Searched: Anatomizer *Decompiler[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
Web sites (all in Japanese): "Anatomizer entrance" with legal matter Main page http: ...
TOC Hello release From Boomerang's test/windows/hello release.exe (I had to force the entry point): Original source code: LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT ...
Decompilation is a ProgramTransformation by which a high-level source code for an executable program is discovered. Decompilation is the inverse of ProgramCompilation ...
History of Decompilation (1960-1979) Decompilers have been written for a variety of applications since the development of the first compilers. The very first decompiler ...
History of Decompilation (2000-present) #TopicAsm21toc University of London's Asm21toc reverse compiler, 2000. This assembly language decompiler for Digital Signal ...
I have gathered a few tests for machine code decompilers. It's nowhere near as comprehensive as the JavaDecompilerTests. dcc tests REC tests Exe-2-c tests Boomerang ...
Decompilation of machine code programs usually requires a general approach. This approach analyses the semantics of the executable, and from this derives an equivalent ...

Number of topics: 7