Stratego/XT is now part of the [[Spoofax.WebHome][Spoofax Language Workbench]], which provides an Eclipse plugin for developing SDF and Stratego, and creating Eclipse IDE plugins for your own language. See the Spoofax website for information and downloads: http://spoofax.org.
Stratego/XT is a language and toolset for [[Transform.ProgramTransformation][program transformation]].
The [[StrategoLanguage][Stratego]] language provides rewrite rules for expressing basic transformations, programmable [[rewriting strategies]] for controlling the application of rules, concrete syntax for expressing the patterns of rules in the syntax of the object language, and dynamic rewrite rules for expressing context-sensitive transformations, thus supporting the development of transformation components at a high level of abstraction.
The XT toolset offers a collection of extensible, reusable transformation tools, such as powerful parser and pretty-printer generators and grammar engineering tools. Stratego/XT supports the development of program transformation infrastructure, domain-specific languages, compilers, program generators, and a wide range of meta-programming tasks.
[[StrategoLanguage][learn more]]
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