transformation that normalizes all expressions such that additions and multiplications become right associative, i.e., of the form (x + (y + z)). 7. Write a transformation that defines for loops in terms of while loops. 8. Write a desugaring component (TigerDesugar) that * defines Boolean conjunction and disjunction in terms of conditionals; * flattens let expressions such that only one variable declarations or set of function declarations per let binding is used; * expresses binary operators such as Plus, Times, Minus, etc. in terms of the BinOp en RelOp operators; * removes redundant Seq([_]) contexts 9. Apply TigerDesugar to the term of exercise 2. Verify that the result is correct by checking it with TigerAbstractSyntaxFormat (see the targets %.tas and %.tas.check in xmpl/make-rules). The next set of exercises concerns HpcTranslationToIR. *Notes* The basic technique to use in the specification exercises is that of writing rules of the form Lab : lhs -> rhs where 'lhs' is a term pattern that describes the term to transform and 'rhs' is a term pattern that describes the term to which it should be transformed. The label 'Lab' is the name of the rule and can be used in strategies to invoke the rule. The rules you write should be applied to a program by traversing it to each node. Useful strategies are 'topdown(s)' that applies a strategy 's' to each node of a tree and 'try(s)' that tries to apply a strategy but succeeds also if the strategy did not succeed. To make a strategy into the main strategy of a transformation component you have to read a term from file, apply the strategy and write it back to some other file. These actions can be programmed using the primitives 'ReadFromFile' and 'WriteToTextFile' (see the StrategoLibrary), but that requires writing strategies to handle command-line options and such. Therefore, the StrategoLibrary defines a couple of standard io wrappers. The simplest one 'stdio(s)' reads a term from stdin, applies the strategy and writes the result to stdout. The more sophisticated 'iowrap(s)' can also do that, but in addition handles a couple of command-line options. The most relevant are '-i infile' to name the input file and '-o outfile' to name the output file name. When you import a module from a different directory use the '-I dir' option to sc to extend the include path. For example if you import the Tiger signature in the Right-Associative module (in directory tiger/assoc/) use sc -i Right-Associative -I ../sig The path to the StrategoLibrary is added by default. (See also */Makefile.am)