The SDF syntax definition formalism is applied in two projects related to meta programming: the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment and Stratego/XT. Companies and researchers are using these environments for implementing various program transformations. ----++ ASF+SDF Meta-Environment The [[][ASF+SDF Meta-Environment]] is applied for the description of syntax, semantics, analysis, and transformation of (programming) languages and programs written in such programming languages. ----++ Stratego/XT [[Stratego.StrategoXT][Stratego/XT]] is the combination of the The [[Stratego.StrategoLanguage][Stratego program transformation language]] for strategic rewriting and the [[Tools.WebHome][XT bundle]] of transformation tools. In Stratego/XT SDF is used to define the syntax of (programming) languages and to generate tools like pretty-printers from these definitions. The power of SDF becomes especially clear in in [[Stratego.MetaProgrammingWith ConcreteObjectSyntax][Meta Programming with Concrete Object Syntax]]. This technique is applied by many Stratego/XT applications. At the Stratego/XT web you can find a list of [[Stratego.StrategoApplication][applications of Stratego/XT]]. ----++ Software Improvement Group. The [[][Software Improvement Group]] is a spin-off of the Dutch National Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI). The SIG is active in all fields of software renovation: the adaptation, integration and rebuilding of existing software systems. Currently the SIG provides services for documentation heneration, portfolio monitoring, risk assessments and migrations. ----++ First Result The company [[][First Result]] applies SDF technology in the ASF+SDF Meta-Environment for the generation of code. ----++ EPITA Research & Development Laboratory The [[][EPITA Research & Development Laboratory]] has developed C and C++ grammars in the [[][Transformers Project]]. Disambiguation of C++ is performed on parse trees. Stratego/XT tools are used to implement parse and abstract syntax tree transformations. ----++ NASA Ames Research Center The paper [[Stratego.Retrofitting the AutoBayes Program Synthesis System with Concrete Syntax][Retrofitting the AutoBayes Program Synthesis System with Concrete Syntax]] explains how concrete syntax is embedded in Prolog by using SDF for application in the Stratego.AutoBayes system.