Documentation for version 0.4.x of Stratego (2000) -- not up to date with latest version.

  • The StrategoTutorial? [HTML] [PostScript]

    Explains how to get started using Stratego, including installation, writing specifications, compiling specifications and running compiled specifications.

    Covers only the basic features of Stratego, but is still valid and useful to get started.

  • A Stratego Tutorial. Theory, Examples, Pragmatics [PostScript] [PostScript (2up)] [PostScript (4up)]

    Slides giving an overview of Stratego with theory (language constructs, definition of strategies, etc.), examples (propositional formulae, traversals, lambda calculus reduction, generic algorithms for expressions with variables), and pragmatics (how to run a Stratego specification, library).

Revision: r1.1 - 15 May 2003 - 12:34 - MartinBravenboer
Stratego > StrategoPublications > TutorialForFirstStrategoUsersDay2000
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