---++ Documentation %INCLUDE{Documentation}% ---++ Open Issues We maintain a bugtracker with open issues at [[http://yellowgrass.org/project/Spoofax][YellowGrass.org]], but if you run into any issues you can also directly contact us (see below). * [[https://mailman.st.ewi.tudelft.nl/listinfo/users][Mailing list]] * [[http://yellowgrass.org/project/Spoofax][Issue tracker]] ---++ Community To get in touch with the Spoofax/Stratego community use the following channels: * The [[http://yellowgrass.org/questions/Spoofax][Spoofax Q&A]] provides a database with questions and answers * Join the [[https://mailman.st.ewi.tudelft.nl/listinfo/users][users@strategoxt.org mailing list]] for questions that are not appropriate for the Q&A, and for discussions about developments * Join the IRC channel at [[irc://irc.freenode.net/stratego][#spoofax on freenode.net]] ([[http://java.freenode.net/index.php?channel=spoofax][web version]]). (Note that most Spoofax developers are in the [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/custom.html?cities=16][CET]] timezone.) Feel free to drop by!