Searched: Semantic *Designs[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
Branch Coverage For Arbitrary Languages Made Easy: Transformation Systems To The Rescue! by IraBaxter of SemanticDesigns, Inc. Abstract ...
Homepage: DMSSoftwareReengineeringToolkit is a DesignMaintenanceSystem for software ReEngineering from SemanticDesigns ...
Here are some companies that apply generative programming: BayfrontTechnologies BigLeverSoftware DeltaSoftwareTechnology MontagesSoftwareServices SemanticDesigns CategoryGenerativeProgrammingWiki ...
This page list people that are or have been active in the field of Generative Programming. For each person, a brief characterisation of his/her GP activities is given ...
Homepage: SemanticDesigns DMSSoftwareReengineeringToolkit Coverage For Arbitrary Languages Made Easy ...
SemanticDesigns is a company that provides the DMSSoftwareReengineeringToolkit. Homepage: IraBaxter CategoryCompany
Description Several companies provide products or services based on program analysis and transformation technology AbsInt AbsoftCompany AllenSystemsGroup (Viasoft ...
From the DSLAnnotatedBibliography: Our definition of DomainSpecificLanguages inherits the vagueness of one of its defining terms: problem domain . Rather than attempting ...

Number of topics: 8