Previous Up Next Introduction In the previous chapter we saw that pure term rewriting is not adequate for term rewriting because of the lack of control over the application ...
This page provides a tour of the different features of Spoofax. For additional supporting material and documentation, visit our page. For a quick overview of features ...
An rewrite rule is a rule that can be used inside a stategy expression. An anonymous rewrite rule of the form: \ p1 p2 where s \ is desugared to {x1, ..., xn : ?p1 ...
TOC Description A contextual rule is a rule in which the left-hand side and right-hand side terms contain contexts of the form x t . A typical example of a contextual ...
Each rule or strategy applies to an implicit subject term. See versus strategies for a discussion. Visser 13 May 2003 The implicit current subject term is related ...
A dynamic rule is an ordinary RewriteRule that is generated at run-time. A dynamic rule can inherit bindings of variables from its generation context. Dynamic rules ...
A term is in normal form if no rule applies anywhere within the term. This implies that rules are applied everywhere in a term. This is not always appropriate. In ...
After GPCE/OOPSLA in Vancouver Tijs van der Storm challenged me to write a Stratego program that prints its own source. So I set to work, with the following result ...
A rewrite rule has the form Lab : l r where s where Lab is the label or name of the rule, l is the left-hand side term pattern, r the right-hand side term pattern ...
Alan van Dam. Simplifying the Simplifier. HsOpt: a modular, rewrite rule based simplifier for the Helium compiler, a non-strict functional compiler. Institute of Information ...
This page provides an alphabetic glossary of terminology in the language. It is not complete nor finished. Feel free to add an entry or to improve an existing entry ...
This is an overview of topics covering the various constructs in the language. This is a subset of the glossary, which also lists concept, advice, design and tool ...
Released May 10, 2004 Download See the installation instructions if you are not familiar with the standard installation procedure of tarballs or RPMs. Source tar.gz ...
Issues closed and resolved in StrategoXT 0.12 Bug STR-90 sdf2rtg (or maybe just pp-rtg) does not support quoted constructors STR-96 Generic application of dynamic ...
Stratego/XT 0.17 released July 2009 Known issues On 64 bit systems, parsing using SGLR (which is used in many Stratego programs) can result in SEGV due to limited ...
Strategies for Program Transformation Stratego Tutorial at ETAPS Full Day Tutorial on April 14, 2002 at Transform.ETAPS 2002 in Grenoble, France Handouts are now ...
Introduction Stratego uses terms to represent the abstract syntax of programs or documents. A term consists of a constructor and a list of argument terms. Sometimes ...
Homepage: DMSSoftwareReengineeringToolkit is a DesignMaintenanceSystem for software ReEngineering from SemanticDesigns ...
A rewrite rule is a rule of the form lhs rhs where lhs and rhs are term patterns. It declares that any instance of lhs rewrites to the corresponding instance of rhs ...
Tree rewriting is a synonym for rewriting, i.e., the process of transforming trees (structured data) into other trees by applying rewriting rules. tree rewriting is ...