Karl Trygve Kalleberg and Eelco Visser. *Proceedings of the Sixth Stratego User Days*. ([[http://www.program-transformation.org/pt/bin/viewauth//Stratego/SixthStrategoUserDays][SUD'05]]), Utrecht, The Netherlands, May 2 - 4, 2005. Technical Report UU-CS-2005-053. Utrecht University, The Netherlands. [[http://www.ii.uib.no/~karltk/phd/papers/UU-CS-2005-053.pdf][pdf]]. ------+++ Content * Valentin David, Akim Demaille, Renaud Durlin, Olivier Gournet. *C/C++ Disambiguation Using Attribute Grammars* * Alexandre Borghi, Valentin David, Akim Demaille, Olivier Gournet. *Implementing Attributes in SDF* * Karl Trygve Kalleberg. *Spoofax: An Editor for Stratego* * Akim Demaille, Thomas Largillier, Nicolas Pouillard. *ESDF: A Proposal for a More Flexible SDF Handling* -- Main.KarlTrygveKalleberg - 08 Jan 2006