Released November 4th, 2005 ----++ Download [[JavaFront][Java-front]] %VERSION% requires [[StrategoRelease016][Stratego/XT 0.16]]. Source tar.gz * [[%PREFIX%/%TARNAME%-%VERSION%.tar.gz][%TARNAME%-%VERSION%]] Source RPM * [[%PREFIX%/fedora-core-3/%TARNAME%-%VERSION%-1.src.rpm][%TARNAME%-%VERSION%]] Redhat Linux RPM * [[%PREFIX%/redhat-9.0/%TARNAME%-%VERSION%-1.i386.rpm][%TARNAME%-%VERSION%]] (Redhat 9.0) SuSE Linux RPM * [[%PREFIX%/suse-9.0/%TARNAME%-%VERSION%-1.i586.rpm][%TARNAME%-%VERSION%]] (SuSE 9.0) Fedora Core RPM * [[%PREFIX%/fedora-core-2/%TARNAME%-%VERSION%-1.i386.rpm][%TARNAME%-%VERSION%]] (Fedora Core 2) * [[%PREFIX%/fedora-core-3/%TARNAME%-%VERSION%-1.i386.rpm][%TARNAME%-%VERSION%]] (Fedora Core 3) Nix Package One-click installation using [[][Nix]], open with =/nix/bin/nix-install-package= * [[%DIST%/%TARNAME%-%VERSION%/pkgs/%TARNAME%-%VERSION%-i686-linux.nixpkg][%TARNAME%-%VERSION% for i686-linux]] * [[%DIST%/%TARNAME%-%VERSION%/pkgs/%TARNAME%-%VERSION%-powerpc-darwin.nixpkg][%TARNAME%-%VERSION% for powerpc-darwin]] (MacOS X) ----++ License Java-front is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ---++ News This is another major update of Java-front, a package that provides the syntax-related support for implementing Java transformation systems. ---+++ Syntax Definition By default, =parse-java= now uses a syntax definition that has only a single start symbol (=CompilationUnit=). This is a major improvement of the performance and error reporting of the SGLR used in parse-java. If you specify a custom start symbol, then a syntax definition with more start symbols will be used. Minor change in the definition of type parameters to make the structure of formal type parameters more close to the structure of ordinary type parameters. Example: the new representation is =TypeParam(Id("T"), None)=. Was: =TypeParam(TypeVar(Id("T")), None)=. Added =ClassDecStm= constructor for type declarations at statement level. ---+++ Pretty Printer Generic constructors couldn't be pretty-printed in the previous release of Java-front. This has now been fixed. ---+++ Compilation Java-front now declares a pkg-config =xtc_repos= variable. In Java-front dependent packages you can simply refer to =JAVA_FRONT_XTC= instead of hard-coding the path to the XTC repository. Java-front now declares the =strcflags= and =strcxtcflags= variable. At the command-line you can now compile a java-front program with: $ strc -i foo.str $(strcflags java-front) and optionally: $(strcxtcflags java-front) if you want to use the XTC repository of Java-front. These strcflags commands will automatically add the appropriate include and XTC repository arguments, so that you don't have to remember all these details. You need the following bash shell aliases for this: alias strcflags="pkg-config --variable=strcflags " alias strcxtcflags="pkg-config --variable=strcxtcflags " ---+++ Contributors * Martin Bravenboer * Rene de Groot * Rob Vermaas Thanks! ---++ More Information See the [[JavaFront][website of the Java-front]] for a general introduction to Java-front and its development.