Searched: USENIX[^A-Za-z]
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DERIVE: a tool to ReverseEngineering instruction encodings Source: ...
A number of example DSLs are discussed in the DSLAnnotatedBibliography. This page contains several DSLBibliographyAdditions, presenting example DomainSpecificLanguages ...
Conferences / Workshops / Journals / Special Issues devoted to DomainSpecificLanguages. (Listed in reverse chronological ordering of the submission date) Workshop ...
Description JOIE is a system for Java bytecode transformation. References Automatic Program Transformation with JOIE: http://www ...
TOC Java Bytecode Decompilers Decompilers that read Java bytecode programs usually decompile to Java, since that is the language that the majority of such programs ...
USENIX is the Advanced Computing Systems Association.

Number of topics: 6