* *Name:* Arthur van Dam
* *Email:* adam@cs.uu.nl
* *Personal homepage:* http://www.eye-home.net
* *Research homepage:* http://arthur.van-dam.net/twiki/
* *Country:* Netherlands
* *Main activity:* Adaptive Solution Techniques for PDE systems as PhD student at the [[http://www.math.uu.nl][Mathematical Institute, Utrecht]]
* *Program transformation activities:*
* Stratego.DynamicRules
* Various (too much) sidetracks concerning small Stratego thingies.
----+++ Thesis Computer Science
Arthur van Dam. *Extending Dynamic Rules, An Application Oriented Study Into Stratego’s New Dynamic Rules*. MSc Thesis INF/SCR-04-25. Center for Software Technology, Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, February 2004. ([[http://www.cs.uu.nl/~visser/ftp/Dam04.pdf][pdf]])
----++++ Abstract
The Stratego language for program transformation is based on a strategy-controlled application of basic rewrite rules. These rewrite rules have only local knowledge of the input term they are rewriting. Information gained elsewhere in the transformation of the input tree is unknown. Getting this context information available elsewhere in the transformation will make the rewrite system more specific for its current input, hence more powerful.
Dynamic rules are rewrite rules that can be generated at runtime. They may contain specific information aimed at the current input that has just become known. In Stratego 0.10 the dynamic rule system has been completely revised and now offers rule (re-/un-)defining, scoping, refined scoping by scope-labeling, forking followed by intersection or union in controlflow situations, and rule set extending when multiple rules should not redefine each other.
The dynamic rule concepts are introduced and illustrated in the context of three case studies: Shrinking inlining in a small lambda calculus, constant propagation in the imperative Tiger language, and deforestation in a first-order functional language.
The implementation and representation of dynamic rules is sketched, and their qualitative performance is investigated by several benchmarks.
---+++ Another LaTeX thesis documentclass: st-thesis
Some of the graduate students suggested to use a more-or-less uniform style for their theses. And hey, as a LaTeX fan, I immediately made an initial setup of a package `stratego` and a documentclass `stratego-thesis`.
---++++ Features
Some (optional) features of documentclass `stratego-thesis`:
* B5 and A4 paper format
* Sans-serif document font
* Fancy headings
* Several tiny layout tweaks
---++++ Usage
Below are the available options (most are default). Defaults can be switched off by using:
* *parskip* (default)
Extra vertical space at start of paragraph.
Zero Parindent (horizontal indent) and non-zero Parskip (vertical space).
* *marginnotes*
Account for marginnotes, make sure headers still look ok. Not thoroughly tested.
* *sffont* (default)
Use a sans-serif font as document default.
* *twoside* (default)
Generate double sided document.
* *b5paper* (default)
Use B5 paper format.
* *a4paper*
Use A4 paper format.
* *widepage* (default)
Make pagewidth somewhat bigger, comparable to package 'a4wide'.
* *fancyhdr* (default)
Use package 'fancyhdr', highly recommended.
* *hyperref* (default)
Use package hyperref, for fancy clickable links, pdf-toc, and all such good stuff.
* *openright* (default)
Make sure each chapter starts at a right page.
* *color* (default)
Sets some more eye-friendly colors for (hyper-)links and citations. Switch off for printing.
* *10pt* (default)
Fontsize 10 as document default.
* *11pt*
Fontsize 11 as document default.
* *12pt*
Fontsize 12 as document default.
* *reportopt*
Allows to pass on additional options to underlying package =report=. Usage:
---++++ Additional commands
* =\frontmatter= Light-weight variant of =\frontmatter= in the =book= documentclass. Just changes page numbering to roman (i, ii, ...).
* =\mainmatter= Light-weight variant of =\mainmatter= in the =book= documentclass. Just changes page numbering to arabic (1, 2, ...).
* =\preface= Makes a numberless chapter, titled 'Preface', with proper hyperlinking and TOC-entry.
* =\introduction= Idem, now for 'Introduction'
* =\chapnonr{TOC-text}{chapter-text}= Equivalent of =\chapter*=, but now with an unnumbered entry in table of contents, and proper hyperlinking.
---++++ Download
* http://losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl/~adam/tex/
You need =st-thesis.cls=. Make sure it's in your writing directory, or in a path contained in =$TEXINPUTS=. Also download =geometry.sty= and place it in your writing directory. This is version 2.2 of geometry, for newer versions of package geometry, st-thesis produces other layout.
---++++ Questions or Feature requests
Mail to adam@cs.uu.nl
---+++ stratego in LaTeX
For stratego-related writing, here are some listings- and stratego-semantics-oriented commands, available in package `stratego`.
---++++ Features
Some features of package `stratego`:
* highlighted Stratego code, and Tiger, ATerm, SDF2, and more.
* Code fragments as floats
---++++ Usage
* No options needed.
* Provided commands:
* todo...
---++++ Download
* http://losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl/~adam/tex/
You need =stratego.sty= and =stratego-langdefs.tar.gz=. Unpacking the latter yields an =ldf/= directory with language definitions (for simple code-highlighting). Make sure =stratego.sty= and the directory =ldf/= are in your working directory, or in a path contained in =$TEXINPUTS=.