Release Notes - Stratego/XT - Version 0.17 ------++ Bug * [STR-248] - implode-asfix: support AsFix2ME constructs * [STR-263] - Extend ArgOption with default value argument * [STR-283] - pp-c should apply some sanity checks: double quote string literals * [STR-289] - High order strategies exported incorrectly * [STR-445] - parse-stratego --asfix does not work for java-front syntax? * [STR-449] - sglri,parse-stratego: implement comment and position preservation * [STR-450] - Strange error report from sdf2rtg * [STR-458] - parse-unit uses obsolete strategy for reading a file. * [STR-461] - StrategoStratego: allow annotations on quotations * [STR-465] - sglri: report error if input file cannot be opened. * [STR-466] - sglri: support position reporting for standard input * [STR-467] - new implode-asfix: bug with meta-listvar. * [STR-468] - sdf2rtg: support meta list variables. * [STR-471] - pp-aterm does not show annotations on strings * [STR-474] - Innermost fusion broken * [STR-475] - Source distribution size doubled? * [STR-476] - OSX: Linking problems with libraries from sdf2-bundle * [STR-478] - External definitions removed even when later needed * [STR-479] - Bug in new innermost fusion * [STR-480] - mkstemp: some systems restrict the number of tmp files per process * [STR-481] - Bootstrapping: Import of baseline XTC repo results in use of files/tools from previous builds * [STR-483] - Rename all top-level xtc directories or the name of build-time repos XTC * [STR-484] - strc: bizarre renaming problem with external definitions * [STR-485] - Formal parameters of external definitions are not renamed * [STR-486] - libstratego-sglr: filenames too long for tar * [STR-489] - Innermost optimization cannot handle rules with term arguments * [STR-491] - gcc is assumed to exist in $PATH * [STR-493] - can't build statically linked stratego * [STR-494] - XTC register does not support executable with different name * [STR-498] - Stand-alone strc does not report incorrect order of strategy argument. * [STR-499] - Follow restriction needed on rec. * [STR-504] - parse-stratego | pp-stratego prints ugly lists * [STR-509] - Use of DYNAMIC_CALLS in DR incompatible with separate compilation * [STR-510] - pp-stratego does not handle dr intersection * [STR-511] - dr-add-to-rule-set does not consider multiple changesets correctly * [STR-519] - Add statistics logging features to libstratego-sglr and sglri. * [STR-523] - Standalone strc: improve support for creating a library * [STR-527] - bootstrapping: stratego-sglr should be build with local compiler * [STR-540] - sglri does not handle \r and \r\n in error reporting. * [STR-542] - autoxt: xtc register nobase pkgdata and nobase sdfdata * [STR-543] - Coma missing in sdf pretty-print * [STR-549] - sglri does not print an error message if the parse table is bad * [STR-551] - xtc get is not documented in --help of xtc * [STR-553] - Size of tarball doubled * [STR-558] - parse-stratego should respect the -b argument * [STR-561] - stratego-libraries: check programs must be compiled with local compiler. * [STR-563] - .str files in stratego-libraries need to be parsed with local Stratego syntax. * [STR-565] - implode-asfix: support {A sep}n+ * [STR-566] - sdf2rtg: support {A sep}n+ * [STR-576] - wildcards in build are not caught by strc * [STR-579] - Makefile.xt: don't use ; for composing xtc invocations * [STR-582] - OSX: add -fnested-functions to AM_CFLAGS for as long we use nested functions * [STR-583] - i686-apple-darwin: stratego tools that fork are signaled * [STR-584] - parse-unit fails at i686-darwin because of fancy call invocation * [STR-586] - Standalone strc on i686-apple-darwin: use -fnested-functions * [STR-589] - OSX: sdf2-bundle cannot be cross-compiled for i686 and ppc * [STR-590] - ATinsert: incompatible pointer type * [STR-593] - string-replace problem * [STR-597] - autoxt: xtc repository breaks on autoconf 2.60 * [STR-598] - pkg-config: files that use @datadir@ also need @datarootdir@ when using autoconf 2.60 * [STR-599] - XTC doesn't handle duplicate entries properly * [STR-600] - Poor error report for 'build default' in normal pattern * [STR-601] - unboundness of the variable * [STR-602] - upper-case and lower-case have incorrect documentation comments * [STR-603] - parse-stratego does not use the correct order of -I arguments. * [STR-608] - string-replace