%TOC% JavaBorg is an instance of MetaBorg. Applications of JavaBorg are collected in the JavaBorg package. ---++ Installation JavaBorg can be obtained directly from the Subversion repository, or by installing an (unstable) release. You can also [[https://svn.cs.uu.nl:12443/repos/StrategoXT/java-borg/trunk][browse]] the code online if you just want to have a look at the implementation. You need to install 5 packages: * [[Tools.ATermLibrary][ATerm library]] * [[Sdf2Bundle][SDF2 Bundle]] * [[StrategoXT]] * [[JavaFront][Java-front]] * [[JavaBorg][Java-borg]] JavaBorg distributions are created continuously by our [[http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/Trace/Nix][Nix]]-based release management system. RPM and tarball distributions are available at: * %DIST%/java-borg-unstable-latest ---+++ RPM The release page of the latest JavaBorg lists all the RPMs you need to install. * %DIST%/java-borg-unstable-latest ---+++ Source Tarball You have to install these packages in this order. * [[Sdf.Sdf2BundleRelease22][sdf2-bundle-2.2]] * [[StrategoRelease013][strategoxt-0.13]] * [[JavaFrontRelease06][java-front 0.6]] * %RED%Cygwin users:%ENDCOLOR% java-front does, for unkown reasons, currently not work at Cygwin. * [[%DIST%/java-borg-unstable-latest/][java-borg]] If you install all package in the same prefix, then no configuration is required. This is highly recommended, since there is a lot of configuration. If you really want to control this, then the [[InstallationInstructions012][installation instructions]] describe the flags. If you _really_ want to control the configuration, then these are the possible flags: Configuration of strategoxt: * =--with-xt=<dir>= or when using different prefixes for SDF and ATerm: * =--with-sdf=<dir>= * =--with-aterm=<dir>= Configuration of java-front: * =--with-xt=<dir>= or when using different prefixes for StrategoXT, SDF and ATerm: * =--with-strategoxt=<dir>= * =--with-sdf=<dir>= * =--with-aterm=<dir>= Configuration of java-borg: * =--with-xt=<dir>= or when using different prefixes for StrategoXT, SDF and ATerm: * =--with-strategoxt=<dir>= * =--with-sdf=<dir>= * =--with-aterm=<dir>= * =--with-java-front=<dir>= * Optional for running some of the examples: * =--with-aterm-java= for the Java ATerm library, which is available at from the [[http://www.cwi.nl/htbin/sen1/twiki/bin/view/SEN1/PackageBase][CWI package base]]. ---+++ Subversion JavaBorg Subversion repository: * https://svn.cs.uu.nl:12443/repos/StrategoXT/java-borg/trunk ---++ More JavaBorg [[/Java-Swul][Java-Swul]] was one of the languages collected in the JavaBorg package. Currently it is a separate package. ---++ Authors JavaBorg is being developed by * [[Main.MartinBravenboer][Martin Bravenboer]] * [[Main.EelcoVisser][Eelco Visser]] * [[Main.ReneDeGroot][Rene de Groot]]