%TOC% ---++ Introduction Extensible Compilers. Many extensible compilers and programming languages allow the syntax of a base language to be extended to introduce new syntactic abstractions. For example, the extensible compilers [[http://www.melt.cs.umn.edu/ablej14.html][ableJ]] (based on Silver), the [[http://jastadd.cs.lth.se/web/extjava/][JastAdd extensible Java compiler]], [[http://www.cs.cornell.edu/projects/polyglot/][Polyglot]], and MetaBorg support the development of language extensions. The focus of these tools is on optimizing the work of the compiler developer through _source-level extensibility_; that is, to create an implementation of an extended compiler by touching as little as possible the code of the base compiler. To some extent, some of the existing extensible compilers also support the combination of implementations of language extensions such that multiple, independent, extensions can be used in the same source program (a form of independent extensibility). Binary Extensibility. However, each extension (or combination of extensions) results in a different compiler. If the user of the compiler needs a new combination of extensions, then he needs to build a new compiler. In these tools, syntactic extensibility is mostly monolithic, i.e. the syntax extensions are compiled together with the syntax of the base language into a single parse table. Not only does this complicate the independent evolution of the extensions and the base language, but it also make it difficult to let the _user_ of the compiler select a number of (third party) extensions that he wants to use in a program. To support scenarios which require more dynamic configurations of language combinations, it is desirable to support _binary_ extensibility. That is, extensibility that does not require rebuilding the compiler. This would make it possible to deploy a single version of the compiler, which users can then extend by plugging in separately deployed language components, where potentially each compilation unit uses a different combination of extensions. Parse Table Composition. o solve the syntactic aspect of this goal, we developed _parse table composition_, a mechanism for combining parse tables, rather than grammars. At generation-time, grammars are compiled separately into _parse table components_. At run-time of a compiler, the parse table for the base language is combined with a series of parse tables based on a user-selection of the desired extensions. Online parse table composition results in a single parse table that is used by the parser to parse a source program Composing a series of parse table components can be performed very efficiently, making the user of the compiler unaware of the parse table composition. Soon, the user will be familiar with the idea of a parser that parses a source file according to a series of parse table components, rather than a single one. After the parser generator has been applied to the individual components, linking the components typically just requires a minimal reconstruction of the parse table. This is a classical partial evaluation argument: as opposed to applying the full parser generation to all the involved grammars, the parser generation has already been partially applied. The parse table composition algorithm is based on partial reapplication of subset construction, which converts an NFA to a DFA. Subset construction is the essence of the LR parse table generation algorithm, hence the method is easy to understand and relate to basic, monolithic, parse table generation algorithm. Prototype. The prototype you can download from this page targets a scannerless, generalized-LR parser (SGLR) and takes (possibly incomplete) [[http://www.syntax-definition.org][SDF]] grammars as input. The source code is available under the MIT license. ---+++ Documentation * Martin Bravenboer and Eelco Visser. _Parse Table Composition: Separate Compilation and Binary Extensibility of Grammars_ ([[http://martin.bravenboer.name/docs/ptc-draft.pdf][pdf]], draft) Of course, feel free to [[mailto:martin.bravenboer@gmail.com][contact us]] with questions. ---++ Download ---+++ Releases Distributions of the head revision are created continuously: * http://buildfarm.st.ewi.tudelft.nl/releases/strategoxt/parse-table-composition-unstable-latest/ ---+++ Subversion The distributions contain the latest of the latest developments, but if you really want to, the latest sources can be checked out using:
$ svn checkout https://svn.cs.uu.nl:12443/repos/StrategoXT/parse-table-composition/trunk Before you can configure the package as described below you have to run the =./bootstrap= script. Also, pass =--enable-bootstrap= to the configure script. ---+++ Installation The parse-table-composition package is a prototype built on top of Stratego/XT. The release page of the parse-table-composition lists a number of source packages that you need to install first: * aterm * sdf2-bundle * strategoxt * strategoxt-utils Install all the package with the usual sequence of commands: $ ./configure --prefix=/where/you/want/to/install/the/packages $ make $ make install See the [[%MANUAL%/installation.html][Installation Chapter]] if you experience any problems with this. You might need to set your =PKG_CONFIG_PATH= if you did not install the dependencies in a standard location. Configure will tell you to do this if it cannot find aterm, sdf, strategoxt or strategoxt-utils. ---++ Project Info ---+++ Contact and Mailing List Please send questions to the [[https://mail.cs.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/stratego][stratego@cs.uu.nl mailing list]]. Also, the developers are usually available on IRC at [[irc://irc.freenode.net/stratego][irc.freenode.net/stratego]]. Feel free to drop by! ---+++ Source Repository The sources are available from Subversion. * https://svn.cs.uu.nl:12443/repos/StrategoXT/parse-table-composition/trunk ---+++ Team Developers: * [[http://martin.bravenboer.name][Martin Bravenboer]] Feedback: * [[Main.EelcoVisser][Eelco Visser]]