doesn't work for many cases * [STR-615] - Call to non-existing aux-R rule in definition of undefine-R * [STR-617] - Makefile.xt must use the basename of a tool/file when registering it in the XTC repository * [STR-620] - Let with recursive call produces GCC error (odd case) * [STR-624] - Autoxt: fix unquoted defines * [STR-626] - Failure in generic term construction having annotations causes segmentation fault. * [STR-634] - string-to-int applied to empty string behave different on linux and darwin * [STR-636] - Compiler should fail for undefined strategies * [STR-645] - xtc query exits with exit-code 0 if no registration is found. * [STR-648] - XTC registration of package conflicts with tool names. * [STR-650] - Linking against non-dynamic libtool library libc-pp fails on Cygwin * [STR-652] - License of stratego-libraries is LGPL, not GPL * [STR-655] - strc misses error * [STR-664] - Parse-unit no longer allows allow tuples in patterns after update of STR-609 * [STR-665] - Parse-unit no longer accepts --amb command-line option * [STR-671] - strc: fix frame warnings * [STR-672] - strc: fix multiple external definitions problems * [STR-678] - Stratego-Sdf2: LiteralMetaVar have not been updated * [STR-679] - parse-unit: update error reporting to new error format (see sglri) * [STR-681] - Problem in pp-pp-table: Too many spaces * [STR-683] - Rejectected construction: s0 < s1 <+ s2 + s3 * [STR-693] - sglri keeps apply-node within case-insensitive constructors * [STR-696] - Unable to find the "IfThen" contructor in * [STR-713] - take(s) succeeds for list with too few elements * [STR-714] - No support for annotations in := operator * [STR-715] - asfix-anno-position-info(|path) gives as area * [STR-716] - import-term is not supported by pp-stratego * [STR-717] - SDF {ast} attribute does not support annotations * [STR-718] - sdf2rtg / rtg2sig does not create constructors from {ast} productions * [STR-719] - ambiguity for # operator in := * [STR-721] - bug with pp-c * [STR-730] - missing imports of util/config/statistics * [STR-735] - libstrc: YieldQuotes option in .meta files not recognized * [STR-739] - --with-aterm and --with-sdf were needed even without --prefix. strategoxt-manual-stable-latest/manual/installation.html didn't work. * [STR-746] - Stratego/XT does not build on OSX due to the undefined symbol for the tracing table. * [STR-747] - bug in build from svn ------++ Improvement * [STR-35] - Improve ATerm representation of stream and hashtable pointers * [STR-87] - Separate match, build and congruence term patterns in syntax definition. * [STR-455] - pp-stratego: stratego2abox is not invoked with -b flag. * [STR-456] - abox2text: use libgpp * [STR-477] - Improve error reporting of ambiguous concrete object syntax * [STR-482] - Improve non-standard error reporting and support different C compilers * [STR-487] - Buildfarm: test if the tarball can be build afer a bootclean * [STR-492] - Standard C99: report all warnings and standards compliance * [STR-508] - asfix-anno-comments: use libstratego-sglr * [STR-516] - string-ends-with and right-match are missing from term/string * [STR-517] - Add tests for string-*-with strategies * [STR-537] - invalid config.h results from autoxt.m4 * [STR-562] - Implement length strategy in native code. * [STR-564] - Drop imports of liblib and replace with libstratego-lib or libstratego-xtc * [STR-567] - implode-asfix: support repetition of literals * [STR-578] - strc --library: by default add lib to the basein to construct the baseout. * [STR-580] - Replace sed of autoxt.src with configure AC_CONFIG_FILES * [STR-587] - ./spec/term/share.str should not reserve the "inline" strategy * [STR-606] - illegal constructs in builds * [STR-623] - Externals for library should not include externals from imported definitions * [STR-633] - Reduce memory usage of report-ambs * [STR-637] - Rewrite stratego-regular to use libstratego-rtg * [STR-646] - Hashtable folds * [STR-647] - Iterative list loop and fold * [STR-676] - rtg: replace special non-terminals and with special terminals and . * [STR-707] - Drop .tbl generation for concrete syntax embeddings from strc ------++ New Feature * [STR-110] - Implement an SDF to LaTeX tool for usage in alltt. * [STR-311] - strc-lib : a library for compilation (meta-programming) Stratego * [STR-355] - parse-unit: support heuristic filter (option?) specification in testsuite * [STR-357] - parse-unit: allow testing inputs that are ambiguous. * [STR-362] - autoxt: support target specific STRCFLAGS (foo_STRCFLAGS) * [STR-419] - gen-renamed-sdf-module: do not rename LAYOUT non-terminals * [STR-446] - Stratego bindings for libsglr * [STR-451] - parse-unit: support matching of variable number of arguments. * [STR-452] - parse-unit: use libsglri * [STR-470] - Initiate abox2text unit test suite * [STR-495] - strategoxt rpms should be build using rpms for that specific distribution * [STR-501] - Generate chain-f and bigchain-f for dynamic rule f * [STR-503] - Introduce libgpp, providing ast2abox and abox2text as a library * [STR-512] - Option handling: support initial actions * [STR-513] - Option handling: support check actions * [STR-521] - Library: add if-statistics2 etc * [STR-547] - libstratego-sglr: strategy to set parse tree format is not implemented * [STR-548] - .meta file should allow option for not imploding concrete object syntax * [STR-550] - Assignment operator * [STR-552] - ast attributes: support single placeholder * [STR-568] - implode-asfix: allow literal injections. * [STR-570] - pp-aterm: use libstratego-gpp * [STR-571] - Distribute stratego-libraries for deploying Stratego/XT applications without Stratego/XT * [STR-572] - Introduce libstratego-rtg, providing format checking as a library * [STR-573] - autoxt: make XTC registration optional * [STR-577] - Stratego: support import of an ATerm from a file * [STR-585] - Standalone strc: use the CFLAGS user variable. * [STR-604] - newname: _ should be configurable * [STR-605] - gen-sdf-mix: Ctx parameter should be hygienic * [STR-616] - autoxt: add configure option to disable xtc registration * [STR-625] - libstratego-sglr: support for start symbols that are not context-free. * [STR-629] - Introduce libtool-doc, using libstratego-gpp * [STR-630] - mod only supports integers, introdce mod for floats * [STR-631] - pp-aterm should be available as (or in) a library * [STR-632] - libstratego-sglr: support adding position information to AsFix trees. * [STR-641] - Move asfix-yield into libstratego-sglr * [STR-642] - Pretty-print table compiler * [STR-653] - new operator: an Ensure-Seq operator * [STR-659] - sdf2ast-conflicts: support numbered priorities * [STR-661] - sdf2-bundle generation: include info about the revisions, versions, and URLs of the included packages * [STR-675] - format-check: support more complex tree patterns in the right-hand sides * [STR-697] - Standalone strc; allow users to override --cc and ---ld * [STR-698] - x86_64 support * [STR-708] - parse-unit: support annotations in expected and actual results * [STR-709] - sdf ast attributes: support annotations in ast patterns * [STR-723] - Implement pretty-printing support for rules( := ) and rules( :+= ) syntax * [STR-751] - Do not export imported constructors from library ------++ Task * [STR-295] - Remove the open file table (C) and file table based strategies * [STR-296] - Is there a readline (read-line) for streams? * [STR-297] - Merge Char-lib.str and Literal-lib.str with Stratego Library * [STR-305] - Tutorial for first time users * [STR-408] - Escaping variables analysis * [STR-409] - Compute size of closure per function * [STR-410] - Look up terms and function in closure * [STR-438] - Remove ML style comments * [STR-457] - Add FC5 to the buildfarm * [STR-462] - Move implementation sglri error reporting to libstratego-sglr * [STR-463] - Create a pkg-config file for sglr in the sdf2-bundle. * [STR-469] - Move file-based implode-asfix tests to the new stratego-sglr-tests suite * [STR-473] - Move test-71 to libstratego-sglr testsuite? * [STR-505] - Enable darwin in the sdf2-bundle build job * [STR-507] - Add SUSE 10 to the buildfarm * [STR-541] - Move gen-sdf-mix from aspject-front to strategoxt * [STR-609] - Update to SDF of Meta-Environment 2.0 * [STR-619] - Stratego-libraries: test the new C99 fallback for copy-file * [STR-649] - pp-aterm, implode-aterm, explode-aterm, sdf-desugar: use libstratego-aterm * [STR-654] - xtc-new-file-name uses obsolete strategy new-file * [STR-657] - implode-aterm, sdf-desugar: use libstratego-aterm * [STR-658] - Remove the tool parse-c from Stratego/XT * [STR-668] - Move php-front portability fixes to stratego-lib * [STR-743] - Manual: revise "Building and Deploying Stratego Programs" chapter